2018-05-17 16:01:02 +02:00

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#pragma once
#include <cgv/render/view.h>
#include <cgv/media/axis_aligned_box.h>
#include "lib_begin.h"
namespace cgv {
namespace render {
class context;
namespace gl {
/** extends the view class with the following quantities:
- z_near ... position of the near clipping plane
- z_far ... position of the far clipping plane
class CGV_API gl_view : public view
typedef media::axis_aligned_box<double,3> box_type;
double z_near;
double z_far;
box_type scene_extent;
/// construct a parallel view with focus in the world origin looking in negative z-direction and the y-direction as up-direction with an extent of +-1
/// compute clipping planes adapted to the current scene extent, z_near_derived is at least z_near and as large as possible to include the scene, similarly z_far_derived is as small as possible
void compute_clipping_planes(double& z_near_derived, double& z_far_derived, bool clip_relative_to_extent = false) const;
/// compute clipping planes according to given view adapted to the current scene extent, z_near_derived is at least z_near and as large as possible to include the scene, similarly z_far_derived is as small as possible
void compute_clipping_planes(const cgv::render::view& view, double& z_near_derived, double& z_far_derived, bool clip_relative_to_extent = false) const;
/**@name getter and setter methods*/
/// return the currently set z-value for the z-near clipping plane
double get_z_near() const;
///set the z-value for the z-near clipping plane
virtual void set_z_near(double z);
/// return the currently set z-value for the z-far clipping plane
double get_z_far() const;
/// set the z-value for the z-far clipping plane
virtual void set_z_far(double z);
/// transform a z value in eye-coordinates (should be negative!) to device coordinate
static double get_z_D(double z_eye, double z_near, double z_far);
/// set the extent of the scene in world coordinates used by the compute_clipping_planes functions to adapt the clipping planes to the scene
virtual void set_scene_extent(const box_type& _box);
/// return the currently set scene extent
box_type get_scene_extent() const;
/// reset view with focus and y-extent based on current scene extent
virtual void set_default_view();
#include <cgv/config/lib_end.h>