#pragma once #include <string> #include <cgv/base/base.h> #include <cgv/signal/signal.h> #include <cgv/data/ref_counted.h> #include "button.h" #include "gui_group.h" #include "view.h" #include "control.h" #include "window.h" #include "text_editor.h" #include "lib_begin.h" namespace cgv { namespace gui { /// abstract %base class for %gui drivers class CGV_API gui_driver : public cgv::base::base, public cgv::base::driver { public: /**@name application management*/ //@{ /// create a window of the given type. Currently only the types "viewer with gui", "viewer" and "gui" are supported virtual window_ptr create_window(int w, int h, const std::string& title, const std::string& window_type) = 0; /// set the input focus to the given window virtual bool set_focus(const_window_ptr) = 0; /// return the number of created windows virtual unsigned int get_nr_windows() = 0; /// return the i-th created window virtual window_ptr get_window(unsigned int i) = 0; /// run the main loop of the window system virtual bool run() = 0; /// quit the application by closing all windows virtual void quit(int exit_code) = 0; /// copy text to the clipboard virtual void copy_to_clipboard(const std::string& s) = 0; /// retreive text from clipboard virtual std::string paste_from_clipboard() = 0; //@} /**@name some basic functionality */ //@{ /// ask the user with \c _question to select one of the \c answers, where \c default_answer specifies index of default answer virtual int question(const std::string& _question, const std::vector<std::string>& answers, int default_answer = -1) = 0; //! query the user for a text, where the second parameter is the default \c text as well as the returned text. /*! If \c password is true, the text is hidden. The function returns false if the user canceled the input of if no gui driver is available. */ virtual bool query(const std::string& question, std::string& text, bool password = false) = 0; /// create a text editor virtual text_editor_ptr create_text_editor(unsigned int w, unsigned int h, const std::string& title, int x, int y) = 0; /// ask user for an open dialog that can select multiple files, return common path prefix and fill field of filenames virtual std::string files_open_dialog(std::vector<std::string>& file_names, const std::string& title, const std::string& filter, const std::string& path) = 0; /// ask user for a file to open virtual std::string file_open_dialog(const std::string& title, const std::string& filter, const std::string& path) = 0; /// ask user for a file to save virtual std::string file_save_dialog(const std::string& title, const std::string& filter, const std::string& path) = 0; //@} /**@name threading based functionality */ //@{ //! lock the main thread of the gui from a child thread before any gui specific call. /*! If lock is called several times, the child thread must call unlock the same number of times */ virtual void lock() = 0; /// unlock the main thread virtual void unlock() = 0; //! wake main thread. /*! Ensures that main thead is not going to sleep any longer with the given message, that can be queried by the main thread with get_wakeup_message(). */ virtual void wake(const std::string& message = "") = 0; /// return the message send by the thread that woke up the main thread with wake() virtual std::string get_wakeup_message() = 0; /// let the main thread sleep for the given number of seconds virtual void sleep(float time_in_seconds) = 0; //@} /**@name gui elements */ //@{ /// process the gui declarations in the given gui file virtual bool process_gui_file(const std::string& file_name) = 0; /// add a new gui group to the given parent group virtual gui_group_ptr add_group(gui_group_ptr parent, const std::string& label, const std::string& group_type, const std::string& options, const std::string& align) = 0; /// add a newly created decorator to the parent group virtual base_ptr add_decorator(gui_group_ptr parent, const std::string& label, const std::string& decorator_type, const std::string& options, const std::string& align) = 0; /// add new button to the parent group virtual button_ptr add_button(gui_group_ptr parent, const std::string& label, const std::string& options, const std::string& align) = 0; /// add new view to the parent group virtual view_ptr add_view(gui_group_ptr parent, const std::string& label, const void* value_ptr, const std::string& value_type, const std::string& gui_type, const std::string& options, const std::string& align) = 0; /// find a view in the group virtual view_ptr find_view(gui_group_ptr parent, const void* value_ptr, int* idx_ptr) = 0; /// add new control to the parent group virtual control_ptr add_control(gui_group_ptr parent, const std::string& label, void* value_ptr, abst_control_provider* acp, const std::string& value_type, const std::string& gui_type, const std::string& options, const std::string& align) = 0; /// find a control in a group virtual control_ptr find_control(gui_group_ptr parent, void* value_ptr, int* idx_ptr) = 0; //@} /**@name menu elements */ //@{ /// add a newly created decorator to the menu virtual base_ptr add_menu_separator(const std::string& menu_path) = 0; /// use the current gui driver to append a new button in the menu, where menu path is a '/' separated path virtual button_ptr add_menu_button(const std::string& menu_path, const std::string& options) = 0; /// use this to add a new control to the gui with a given value type, gui type and init options virtual data::ref_ptr<control<bool> > add_menu_bool_control(const std::string& menu_path, bool& value, const std::string& options) = 0; /// return the element of the given menu path virtual base_ptr find_menu_element(const std::string& menu_path) const = 0; /// remove a single element from the gui virtual void remove_menu_element(base_ptr) = 0; //@} }; /// ref counted pointer to driver typedef data::ref_ptr<gui_driver> gui_driver_ptr; #if _MSC_VER >= 1400 CGV_TEMPLATE template class CGV_API data::ref_ptr<gui_driver>; #endif /// return the currently registered gui driver or an empty pointer if non has been registered extern CGV_API gui_driver_ptr get_gui_driver(); //! register a new gui driver. /*! This overwrites a previously registered gui driver and should be called in the on_register method of the driver*/ extern CGV_API void register_gui_driver(gui_driver_ptr _driver); /// a signal that is emitted when a gui driver is registered extern CGV_API cgv::signal::signal<gui_driver_ptr>& on_gui_driver_registration(); } } #include <cgv/config/lib_end.h>