2018-05-17 15:50:03 +02:00

112 lines
3.6 KiB

#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <cgv/data/ref_ptr.h>
#include "lib_begin.h"
namespace cgv {
namespace os {
/** base class for all sockets */
class CGV_API socket : public data::ref_counted
static bool show_debug_output;
static int nr_of_sockets;
static bool begin();
static void end();
friend class socket_server;
friend class socket_select;
/// hides constructor from user
/// construct from existing socket identifier
socket(size_t _id);
/// store platform dependent reference to socket
size_t user_data;
/// store the last error
mutable std::string last_error;
/// convenience function to set last error and print debug info. The method always returns false.
bool set_last_error(const char* location, const std::string& text = "") const;
/// enables or disables (default) debug output for all socket commands
static void enable_debug_output(bool enable = true);
/// virtual destructor
virtual ~socket();
/// returns the last error
std::string get_last_error() const;
/// return whether data has arrived
bool is_data_pending() const;
/// return the number of data bytes that have been arrived at the socket or -1 if socket is not connected
int get_nr_of_arrived_bytes() const;
/// receive data up to the next newline excluding the newline char
std::string receive_line();
/// receive all pending data or if nr_of_bytes is larger than 0, exactly nr_of_bytes
std::string receive_data(unsigned int nr_of_bytes = 0);
/// extends line by newline and send as data
bool send_line(const std::string& content);
/// send the data in the string
bool send_data(const std::string&);
/// close the socket
bool close();
/// reference counted pointer to socket
typedef data::ref_ptr<socket> socket_ptr;
class CGV_API socket_client;
/// reference counted pointer to socket_client
typedef data::ref_ptr<socket_client,true> socket_client_ptr;
/// client socket
class CGV_API socket_client : public socket
friend CGV_API socket_client_ptr create_socket_client();
/// hide from direct use
/// connect to given port of given host, if the socket is already connected, close this connection first
bool connect(const std::string& host, int port);
/// this is the only way to create a socket_client as a reference counted pointer
extern CGV_API socket_client_ptr create_socket_client();
class CGV_API socket_server;
/// reference counted pointer to socket_server
typedef data::ref_ptr<socket_server,true> socket_server_ptr;
/// socket server allows to be connected to
class CGV_API socket_server : public socket
friend CGV_API socket_server_ptr create_socket_server();
/// hide from direct use
/// bind and listen to given port with a queue for pending connections of the given size
bool bind_and_listen(int port, int max_nr_pending_connections);
/// if no connection is pending, block thread and wait for next incoming connection
socket_ptr wait_for_connection();
/// check if a new connection is in the connection queue and return this or an empty connection pointer
socket_ptr check_for_connection();
/// this is the only way to create a socket_server as a reference counted pointer
extern CGV_API socket_server_ptr create_socket_server();
#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
CGV_TEMPLATE template class CGV_API cgv::data::ref_ptr<cgv::os::socket_ptr>;
CGV_TEMPLATE template class CGV_API cgv::data::ref_ptr<cgv::os::socket_client_ptr>;
CGV_TEMPLATE template class CGV_API cgv::data::ref_ptr<cgv::os::socket_server_ptr>;
#include <cgv/config/lib_end.h>