#pragma once

#include <vector>
#include <cstddef>

namespace nse
	namespace util
		// Represents a union-find data structure (disjoint sets).
		class UnionFind
			// Node is root iff parent index == index

			typedef unsigned int index_t;

			// Saves the entire structure to a file for later usage
			void SaveToFile(const char* filename) const;

			// Returns the number of entries
			std::size_t size() const;

			// Loads the entire structure from a file. Existing data in the structure is overridden.
			void LoadFromFile(const char* filename);

			// Adds an item to the structure
			void AddItem();

			void AddItems(std::size_t count);

			void Clear();

			// Finds the set representative for a given entry. Two entries are in the same set
			// iff they have the same set representative.
			index_t GetRepresentative(index_t index);

			// Merges the sets of the two specified entries. Returns the new root.
			index_t Merge(index_t i1, index_t i2);

			// Merges the sets of the two specified entries, such that the specified entry will be the new root of the subtree.
			//newRoot must already be the representative of itself.
			void MergeWithPredefinedRoot(index_t newRoot, index_t i);

			void ConcreteMerge(index_t newRoot, index_t child);

			std::vector<index_t> parentIndices;
			std::vector<unsigned int> ranks;