2018-05-17 16:01:02 +02:00

141 lines
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#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <cgv/media/axis_aligned_box.h>
#include <cgv/render/drawable.h>
#include <cgv/media/color.h>
#include <cgv/media/font/font.h>
#include <cgv/gui/provider.h>
#include "lib_begin.h"
namespace cgv {
namespace plot {
/** common plot types */
struct CGV_API plot_types
typedef float Crd;
typedef cgv::media::color<float> Clr;
typedef cgv::math::fvec<Crd,2> V2D;
typedef cgv::math::fvec<Crd,2> P2D;
typedef cgv::math::fvec<Crd,3> V3D;
typedef cgv::math::fvec<Crd,3> P3D;
typedef cgv::media::axis_aligned_box<Crd,2> B2D;
typedef cgv::media::axis_aligned_box<Crd,3> B3D;
/** common plot configuration parameters */
struct CGV_API plot_base_config : public plot_types
bool show_plot;
bool show_points;
float point_size;
Clr point_color;
bool show_sticks;
float stick_width;
Clr stick_color;
bool show_bars;
float bar_outline_width;
float bar_percentual_width;
Clr bar_color;
Clr bar_outline_color;
std::string name;
virtual ~plot_base_config();
enum TickType
struct tick_config : public plot_types
TickType type;
float step;
struct axis_config : public plot_types
tick_config ticks[2];
bool log_scale;
/** base class for plot1d and plot2d */
class CGV_API plot_base : public cgv::render::drawable, public plot_types
/// set uniforms for the i-th plot config
virtual void set_uniforms(cgv::render::context& ctx, cgv::render::shader_program& prog, unsigned i);
float plot_scale;
bool show_axes;
Clr axis_color;
float axis_line_width;
float tick_line_width[2];
float tick_length[2];
bool label_ticks[2];
static std::vector<const char*> font_names;
static std::string font_name_enum_def;
unsigned label_font_index;
cgv::media::font::font_ptr label_font;
cgv::media::font::font_face_ptr label_font_face;
void ensure_font_names();
void on_font_selection();
void on_font_face_selection();
float label_font_size;
cgv::media::font::FontFaceAttributes label_ffa;
std::vector<plot_base_config*> configs;
virtual axis_config& ref_axis_config(unsigned ai) = 0;
/// construct with default parameters
/// return number of axis
virtual unsigned get_nr_axes() const = 0;
/// configure the label font
void set_label_font(float font_size, cgv::media::font::FontFaceAttributes ffa = cgv::media::font::FFA_REGULAR, const std::string& font_name = "");
/**@name management of sub plots*/
/// return current number of sub plots
unsigned get_nr_sub_plots() const;
/// add sub plot and return sub plot index
virtual unsigned add_sub_plot(const std::string& name) = 0;
/// delete the i-th sub plot
virtual void delete_sub_plot(unsigned i) = 0;
/// return a reference to the plot base configuration of the i-th plot
plot_base_config& ref_sub_plot_config(unsigned i);
/**@name gui support*/
/// create the gui for the plot independent of the sub plots
virtual void create_plot_gui(cgv::base::base* bp, cgv::gui::provider& p);
/// create the gui for a configuration, overload to specialize for extended configs
virtual void create_config_gui(cgv::base::base* bp, cgv::gui::provider& p, unsigned i);
/// create a gui for the plot with gui for all configs
virtual void create_gui(cgv::base::base* bp, cgv::gui::provider& p);
#include <cgv/config/lib_end.h>