2018-05-17 15:50:03 +02:00

83 lines
2.9 KiB

#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "variant.h"
#include "lib_begin.h"
namespace cgv {
namespace media {
namespace text {
namespace ppp {
/** for each namespace the following information is stored
- whether the namespace is a real namespace or the namespace created by a function call
- the environment namespace whose symbols are visible in the current namespace
- the parent namespace that triggered creation of this namespace and will be activated on destruction
- the child namespace which is the next namespace created in the current namespace
- the map from names to variants
struct namespace_info
bool is_function_call_ns;
variant::map_type* ns;
bool ns_allocated;
namespace_info* environment_ns;
namespace_info* parent_ns;
namespace_info* child_ns;
namespace_info* get_environment() {
if (is_function_call_ns)
return environment_ns;
return this;
// construct from central information
namespace_info(bool _is_function_call_ns, variant::map_type* _ns = 0, namespace_info* _environment_ns = 0, namespace_info* _parent_ns = 0);
// destruct variable map in case of function call namespaces
/// return the current namespace info
extern CGV_API namespace_info* get_current_namespace();
/// set the current namespace info
extern CGV_API void set_current_namespace(namespace_info* _cns);
//! find a variable without automatic declaration.
/*! If it does not exist, return null pointer.
If the parameter only_current is true, only the current namespace is searched. */
extern CGV_API variant* find_variable(const std::string& name, bool only_current = false);
/// find a variable and return reference to it. If it does not exist, create it in the current namespace.
extern CGV_API variant& ref_variable(const std::string& name, bool only_current = false);
/// remove all variables and namespaces
extern CGV_API void clear_variables();
/// initialize the variables such that "env" is a map with all environment variables and "ARGS" as a list with all command line arguments
extern CGV_API void init_environment(int argc, char** argv);
/// create a new namespace as a function call namespace if ns_var is not given or as a standard namespace with name map in ns_var otherwise
extern CGV_API void push_namespace(variant* ns_var, namespace_info* environment_ns = 0);
/// pop a namespace from the i-th namespace stack
extern CGV_API void pop_namespace();
/// return whether the current namespace has a child namespace
extern CGV_API bool has_child_namespace();
/// make the child namespace of the current namespace current
extern CGV_API void goto_child_namespace();
/// return whether the current namespace has a parent namespace
extern CGV_API bool has_parent_namespace();
/// make the parent namespace of the current namespace current
extern CGV_API void goto_parent_namespace();
#include <cgv/config/lib_end.h>