#pragma once

#include "base.h"
#include <cgv/type/variant.h>
#include <map>

#include "lib_begin.h"

using namespace cgv::type;

/// the cgv namespace
namespace cgv {
	/// the base namespace holds the base hierarchy, support for plugin registration and signals
	namespace base {

struct CGV_API abst_property_access
	bool has_changed;
	virtual const char* get_type_name() const = 0;
	virtual bool set(const std::string& value_type, const void* value_ptr) = 0;
	virtual bool get(const std::string& value_type, void* value_ptr) = 0;

template <typename T>
struct standard_type_property_access : public abst_property_access
	T* ptr;
	standard_type_property_access(T* _ptr) : ptr(_ptr) {}
	const char* get_type_name() const { return cgv::type::info::type_name<T>::get_name(); }
	bool set(const std::string& value_type, const void* value_ptr) { get_variant(*ptr,value_type,value_ptr); has_changed = true; return true; }
	bool get(const std::string& value_type, void* value_ptr) { set_variant(*ptr,value_type,value_ptr); return true; }

template <typename T>
struct emulated_property_access : public abst_property_access
	T* ptr;
	emulated_property_access(T* _ptr) : ptr(_ptr) {}
	const char* get_type_name() const { return cgv::type::info::type_name<T>::get_name(); }
	bool set(const std::string& value_type, const void* value_ptr) {
		if (value_type == get_type_name()) {
			*ptr = *((const T*) value_ptr);
			has_changed = true;
			return true;
		else if (value_type == "string") {
			return has_changed = cgv::utils::from_string(*ptr, *((std::string*)value_ptr));
		return false;
	bool get(const std::string& value_type, void* value_ptr) {
		if (value_type == get_type_name()) {
			*((T*) value_ptr) = *ptr;
			return true;
		else if (value_type == "string") {
			*((std::string*)value_ptr) = cgv::utils::to_string(*ptr);
		return false;

template <typename T>
struct property_access : public emulated_property_access<T>
	property_access(T* _ptr) : emulated_property_access<T>(_ptr) {}

template <> struct property_access<int8_type>   : public standard_type_property_access<int8_type>   { property_access<int8_type>( int8_type* _ptr)  : standard_type_property_access<int8_type>(_ptr) {}; }; 
template <> struct property_access<int16_type>  : public standard_type_property_access<int16_type>  { property_access<int16_type>(int16_type* _ptr) : standard_type_property_access<int16_type>(_ptr) {}; }; 
template <> struct property_access<int32_type>  : public standard_type_property_access<int32_type>  { property_access<int32_type>(int32_type* _ptr) : standard_type_property_access<int32_type>(_ptr) {}; }; 
template <> struct property_access<int64_type>  : public standard_type_property_access<int64_type>  { property_access<int64_type>(int64_type* _ptr) : standard_type_property_access<int64_type>(_ptr) {}; }; 
template <> struct property_access<uint8_type>   : public standard_type_property_access<uint8_type>   { property_access<uint8_type>( uint8_type* _ptr)  : standard_type_property_access<uint8_type>(_ptr) {}; }; 
template <> struct property_access<uint16_type>  : public standard_type_property_access<uint16_type>  { property_access<uint16_type>(uint16_type* _ptr) : standard_type_property_access<uint16_type>(_ptr) {}; }; 
template <> struct property_access<uint32_type>  : public standard_type_property_access<uint32_type>  { property_access<uint32_type>(uint32_type* _ptr) : standard_type_property_access<uint32_type>(_ptr) {}; }; 
template <> struct property_access<uint64_type>  : public standard_type_property_access<uint64_type>  { property_access<uint64_type>(uint64_type* _ptr) : standard_type_property_access<uint64_type>(_ptr) {}; }; 
template <> struct property_access<float>       : public standard_type_property_access<float> { property_access<float>(float* _ptr) : standard_type_property_access<float>(_ptr) {}; }; 
template <> struct property_access<double>      : public standard_type_property_access<double> { property_access<double>(double* _ptr) : standard_type_property_access<double>(_ptr) {}; }; 
template <> struct property_access<bool>        : public standard_type_property_access<bool>        { property_access<bool>(bool* _ptr) : standard_type_property_access<bool>(_ptr) {}; }; 
template <> struct property_access<std::string> : public standard_type_property_access<std::string> { property_access<std::string>(std::string* _ptr) : standard_type_property_access<std::string>(_ptr) {}; }; 

/** implements a dynamic object, that can be composed of independent variables, which are 
    handled as properties of the base_generator and published through the property interface
	of the base class. */
class CGV_API base_generator : public cgv::base::base
	typedef std::map<std::string,abst_property_access*> map_type;
	typedef map_type::iterator iter_type;
	typedef map_type::const_iterator const_iter_type;
	/// store the properties as map from property name to type and pointer to instance
	map_type property_map;
	/// overload to return the type name of this object. By default the type interface is queried over get_type.
	std::string get_type_name() const;
	/// add a new property
	void add_void(const std::string& name, abst_property_access* apa);
	/// add a property by deriving property access from type of reference value
	template <typename T>
	void add(const std::string& property, T& value) { add_void(property, new property_access<T>(&value)); }
	/// remove a property
	void del(const std::string& property);
	/// return whether property has changed
	bool changed(const std::string& property) const;
	//! returns a semicolon separated list of property declarations
	std::string get_property_declarations();
	//! abstract interface for the setter of a dynamic property. 
	bool set_void(const std::string& property, const std::string& value_type, const void* value_ptr);
	//! abstract interface for the getter of a dynamic property. 
	bool get_void(const std::string& property, const std::string& value_type, void* value_ptr);

//! simple parsing support to access values of properties in a string of property assignment 
/*! Given an option string (first parameter) with name-value-pairs, i.e. "x=10.4;tooltip='help'" 
    and a property name (second parameter), the function returns whether the option string contains
	an assignment of the queried property and if yes, the value is stored in the reference given
	in the third parameter. The type casts supported by the cgv::type::variant type are used when
	converting to the reference type.
	true  == has_property("x=10.4;tooltip='help'", "x", dbl_var)"       ==> dbl_var = 10.4
	true  == has_property("x=10.4;tooltip='help'", "x", str_var)"       ==> str_var = "10.4"
	true  == has_property("x=10.4;tooltip='help'", "tooltip", str_var)" ==> str_var = "help"
	false == has_property("x=10.4;tooltip='help'", "y", int_var)"       ==> int_var ... not changed
template <typename T>
bool has_property(const std::string& options, const std::string& property, T& value, bool report_error = true) {
	base_generator bg;
	bg.add(property, value);
	bg.multi_set(options, report_error);
	return bg.changed(property);


#include <cgv/config/lib_end.h>