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2018-05-17 14:01:02 +00:00
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <cgv/utils/progression.h>
#include <cgv/math/qem.h>
#include <cgv/math/mfunc.h>
#include <cgv/media/axis_aligned_box.h>
#include "streaming_mesh.h"
namespace cgv {
namespace media {
namespace mesh {
template <typename T>
struct greater_equal
T reference_value;
greater_equal(const T& _value) : reference_value(_value) {}
bool operator () (const T& _value) const { return _value >= reference_value; }
template <typename T>
struct equal
T reference_value;
equal(const T& _value) : reference_value(_value) {}
bool operator () (const T& _value) const { return _value == reference_value; }
/** data structure for the information that is cached per volume slice bz the cuberille algorithm */
template <typename T, class P>
struct c_slice_info
unsigned resx, resy;
unsigned nr_vertices;
std::vector<bool> flags;
std::vector<int> indices;
c_slice_info(unsigned int _resx, unsigned int _resy) : resx(_resx), resy(_resy) {
unsigned int n = resx*resy;
flags.resize(n, false);
indices.resize(n, -1);
nr_vertices = 0;
void init() {
std::fill(flags.begin(), flags.end(), false);
std::fill(indices.begin(), indices.end(), -1);
nr_vertices = 0;
int linear_index(int x, int y) const { return y*resx + x; }
bool flag(int x, int y) const { return (x>=0) && (y>=0) && flags[linear_index(x, y)]; }
void set_flag(int x, int y, bool flag) { flags[linear_index(x, y)] = flag; }
const int& index(int x, int y) const { return indices[linear_index(x, y)]; }
void set_index(int x, int y, int idx) {
indices[linear_index(x,y)] = idx;
/// class used to perform the marching cubes algorithm
template <typename X, typename T, class P>
class cuberille : public streaming_mesh<X>
typedef streaming_mesh<X> base_type;
/// points must have three components
typedef cgv::math::fvec<X,3> pnt_type;
/// vectors must have three components
typedef cgv::math::fvec<X,3> vec_type;
pnt_type p, minp;
unsigned int resx, resy, resz;
vec_type d;
const P& pred;
const cgv::math::v3_func<X,T>& func;
/// construct dual contouring object
cuberille(const cgv::math::v3_func<X,T>& _func,
streaming_mesh_callback_handler* _smcbh,
const P& _pred) :
func(_func), pred(_pred)
/// construct a quadrilateral
void generate_edge_quad(int vi, int vj, int vk, int vl, bool reorient)
if (reorient)
base_type::new_quad(vi, vl, vk, vj);
base_type::new_quad(vi, vj, vk, vl);
/// generate all vertices needed in the given slice I[0] with I[1] being the previous slice
void process_slice(c_slice_info<T, P>* I[2])
// init slice info
// iterate voxels of slice to create slice vertices
unsigned i, j;
for (j = 0, p(1) = minp(1); j <= resy; ++j, p(1) += d(1)) {
for (i = 0, p(0) = minp(0); i <= resx; ++i, p(0) += d(0)) {
// set voxel flag
I[0]->set_flag(i, j, i < resx && j < resy && pred(func.evaluate(p.to_vec())));
// and check whether assigned vertex is needed
bool need_vertex = false;
need_vertex = need_vertex || (I[0]->flag(i, j) != I[1]->flag(i, j)); // z(x0,y0)
need_vertex = need_vertex || (I[0]->flag(i, j) != I[0]->flag(i, j - 1)); // y(x0,z0)
need_vertex = need_vertex || (I[1]->flag(i, j) != I[1]->flag(i, j - 1)); // y(x0,z1)
need_vertex = need_vertex || (I[0]->flag(i, j) != I[0]->flag(i - 1, j)); // x(y0,z0)
need_vertex = need_vertex || (I[1]->flag(i, j) != I[1]->flag(i - 1, j)); // x(y0,z1)
if (i > 0) {
need_vertex = need_vertex || (I[0]->flag(i - 1, j) != I[1]->flag(i - 1, j)); // z(x1,y0)
need_vertex = need_vertex || (I[0]->flag(i - 1, j) != I[0]->flag(i - 1, j - 1)); // y(x1,z0)
need_vertex = need_vertex || (I[1]->flag(i - 1, j) != I[1]->flag(i - 1, j - 1)); // y(x1,z1)
if (j > 0) {
need_vertex = need_vertex || (I[0]->flag(i - 1, j - 1) != I[1]->flag(i - 1, j - 1)); // z(x1,y1)
if (j > 0) {
need_vertex = need_vertex || (I[0]->flag(i, j - 1) != I[1]->flag(i - 1, j)); // z(x0,y1)
need_vertex = need_vertex || (I[0]->flag(i, j - 1) != I[0]->flag(i - 1, j - 1)); // x(y1,z0)
need_vertex = need_vertex || (I[1]->flag(i, j - 1) != I[1]->flag(i - 1, j - 1)); // x(y1,z1)
// create vertex if necessary
if (need_vertex)
I[0]->set_index(i, j, new_vertex(p - T(0.5)*d));
// iterate voxels again to create edge quads
for (j = 0, p(1) = minp(1); j <= resy; ++j, p(1) += d(1)) {
for (i = 0, p(0) = minp(0); i <= resx; ++i, p(0) += d(0)) {
if ((j < resy) && (I[1]->flag(i - 1, j) != I[1]->flag(i, j)))
generate_edge_quad(I[1]->index(i, j), I[1]->index(i, j + 1), I[0]->index(i, j + 1), I[0]->index(i, j), I[1]->flag(i, j));
if ((i < resx) && (I[1]->flag(i, j - 1) != I[1]->flag(i, j)))
generate_edge_quad(I[1]->index(i, j), I[0]->index(i, j), I[0]->index(i + 1, j), I[1]->index(i + 1, j), I[1]->flag(i, j));
if ((i < resx) && (j < resy) && (I[1]->flag(i, j) != I[0]->flag(i, j)))
generate_edge_quad(I[0]->index(i, j), I[0]->index(i + 1, j), I[0]->index(i + 1, j + 1), I[0]->index(i, j + 1), I[0]->flag(i, j));
/// extract iso surface and send quads to streaming mesh handler
void extract(const axis_aligned_box<X,3>& box,
unsigned int _resx, unsigned int _resy, unsigned int _resz,
bool show_progress = false)
// prepare private members
resx = _resx; resy = _resy; resz = _resz;
minp = p = box.get_min_pnt();
d = box.get_extent();
d(0) /= (resx-1); d(1) /= (resy-1); d(2) /= (resz-1);
// prepare progression
cgv::utils::progression prog;
if (show_progress)
prog.init("extraction", resz+1, 10);
// construct three slice infos
c_slice_info<T, P> slice_info_1(resx+1,resy+1), slice_info_2(resx+1,resy+1);
c_slice_info<T, P> *I[2] = { &slice_info_1, &slice_info_2 };
for (unsigned k=0; k<=resz; ++k, p(2) += d(2)) {
// show progression
if (show_progress)
std::swap(I[0], I[1]);