#pragma once #include <cgv/math/mat.h> #include <cgv/math/vec.h> #include <cgv/math/lin_solve.h> namespace cgv { namespace math { ///A thin plate spline which represents 2d deformations ///See Fred L. Bookstein: "Principal Warps: Thin-Plate Splines ///and the Decomposition of Deformation", 1989, IEEE Transactions on ///Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. II, No. 6 template <typename T> struct thin_plate_spline { mat<T> controlpoints; mat<T> weights; mat<T> affine_transformation; ///deform a 2d point vec<T> map_position(const vec<T>& p) { assert(p.size() == 2); vec<T> r(2); r(0) = affine_transformation(0,0) +affine_transformation(1,0)*p(0) +affine_transformation(2,0)*p(1); r(1) = affine_transformation(0,1) +affine_transformation(1,1)*p(0) +affine_transformation(2,1)*p(1); for(unsigned i = 0;i < weights.nrows();i++) { T u_sqr_dist=U(sqr_length(p-controlpoints.col(i))); r(0)+=weights(i,0)*u_sqr_dist; r(1)+=weights(i,1)*u_sqr_dist; } return r; } /////////////// for affine purposes /////////////////////////////// vec<T> map_affine_position(const vec<T>& p) { assert(p.size() == 2); vec<T> r(2); vec<T> temp(4); temp(0) = (affine_transformation(1,0) + affine_transformation(2,1))/2; temp(1) = (affine_transformation(2,0) - affine_transformation(1,1))/2; temp(2) = - temp(1); temp(3) = temp(0); r(0) = affine_transformation(0,0) +temp(0) * p(0) +temp(1) * p(1); r(1) = affine_transformation(0,1) +temp(2) * p(0) +temp(3) * p(1); return r; } /////////////// for affine purposes /////////////////////////////// ///deform 2d points stored as columns of the matrix points mat<T> map_positions(const mat<T>& points) { assert(points.nrows() == 2); mat<T> rpoints(points.nrows(),points.ncols()); for(unsigned i = 0; i < points.ncols(); i++) rpoints.set_col(i,map_position(points.col(i))); return rpoints; } ///basis function static T U(const T& sqr_dist) { static const T factor = (T)(1.0/(2.0*log((double)10))); if(sqr_dist == 0) return 0; return sqr_dist*log(sqr_dist)*factor; } }; ///fit thin plate spline to interpolate point correspondences ///suc that for columns i spline.map_position(points1.col(i)) == points2.col(i) ///points1 and points2 must contain at least 3 2d point correspondences template <typename T> void find_nonrigid_transformation(const mat<T>& points1, const mat<T>& points2, thin_plate_spline<T>& spline) { assert(points1.nrows() == 2 && points2.nrows() == 2); assert(points1.ncols() == points2.ncols()); assert(points1.ncols() > 2);//at least three points int n = points1.ncols(); mat<T> L(n+3,n+3); for(int i = 0; i < n;i++) for(int j = 0; j < n;j++) { T sqr_dist = sqr_length(points1.col(i)-points1.col(j)); L(i,j)=thin_plate_spline<T>::U(sqr_dist); } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { L(i,n) = 1; L(i,n+1) = points1.col(i)(0); L(i,n+2) = points1.col(i)(1); L(n,i) = 1; L(n+1,i) = points1.col(i)(0); L(n+2,i) = points1.col(i)(1); } for(int i = n; i < n+3;i++) { for(int j = n; j < n+3;j++) { L(i,j)=0; } } mat<T> V(n+3,2); for(int i =0;i < n; i++) { V(i,0)=points2(0,i); V(i,1)=points2(1,i); } V(n,0)=V(n,1)=V(n+1,0)=V(n+1,1)=V(n+2,0)=V(n+2,1)=0; mat<T> W(n+3,2); svd_solve(L,V,W); spline.controlpoints=points1; spline.weights=W.sub_mat(0,0,n,2); spline.affine_transformation =W.sub_mat(n,0,3,2); } ///A thin hyperplate spline which represents 3d deformations ///3d extension of the thin plate spline template <typename T> struct thin_hyper_plate_spline { mat<T> controlpoints; mat<T> weights; mat<T> affine_transformation; ///deform 2d point p vec<T> map_position(const vec<T>& p) { assert(p.size() == 3); vec<T> r(3); r(0) = affine_transformation(0,0) +affine_transformation(1,0)*p(0) +affine_transformation(2,0)*p(1) +affine_transformation(3,0)*p(2); r(1) = affine_transformation(0,1) +affine_transformation(1,1)*p(0) +affine_transformation(2,1)*p(1) +affine_transformation(3,1)*p(2); r(2) = affine_transformation(0,2) +affine_transformation(1,2)*p(0) +affine_transformation(2,2)*p(1) +affine_transformation(3,2)*p(2); for(unsigned i = 0;i < weights.nrows();i++) { T u=length(p-controlpoints.col(i)); r(0)+=weights(i,0)*u; r(1)+=weights(i,1)*u; r(2)+=weights(i,2)*u; } return r; } ///deform 3d points stored as columns of the matrix points mat<T> map_positions(const mat<T>& points) { mat<T> rpoints(points.nrows(),points.ncols()); assert(points.nrows() == 3); for(unsigned i = 0; i < points.ncols(); i++) { rpoints.set_col(i,map_position(points.col(i))); } return rpoints; } }; ///fit thin hyperplate spline to interpolate point correspondences ///such that for columns i spline.map_position(points1.col(i)) == points2.col(i) ///points1 and points2 must contain at least 4 3d point correspondences template <typename T> void find_nonrigid_transformation(const mat<T>& points1, const mat<T>& points2, thin_hyper_plate_spline<T>& spline) { assert(points1.nrows() == 3 && points2.nrows()==3); assert(points1.ncols() == points2.ncols()); assert(points1.nrows()==4); int n = points1.ncols(); mat<T> L(n+4,n+4); for(int i = 0; i < n;i++) for(int j = 0; j < n;j++) { L(i,j)=length(points1.col(i)-points1.col(j)); } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { L(i,n) = 1; L(i,n+1) = points1.col(i)(0); L(i,n+2) = points1.col(i)(1); L(i,n+3) = points1.col(i)(2); L(n,i) = 1; L(n+1,i) = points1.col(i)(0); L(n+2,i) = points1.col(i)(1); L(n+3,i) = points1.col(i)(2); } for(int i = n; i < n+4;i++) { for(int j = n; j < n+4;j++) { L(i,j)=0; } } mat<T> V(n+4,3); for(int i =0;i < n; i++) { V(i,0)=points2(0,i); V(i,1)=points2(1,i); V(i,2)=points2(2,i); } V(n,0)=V(n,1)=V(n,2)=V(n+1,0)=V(n+1,1)=V(n+1,2)=V(n+2,0)=V(n+2,1)=V(n+2,2) =V(n+3,0)=V(n+3,1)=V(n+3,2)=0; mat<T> W(n+4,3); svd_solve(L,V,W); spline.controlpoints=points1; spline.weights=W.sub_mat(0,0,n,3); spline.affine_transformation =W.sub_mat(n,0,4,3); } ///apply thin-plate-spline deformation in-place (without producing a copy of the points). ///This method should be used if a large number of points have to be deformed template <typename T> void apply_nonrigid_transformation(const thin_plate_spline<T>& s, mat<T>& points) { assert(points.nrows() == 2); for(unsigned i = 0; i < points.ncols(); i++) { points.set_col(i,s.map_position(points.col(i))); } } ///apply thin-hyper-plate-spline deformation in-place (without producing a copy of the points). ///This method should be used if a large number of points have to be deformed template <typename T> void apply_nonrigid_transformation(const thin_hyper_plate_spline<T>& s, mat<T>& points) { assert(points.nrows() == 3); for(unsigned i = 0; i < points.ncols(); i++) { points.set_col(i,s.map_position(points.col(i))); } } } }