2018-05-17 16:01:02 +02:00

256 lines
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#pragma once
#include "fvec.h"
#include <cassert>
namespace cgv {
/// namespace with classes and algorithms for mathematics
namespace math {
//!matrix of fixed size dimensions
/*!Template arguments are
- \c T ... coordinate type
- \c N ... number of rows
- \c M ... number of columns
Matrix elements can be accessed with the \c (i,j)-\c operator with 0-based
indices. For example \c A(i,j) accesses the matrix element in the (i+1)th
row and the (j+1)th column.
The matrix inherits the functionality of a \c N*M dimensional vector
and is stored in row major format. This means that \c A(i,j)=A(j*M+i).
Similarly, the constructor for type const T* assumes an array in row
major format. */
template <typename T, cgv::type::uint32_type N, cgv::type::uint32_type M>
class fmat : public fvec<T,N*M>
///base type is a vector with sufficent number of elements
typedef fvec<T,N*M> base_type;
///base type is a vector with sufficent number of elements
typedef fmat<T,N,M> this_type;
///standard constructor
fmat() {}
///construct a matrix with all elements set to c
fmat(const T& c) : base_type(c) {}
///creates a matrix from an array in row major format
fmat(const T* a) : base_type(a) {}
///creates a matrix from an array of different type in row major format
template <typename S>
fmat(const S* a) : base_type(a) {}
///copy constructor for matrix with different element type
template <typename S>
fmat(const fmat<S,N,M>& m) : base_type(m) {}
///construct from outer product of vector v and w
template <typename T1, typename T2>
fmat(const fvec<T1,N>& v, const fvec<T2,M>& w) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++)
for(unsigned j = 0; j < M; j++)
operator () (i,j) = (T)(v(i)*w(j));
///number of rows
static unsigned nrows() { return N; }
///number of columns
static unsigned ncols() { return M; }
///assignment of a matrix with a different element type
template <typename S>
fmat<T,N,M>& operator = (const fmat<S,N,M>& m) {
base_type::operator = (m);
return *this;
///assignment of a scalar s to each element of the matrix
this_type& operator = (const T& s) {
fill (s);
return *this;
///returns true if matrix is a square matrix
bool is_square() const { N == M; }
///access to the element in the ith row in column j
T& operator () (unsigned i, unsigned j) {
assert(i < N && j < M);
return base_type::v[j*N+i];
///const access to the element in the ith row on column j
const T& operator () (unsigned i, unsigned j) const {
assert(i < N && j < M);
return base_type::v[j*N+i];
//in place scalar multiplication
this_type& operator *= (const T& s) { base_type::operator *= (s); return *this; }
///scalar multiplication
this_type operator * (const T& s) const { this_type r=(*this); r*=(T)s; return r; }
///in place division by a scalar
fmat<T,N,M>& operator /= (const T& s) { base_type::operator /= (s); return *this; }
/// division by a scalar
const fmat<T,N,M> operator / (const T& s) const { this_type r=(*this); r/=(T)s; return r; }
///in place addition by a scalar
fmat<T,N,M>& operator += (const T& s) { base_type::operator += (s); return *this; }
///componentwise addition of a scalar
const fmat<T,N,M> operator + (const T& s) { this_type r=(*this); r+=(T)s; return r; }
///in place substraction of a scalar
fmat<T,N,M>& operator -= (const T& s) { base_type::operator -= (s); return *this; }
/// componentwise subtraction of a scalar
const fmat<T,N,M> operator - (const T& s) { this_type r=(*this); r-=(T)s; return r; }
///negation operator
const fmat<T,N,M> operator-() const { return (*this)*(-1); }
///in place addition of matrix
template <typename S>
fmat<T,N,M>& operator += (const fmat<S,N,M>& m) { base_type::operator += (m); return *this; }
///in place subtraction of matrix
template <typename S>
fmat<T,N,M>& operator -= (const fmat<S,N,M>& m) { base_type::operator -= (m); return *this; }
///matrix addition
template <typename S>
const fmat<T,N,M> operator+(const fmat<S,N,M> m2)const { fmat<T,N,M> r=(*this); r += m2; return r; }
///matrix subtraction
template <typename S>
const fmat<T,N,M> operator-(const fmat<S,N,M> m2)const { fmat<T,N,M> r=(*this); r -= m2; return r; }
///in place matrix multiplication with a ncols x ncols matrix m2
template <typename S>
const fmat<T,N,M> operator*=(const fmat<S,N,N>& m2)
assert(N == M);
fmat<T,N,N> r(0);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++)
for(unsigned j = 0; j < N;j++)
for(unsigned k = 0; k < N; k++)
r(i,j) += operator()(i,k) * (T)(m2(k,j));
return *this;
///multiplication with a ncols x M matrix m2
template <typename S, cgv::type::uint32_type L>
const fmat<T,N,L> operator*(const fmat<S,M,L>& m2) const
fmat<T,N,L> r; r.zeros();
for(unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++)
for(unsigned j = 0; j < L;j++)
for(unsigned k = 0; k < M; k++)
r(i,j) += operator()(i,k) * (T)(m2(k,j));
return r;
///matrix vector multiplication
template < typename S>
const fvec<T,N> operator * (const fvec<S,M>& v) const {
fvec<T,N> r;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++)
r(i) = dot(row(i),v);
return r;
///extract a row from the matrix as a vector, this is done by a type cast
const fvec<T,M> row(unsigned i) const {
fvec<T,M> r;
for(unsigned j = 0; j < M; j++)
return r;
///set row i of the matrix to vector v
void set_row(unsigned i,const fvec<T,M>& v) {
for(unsigned j = 0; j < M;j++)
///extract a column of the matrix as a vector
const fvec<T,N>& col(unsigned j) const {
return *(const fvec<T,N>*)(&operator()(0,j));
///set column j of the matrix to vector v
void set_col(unsigned j,const fvec<T,N>& v) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < N;i++)
///returns the trace
T trace() const {
assert(N == M);
T t = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < N;i++)
return t;
///transpose matrix
void transpose() {
assert(N == M);
for(unsigned i = 1; i < N; i++)
for(unsigned j = 0; j < i; j++)
std::swap(operator()(i,j), operator()(j,i));
///returns the frobenius norm of matrix m
T frobenius_norm() const { return base_type::length(); }
///set identity matrix
void identity()
assert(N == M);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < M; ++i)
/// return the transposed of a square matrix
template <typename T, cgv::type::uint32_type N>
fmat<T,N,N> transpose(const fmat<T,N,N>& m)
fmat<T,N,N> m_t(m);
return m_t;
///return the product of a scalar s and a matrix m
template <typename T, cgv::type::uint32_type N, cgv::type::uint32_type M>
fmat<T,N,M> operator * (const T& s, const fmat<T,N,M>& m)
return m*s;
/// multiply a row vector from the left to matrix m and return a row vector
template <typename T, cgv::type::uint32_type N, cgv::type::uint32_type M>
fvec<T, M> operator * (const fvec<T, N>& v_row, const fmat<T, N, M>& m)
fvec<T, M> r_row;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < M; i++)
r_row(i) = dot(m.col(i), v_row);
return r_row;
///output of a matrix onto an ostream
template <typename T, cgv::type::uint32_type N, cgv::type::uint32_type M>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const fmat<T,N,M>& m)
for (unsigned i=0;i<N;++i) {
for(unsigned j =0;j < M-1;++j)
out << m(i,j) << " ";
out << m(i,M-1);
if(i != N-1)
out <<"\n";
return out;
///input of a matrix onto an ostream
template <typename T, cgv::type::uint32_type N, cgv::type::uint32_type M>
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, fmat<T,N,M>& m)
for (unsigned i=0;i<m.nrows();++i)
for(unsigned j =0;j < m.ncols();++j)
in >> m(i,j);
return in;
///returns the outer product of vector v and w
template < typename T, cgv::type::uint32_type N, typename S, cgv::type::uint32_type M>
fmat<T, N, M> dyad(const fvec<T,N>& v, const fvec<S,M>& w)
fmat<T, N, M> m;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < M; j++)
m(i, j) = v(i)*(T)w(j);
return m;