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2018-05-17 13:50:03 +00:00
#pragma once
#include <cgv/render/context.h>
#include "lib_begin.h"
namespace cgv {
namespace render {
2018-05-17 14:01:02 +00:00
/** a globally unique shader config is registered by default when the cgv library
is used. Currently it has one member only defining the search path for shader
files. The shader path is initialized to the environment variable CGV_SHADER_PATH
or empty otherwise. It can also be set with a command line argument of the form
or in a config file as
To set the shader path at runtime, query the shader_config with the
get_shader_config() function.
struct CGV_API shader_config : public cgv::base::base
/// the path used to find shaders with the cgv::utils::file::find_in_paths function
std::string shader_path;
/// whether to keep track of file names
bool trace_file_names;
/// mapping of shader index to file name
std::vector<std::string> shader_file_names;
/// mapping of shader index to inserted files name
std::vector<std::string> inserted_shader_file_names;
/// construct config without file name tracing
/// return "shader_config"
std::string get_type_name() const;
/// reflect the shader_path member
bool self_reflect(cgv::reflect::reflection_handler& srh);
/// type of ref counted pointer to shader configuration
typedef cgv::data::ref_ptr<shader_config> shader_config_ptr;
/// return a pointer to the current shader configuration
extern CGV_API shader_config_ptr get_shader_config();
/** a shader code object holds a code fragment of a geometry
vertex or fragment shader and can be added to a shader
program. */
class CGV_API shader_code : public render_component
/// store the shader type
ShaderType st;
///create shader a shader code object
/// calls the destruct method
/** Check if file exists. If not, check if a resource file of this
file_name has been registered. If not search it recursively in the
shader_path of the shader_config that can be accessed with the
function get_shader_config(). This path is initialized to the
environment variable CGV_SHADER_PATH or empty if that is not
defined. */
static std::string find_file(const std::string& file_name);
/** format given last error in a way that developer environments can locate errors in the source file */
static std::string get_last_error(const std::string& file_name, const std::string& last_error);
/// read shader code from file and return string with content or empty string if read failed
static std::string read_code_file(const std::string &file_name, std::string* _last_error = 0);
/** detect the shader type from the extension of the given
file_name, i.e.
- glvs ... ST_VERTEX
- glgs ... ST_GEOMETRY
- glfs ... ST_FRAGMENT
static ShaderType detect_shader_type(const std::string& file_name);
/// destruct shader code
void destruct(context& ctx);
/** read shader code from file that is searched for with find_file.
If the shader type defaults to ST_DETECT, the detect_shader_type()
method is applied to the file name.*/
bool read_code(context& ctx, const std::string &file_name, ShaderType st = ST_DETECT);
/// set shader code from string
bool set_code(context& ctx, const std::string &source, ShaderType st);
/// return the shader type of this code
ShaderType get_shader_type() const;
///compile attached source; returns true if successful
bool compile(context& ctx);
/** read shader code with read_code and compile. If show_error is true
print error messages formated with the get_last_error method in case
an error arose. */
2018-05-17 13:50:03 +00:00
bool read_and_compile(context& ctx, const std::string &file_name, ShaderType st = ST_DETECT, bool show_error = true);
2018-05-17 14:01:02 +00:00
/// return whether shader has been compiled successfully
bool is_compiled() const;
2018-05-17 13:50:03 +00:00
#include <cgv/config/lib_end.h>