2018-05-17 16:01:02 +02:00

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#pragma once
#include "view.h"
#include <cgv/signal/signal.h>
#include "lib_begin.h"
namespace cgv {
namespace gui {
/// %gui and %type independent %base class of all controls
class CGV_API abst_control : public abst_view
/// construct from name
abst_control(const std::string& name);
/// add default implementation passing the query to the controls() method
bool shows(const void* ptr) const;
/// return whether the control controls the value pointed to by ptr
virtual bool controls(const void* ptr) const = 0;
/// attach a functor to the value change signal
virtual void attach_to_value_change(cgv::signal::functor_base* func) = 0;
/// attach a functor to the value change signal
virtual void attach_to_check_value(cgv::signal::functor_base* bool_func) = 0;
/// ref counted pointer to abst %control
typedef data::ref_ptr<abst_control> control_ptr;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
CGV_TEMPLATE template class CGV_API data::ref_ptr<abst_control>;
/// %type independent %base class of %control %provider interface
struct abst_control_provider
//! overload to check if ptr points to the controlled value
/*! The method is used when searching controls with find_control.
The default implementation compares ptr to get_value_void(). */
virtual bool controls(const void* ptr, void* user_data) const = 0;
/*! reimplement the %control %provider for a customized control.
A %control %provider can be used as argument to the constructor
of the control class. The provider class also implements an
overloaded version of the add_control method that takes a
%control %provider as second argument instead of the reference
to a value. */
template <typename T>
struct control_provider : public abst_control_provider
/// overload to set the value
virtual void set_value(const T& value, void* user_data) = 0;
/// overload to get the value
virtual const T get_value(void* user_data) const = 0;
/// the default implementation compares ptr to &get_value().
virtual bool controls(const void* ptr, void* user_data) const { return false; }
/*! gui independent control of a value that has the type of the template argument.
The value can either be specified as a reference or through the control_provider
that implements a get and a set method.
Before the control changes a value, it
emits the signal check_value to test if the new value is valid. The check_value
signal has a boolean return value. All attached callbacks must return true in order
for the check to be successful. The attached callbacks can also change the new value
to a valid value. The check_value callbacks should use the get_new_value(), get_value()
and set_new_value() methods of the control to update the new value and to access the
current value that has not been changed yet.
If the validity check is successful, the value is changed to the new value and the
value_change signal is emitted. The callbacks attached to this signal can not only
query the current value with get_value() but also the old value with get_old_value().
Take care that the get_old_value() cannot be used in the callbacks attached to
check_value and the get_new_value() method cannot be used in the callbacks attached
to the value_change signal.
template <typename T>
class control : public abst_control
T* value_ptr;
control_provider<T>* cp;
T new_value;
// protected function for the setter
void set_value(const T& v) {
if (cp)
cp->set_value(v, value_ptr);
else {
*value_ptr = v;
/// type of the value check signal
typedef cgv::signal::bool_signal<control<T>&> value_check_signal_type;
/// type of the value change signal
typedef cgv::signal::signal<control<T>&> value_change_signal_type;
/// construct abstract element from reference to value
control(const std::string& _name, T& _value) : abst_control(_name), value_ptr(&_value), new_value(_value), cp(0) {
/// construct abstract element from control_provider
control(const std::string& _name, T* _value) : abst_control(_name) {
value_ptr = _value;
new_value = *_value;
cp = 0;
//! this constructor allows contruction from control_provider with user data or if the pointer
//! to the control_provider is null, interpret the pointer to the user data as the value pointer
//! and act as the previous constructor.
control(const std::string& _name, abst_control_provider* _cp, void* user_data) : abst_control(_name), cp(0) {
if (_cp) {
cp = static_cast<control_provider<T>*>(_cp);
(void*&)value_ptr = user_data;
new_value = cp->get_value(user_data);
else {
value_ptr = (T*)user_data;
new_value = *value_ptr;
//! this signal is sent when the user triggered a change of value in order to check whether the new value is valid.
/*! Use get_new_value() and set_new_value() to get and correct the new value. Return true if the new
value is ok or could be corrected, false otherwise. */
cgv::signal::bool_signal<control<T>&> check_value;
//! this signal is sent after the user triggered a change of value and the check_value succeeded.
/*! You can access the old value with get_old_value() method. */
cgv::signal::signal<control<T>&> value_change;
/// return a reference to the current value
const T get_value() const { return cp ? cp->get_value(value_ptr) : *value_ptr; }
/// return the new value to the callbacks attached to the check_value signal
const T& get_new_value() const { return new_value; }
/// set a different new value from the callbacks attached to the check_value signal
void set_new_value(const T& nv) { new_value = nv; }
/// return the old value to the callbacks attached to the change_value signal
const T& get_old_value() const { return new_value; }
/// set new value only if check_value signal succeeds and send value_change signal. Return true if value has been changed.
bool check_and_set_value(const T& nv) {
if (check_value(*this)) {
T tmp_value = get_value();
return true;
return false;
/// check whether the value represented by this element is pointing to the passed pointer
bool controls(const void* ptr) const { return cp ? cp->controls(ptr,value_ptr) : (value_ptr == ptr); }
/// attach a functor to the value change signal
void attach_to_value_change(cgv::signal::functor_base* func) {
/// attach a functor to the value change signal
void attach_to_check_value(cgv::signal::functor_base* bool_func) {
#include <cgv/config/lib_end.h>