2018-05-17 16:01:02 +02:00

134 lines
3.6 KiB

#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <cgv/math/fvec.h>
#include <cgv/media/axis_aligned_box.h>
namespace cgv {
namespace data {
template <typename T>
class quadtree
typedef cgv::math::fvec<T, 2> vec2;
typedef cgv::media::axis_aligned_box<T, 2> box2;
struct point_provider
virtual const vec2& get_point(int i) const = 0;
struct node
bool is_leaf;
int children[4];
node() : is_leaf(true) { children[0] = children[1] = children[2] = children[3] = -1; }
/// in case of leaf, return the number of contained points
unsigned size() const { unsigned s = 0; while (s < 4 && children[s] != -1) ++s; return s; }
box2 box;
const point_provider& provider;
int root_idx;
std::vector<node> nodes;
const node& get_node(int ni) const { return nodes[ni]; }
node& ref_node(int ni) { return nodes[ni]; }
bool is_leaf(int ni) const { return nodes[ni].is_leaf; }
void add_point_to_leaf(int pi, int ni) {
node& n = ref_node(ni);
assert(n.is_leaf && n.size() < 4);
n.children[n.size()] = pi;
bool split_leaf(int ni, const vec2& x) {
if (!is_leaf(ni))
return false;
int c0 = (int)nodes.size();
nodes.resize(nodes.size() + 4);
node& n = ref_node(ni);
for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
int pi = n.children[j];
if (pi != -1) {
const vec2& p = provider.get_point(pi);
unsigned k = 0;
if (p(0) > x(0))
k += 1;
if (p(1) > x(1))
k += 2;
add_point_to_leaf(pi, c0 + k);
n.children[j] = c0 + j;
n.is_leaf = false;
return true;
quadtree(const point_provider& _provider, const box2& _box) : provider(_provider), box(_box) { nodes.push_back(node()); root_idx = 0; }
bool empty() const { return is_leaf(get_root_index()) && get_node(get_root_index()).size() == 0; }
int get_root_index() const { return root_idx; }
bool collides(const vec2& x, T d, int ni = -1, box2 b = box2()) const {
if (ni == -1) {
ni = get_root_index();
b = box;
// check for overlap
if (x(0) + d > b.get_min_pnt()(0) && x(0) - d < b.get_max_pnt()(0) &&
x(1) + d > b.get_min_pnt()(1) && x(1) - d < b.get_max_pnt()(1)) {
// in leaf case compare to points
if (is_leaf(ni)) {
const node& n = get_node(ni);
for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
if (n.children[j] == -1)
if ((provider.get_point(n.children[j])-x).length() < d)
return true;
return false;
else {
vec2 c = b.get_center();
const node& n = get_node(ni);
collides(x, d, n.children[0], box2(b.get_min_pnt(), c)) ||
collides(x, d, n.children[1], box2(vec2(c(0), b.get_min_pnt()(1)), vec2(b.get_max_pnt()(0), c(1)))) ||
collides(x, d, n.children[2], box2(vec2(b.get_min_pnt()(0), c(1)), vec2(c(0), b.get_max_pnt()(1)))) ||
collides(x, d, n.children[3], box2(c, b.get_max_pnt()));
return false;
void insert(const vec2& p, int pi) {
int ni = get_root_index();
box2 b = box;
while (true) {
if (is_leaf(ni)) {
const node& n = get_node(ni);
if (n.size() < 4) {
add_point_to_leaf(pi, ni);
split_leaf(ni, b.get_center());
vec2 x = b.get_center();
int k = 0;
if (p(0) > x(0)) {
k += 1;
b.ref_min_pnt()(0) = x(0);
b.ref_max_pnt()(0) = x(0);
if (p(1) > x(1)) {
k += 2;
b.ref_min_pnt()(1) = x(1);
b.ref_max_pnt()(1) = x(1);
ni = get_node(ni).children[k];