#pragma once

#include "image_reader.h"
#include <vector>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "lib_begin.h"

namespace cgv {
	namespace media {
		namespace image {

/// implements the image reader interface for bmp files
class CGV_API bmp_reader : public abst_image_reader
	FILE* fp;
	std::string last_error;
	std::vector<unsigned char> palette;
	/// default constructor
	/// close file in destructor
	/// overload to return the type name of this object
	std::string get_type_name() const;
	/// construct a copy of the reader
	abst_image_reader* clone() const;
	/// return a reference to the last error message
	const std::string& get_last_error() const;
	/// read the i-th palette in case of a paletted file format, the standard implementation returns false
	bool read_palette(unsigned int i, const data_view& dv);
	/// return a string containing a colon separated list of extensions that can be read with this reader
	const char* get_supported_extensions() const;
	/// open the file and read the image header in order to determine the data format
	bool open(const std::string& file_name, data_format& df, std::vector<data_format>* palette_formats);
	/// whether the reader supports per line reading (only valid after successful opening an image file
	bool supports_per_line_read() const;
	/// read the next line into the given data pointer, set data format if not yet specified and allocate the data ptr if not yet done
	bool read_line(const data_format& df, const data_view& dv);
	/// read the whole image into the given data pointer, set data format if not yet specified and allocate the data ptr if not yet done. If image file has not been opened yet, open it and close it after reading
	bool read_image(const data_format& df, const data_view& dv);
	/// close the image file
	bool close();


#include <cgv/config/lib_end.h>