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2018-05-17 13:50:03 +00:00
#pragma once
#include <cgv/math/functions.h>
#include <cgv/math/vec.h>
namespace cgv {
namespace math {
//helper function to compute cheb approximation of erf functions
template <typename T>
T erfccheb(const T z)
static const int ncof=28;
static const double cof[28] = {-1.3026537197817094, 6.4196979235649026e-1,
9.6467911e-11, 2.394038e-12,-6.886027e-12,8.94487e-13, 3.13092e-13,
int j;
double t,ty,tmp,d=0.,dd=0.;
assert(z >= 0.);
t = 2./(2.+z);
ty = 4.*t - 2.;
for (j=ncof-1;j>0;j--)
tmp = d;
d = ty*d - dd + cof[j];
dd = tmp;
return (T)(t*exp(-z*z + 0.5*(cof[0] + ty*d) - dd));
///error function
template <typename T>
T erf(const T x)
if (x >=0.)
return 1.0 - erfccheb(x);
return erfccheb(-x) - 1.0;
///complementary error function
template <typename T>
T erfc(const T x)
if (x >= 0.)
return erfccheb(x);
return 2.0 - erfccheb(-x);
///scaled complementary error function
template <typename T>
T erfcx(const T x)
return exp(x*x)* erfccheb(x);
///inverse complementary error function
template <typename T>
T erfc_inv(const T p)
double x,err,t,pp;
if (p >= 2.0) return -100.;
if (p <= 0.0) return 100.;
pp = (p < 1.0)? p : 2. - p;
t = sqrt(-2.*log(pp/2.));
x = -0.70711*((2.30753+t*0.27061)/(1.+t*(0.99229+t*0.04481)) - t);
for (int j=0;j<2;j++) {
err = erfc(x) - pp;
x += err/(1.12837916709551257*exp(-sqr(x))-x*err);
return (p < 1.0? x : -x);
///inverse error function
template <typename T>
T erf_inv(const T p)
return erfc_inv(1.-p);
///normal distribution prob density function
template <typename T>
T norm_pdf(const T x,const T mu=0,const T sig=1)
return (T) (0.398942280401432678/sig)*exp(-0.5*sqr((x-mu)/sig));
///normal cumulative distribution function
template <typename T>
T norm_cdf(const T x,const T mu=0,const T sig=1)
2018-05-17 14:01:02 +00:00
return T(0.5)*erfc(T(-0.707106781186547524*(x-mu)/sig));
2018-05-17 13:50:03 +00:00
///inverse normal cumulative distribution function
template <typename T>
T norm_inv(const T& p,const T mu=0,const T sig=1)
assert(p >= 0 && p <= 1);
return -1.41421356237309505*sig*erfc_inv(2.*p)+mu;
///lognormal normal prob distribution function
template <typename T>
T logn_pdf(const T x,const T mu=0,const T sig=1)
assert (x >= 0.);
if (x == 0.) return 0.;
return (0.398942280401432678/(sig*x))*exp(-0.5*sqr((log(x)-mu)/sig));
///log normal cumulative distribution function
template <typename T>
T logn_cdf(const T x, const T mu=0,const T sig=1)
assert(x >= 0.);
if (x == 0.) return 0.;
return (T)(0.5*erfc(-0.707106781186547524*(log(x)-mu)/sig));
///inverse log normal cumulative distribution function
template <typename T>
T logn_inv(const T p, const T mu=0,const T sig=1)
assert (p > 0. && p < 1.);
return exp(-1.41421356237309505*sig*erfc_inv(2.*p)+mu);
///uniform distribution prob density function
template <typename T>
T uniform_pdf(const T x,const T a,const T b)
if(x < a)
return 0;
if(x > b)
return 0;
return 1.0/(b-a);
///uniform cumulative distribution function
template <typename T>
T uniform_cdf(const T x,const T a,const T b)
if(x < a)
return 0;
if(x >=b)
return 1;
return (x-a)/(b-a);
//cumulative kolmogorov-smirnov distribution function
template <typename T>
T ks_cdf(const T z)
assert(z >= 0.);
if (z == 0.) return 0.;
if (z < 1.18)
double y = exp(-1.23370055013616983/sqr(z));
return (T)(2.25675833419102515*sqrt(-log(y))
*(y + pow(y,9) + pow(y,25) + pow(y,49)));
} else
double x = exp(-2.*sqr(z));
return (T)(1. - 2.*(x - pow(x,4) + pow(x,9)));
///complementary cumulative kolmogorov-smirnov distribution function
template <typename T>
T ksc_cdf(const T z)
assert (z >= 0.) ;
if (z == 0.) return 1.;
if (z < 1.18) return 1.-ks_cdf(z);
double x = exp(-2.*sqr(z));
return (T)(2.*(x - pow(x,4) + pow(x,9)));
///helper function to compute ksc_inv
template <typename T>
T invxlogx(const T y)
const double ooe = 0.367879441171442322;
double t,u,to=0.;
assert(y < 0. && y > -ooe);
if (y < -0.2) u = log(ooe-sqrt(2*ooe*(y+ooe)));
else u = -10.;
do {
u += (t=(log(y/u)-u)*(u/(1.+u)));
if (t < 1.e-8 && abs(t+to)<0.01*abs(t)) break;
to = t;
} while (abs(t/u) > 1.e-15);
return(T) exp(u);
///inverse complementary cumulative kolmogorv-smirnov distribution function
template <typename T>
T ksc_inv(const T q)
double y,logy,yp,x,xp,f,ff,u,t;
assert (q > 0. && q <= 1.)
if (q == 1.) return 0.;
if (q > 0.3) {
f = -0.392699081698724155*SQR(1.-q);
y = invxlogx(f);
do {
yp = y;
logy = log(y);
ff = f/sqr(1.+ pow(y,4)+ pow(y,12));
u = (y*logy-ff)/(1.+logy);
y = y - (t=u/std::max(0.5,1.-0.5*u/(y*(1.+logy))));
} while (abs(t/y)>1.e-15);
return (T)(1.57079632679489662/sqrt(-log(y)));
} else {
x = 0.03;
do {
xp = x;
x = 0.5*q+pow(x,4)-pow(x,9);
if (x > 0.06) x += pow(x,16)-pow(x,25);
} while (abs((xp-x)/x)>1.e-15);
return (T)sqrt(-0.5*log(x));
///inverse of the cumulative kolmogorv-smirnov distribution function
template <typename T>
T ks_inv(const T p)
return ksc_inv(1.-p);
///kolmogorov-smirnov test for comparing samples with given normal distribution
///returns the p-value for the null hypothesis that the data is drawn from a normal distribution defined by mu and sigma
template <typename T>
T norm_ks_test(const T mu,const T sig,vec<T> data)
unsigned n = data.size();
T fo=0;
T dt,ff,fn,en,d=0.0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
fn = (T)(i+1.0)/en;
ff = norm_cdf(data(i),mu,sig);
dt = std::max(std::abs(fo-ff),std::abs(fn-ff));
if(dt > d)
return ksc_cdf((en+0.12+0.11/en)*d);
///kolmogorov-smirnov test for comparing two sampled distributions
///returns the p-value for the null hypothesis that the the samples data1 are drawn from the same distribution as the samples of data2
template <typename T>
T ks_test(vec<T> data1, vec<T> data2)
int j1=0,j2=0,n1=data1.size(),n2=data2.size();
T d1,d2,dt,en1,en2,en,fn1=0.0,fn2=0.0;
KSdist ks;
T d=0.0;
while (j1 < n1 && j2 < n2) {
if ((d1=data1(j1)) <= (d2=data2(j2)))
while (j1 < n1 && d1 == data1(j1));
if (d2 <= d1)
while (j2 < n2 && d2 == data2(j2));
if ((dt=abs(fn2-fn1)) > d) d=dt;
return ksc_cdf((en+0.12+0.11/en)*d);