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2018-05-17 13:50:03 +00:00
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include "lib_begin.h"
namespace cgv {
namespace gui {
/// define the ids of the most common events
enum EventId
EID_NONE, //!< undefined %event id
EID_KEY, //!< id for key %event
EID_MOUSE //!< id for mouse %event
/// flags
enum EventFlags
EF_NONE = 0,
EF_MULTI = 1, //!< whether event is tagged with id of the device that generated the event
EF_DND = 2 //!< whether mouse has a drag and drop target attached
/// define constants for event modifiers
enum EventModifier
EM_SHIFT = 1, //!< shift modifier
EM_ALT = 2, //!< alt modifier
EM_CTRL = 4, //!< ctrl modifier
EM_META = 8 //!< meta modifier (windows or mac key)
/// define constants for toggle keys
enum EventToggleKeys
ETK_CAPS_LOCK = 1, //!< caps lock
ETK_NUM_LOCK = 2, //!< num lock
ETK_SCROLL_LOCK = 4 //!< scroll lock
/*! most simple event class that holds an id, modifiers, toggle keys and the event time.
All other event classes are derived from this. */
class CGV_API event
/// store which kind of event we have
unsigned char kind;
/// store event flags
unsigned char flags;
/// store the active modifiers
unsigned char modifiers;
/// store the active toggle keys
unsigned char toggle_keys;
/// store the time of the event
double time;
/// construct %event from its kind
event(unsigned int _kind = EID_NONE, unsigned char _modifiers = 0, unsigned char _toggle_keys = 0, double _time = 0);
/// virtual destructor for events
virtual ~event();
/// write to stream
virtual void stream_out(std::ostream& os) const;
/// read from stream
virtual void stream_in(std::istream& is);
/// set the kind of the %event
void set_kind(unsigned char _kind);
/// return, what kind of %event this is, typically a value from the #EventId enum
unsigned get_kind() const;
/// set the event flags
void set_flags(unsigned char _flags);
/// return the event flags
unsigned get_flags() const;
/// set the modifiers
void set_modifiers(unsigned char _modifiers);
/// return the active modifiers as values from #EventModifier combined with a logical or-operation
unsigned char get_modifiers() const;
/// set the state of the toggle keys
void set_toggle_keys(unsigned char _toggle_keys);
/// return the state of the toggle keys as values from #EventToggleKeys combined with a logical or-operation
unsigned char get_toggle_keys() const;
/// set the time of the %event
void set_time(const double& _time);
/// return the time of the %event in seconds
double get_time() const;
/// convert a modifier combination into a readable string ending on a '+' sign if not empty, i.e. "Shift+Ctrl+"
extern CGV_API std::string get_modifier_string(unsigned char modifiers);
/// convert a toggle key combination into a readable string separated by '+' signs, i.e. "CapsLock+NumLock"
extern CGV_API std::string get_toggle_keys_string(unsigned char toggle_keys);
/// read modifiers in string format from a stream and set the passed reference to EventModifier s ored together.
extern CGV_API unsigned char stream_in_modifiers(std::istream& is);
/// read toggle keys in string format from a stream and set the passed reference to EventToggleKeys ored together.
extern CGV_API void stream_in_toggle_keys(std::istream& is, unsigned char& toggle_keys);
#include <cgv/config/lib_end.h>