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124 lines
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// This source code is property of the Computer Graphics and Visualization
// chair of the TU Dresden. Do not distribute!
// Copyright (C) CGV TU Dresden - All Rights Reserved
#include "LineSegment.h"
#include "GridUtils.h"
//default constructor
//constructs a line segment by the two end points v0, v1 without using the edge handle
LineSegment::LineSegment(const Eigen::Vector3f& v0, const Eigen::Vector3f& v1):v0(v0),v1(v1)
//construct a line segment from the edge e of the halfedge mesh m
LineSegment::LineSegment(const HEMesh& m,const OpenMesh::EdgeHandle& e):h(e)
auto h = m.halfedge_handle(e, 0);
v0 = ToEigenVector(m.point(m.from_vertex_handle(h)));
v1 = ToEigenVector(m.point(m.to_vertex_handle(h)));
//returns an axis aligned bounding box of the line segment
Box LineSegment::ComputeBounds() const
Box b;
return b;
//returns true if the line segment overlaps the given box b
bool LineSegment::Overlaps(const Box& b) const
Box aabb = ComputeBounds();
return false;
Eigen::Vector3f o = b.Center();
Eigen::Vector3f u1 = v0-o;
Eigen::Vector3f u2 = v1-o;
Eigen::Vector3f d1 = v1-v0;
float r = b.Radius(d1);
float lb = u1.dot(d1);
float ub = u2.dot(d1);
if(lb > ub)
if(lb > r || ub < -r)
return false;
Eigen::Vector3f e1(1,0,0);
Eigen::Vector3f d2= d1.cross(e1);
r = b.Radius(d2);
lb = u1.dot(d2);
ub = u2.dot(d2);
if(lb > ub)
return false;
Eigen::Vector3f e2(0,1,0);
Eigen::Vector3f d3 = d1.cross(e2);
r = b.Radius(d3);
lb = u1.dot(d3);
ub = u2.dot(d3);
if(lb > ub)
return false;
Eigen::Vector3f e3(0,0,1);
Eigen::Vector3f d4 = d1.cross(e3);
r = b.Radius(d4);
lb = u1.dot(d4);
ub = u2.dot(d4);
return false;
return true;
//returns the point with smallest distance topoint p which lies on the line segment
Eigen::Vector3f LineSegment::ClosestPoint(const Eigen::Vector3f& p) const
//the two endpoints of the line segment are v0,v1
/* Task 3.2.1 */
return Eigen::Vector3f(0,0,0);
//returns the squared distance between point p and the line segment
float LineSegment::SqrDistance(const Eigen::Vector3f& p) const
Eigen::Vector3f d = p-ClosestPoint(p);
return d.squaredNorm();
//returns the euclidean distance between point p and the line segment
float LineSegment::Distance(const Eigen::Vector3f& p) const
return sqrt(SqrDistance(p));
//returns a reference point which is on the line segment and is used to sort the primitive in the AABB tree construction
Eigen::Vector3f LineSegment::ReferencePoint() const
return 0.5f*(v0 + v1);