2018-05-17 16:01:02 +02:00

228 lines
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#pragma once
#include <cgv/math/mat.h>
namespace cgv{
namespace math {
/// Gauss-Jordan elimination (A*X=B) with full pivoting:
/// The input matrix a is replaced by its inverse
/// and the right hand side matrix b is replaced by ist corresponding solution matrix x.
/// Returns false if the matrix is singular.
template <typename T>
bool gaussj(mat<T>& a, mat<T>& b)
assert(a.nrows() == a.ncols());
const unsigned N = a.nrows();
const unsigned M = b.ncols();
// Some important hints for understanding this implementation
// - The input matrix is gradually replaced by the inverse matrix.
// Whenever a column reaches the identity form it is instantly
// replaced by the emerging inverse matrix.
// - The same is true for the vectors b whose elements are gradually
// replaced by their solution vectors
// the position of the chosen pivot element
unsigned int pivotPos[2];
const int COL = 0;
const int ROW = 1;
// these integer arrays are used for bookkeeping which swaps were done for the pivoting
mat<unsigned int> swapedRows(N,2);
//unsigned int swapedRows[N][2];
const int REDUCED_COLUMN = 0;
const int PIVOT_ROW = 1;
bool *isPivotCol = new bool[N];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++) isPivotCol[i] = false;
// main loop over all columns to be reduced to identity form
for (unsigned int columnCnt = 0; columnCnt < N; columnCnt++)
// for maximum numerical stability we try to find the largest absolute value
// in the matrix (excluding the columns which contained previous pivot elements
// and now already contain parts of the inverse matrix!) as current pivot element
T largestAbsVal = T(0);
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < N; j++)
if (!isPivotCol[j])
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < N; k++)
if (!isPivotCol[k])
if (std::abs(a(j,k)) > largestAbsVal)
largestAbsVal = std::abs(a(j,k));
pivotPos[ROW] = j;
pivotPos[COL] = k;
isPivotCol[pivotPos[COL]] = true;
// if the pivot element is not on the diagonal, we have to interchange rows
if (pivotPos[ROW] != pivotPos[COL])
for (unsigned int l = 0; l < N; l++) std::swap(a(pivotPos[ROW],l),a(pivotPos[COL],l));
for (unsigned int l = 0; l < M; l++) std::swap(b(pivotPos[ROW],l),b(pivotPos[COL],l));
swapedRows(columnCnt,PIVOT_ROW) = pivotPos[ROW];
swapedRows(columnCnt,REDUCED_COLUMN) = pivotPos[COL];
// return false if no pivot element > 0 could be found and thus the matrix is singular
if (a(pivotPos[COL],pivotPos[COL]) == T(0))
delete [] isPivotCol;
return false;
// divide the pivot row by the pivot element
T pivotInv = T(1) / a(pivotPos[COL],pivotPos[COL]);
// set this pivot element to one now to get the corresponding element of inverse matrix
// instead of one AFTER the multiplication with the inverse of the pivot element
a(pivotPos[COL],pivotPos[COL]) = T(1);
for (unsigned int l = 0; l < N; l++) a(pivotPos[COL],l) *= pivotInv;
for (unsigned int l = 0; l < M; l++) b(pivotPos[COL],l) *= pivotInv;
// for all rows
for (unsigned int ll = 0; ll < N; ll++)
// excluding the row containing the current pivot element
if (ll != pivotPos[COL])
// set the factor to get a zero in the pivot colum when subtracting the pivot row
T factor = a(ll,pivotPos[COL]);
// set this element in the pivot column to zero to get the corresponding element of inverse matrix
// instead of a zero AFTER the subtraction
a(ll,pivotPos[COL]) = T(0);
// substract the pivot row multiplied with the factor
for (unsigned int l = 0; l < N; l++) a(ll,l) -= a(pivotPos[COL],l) * factor;
for (int undoSwapStep = N-1; undoSwapStep >= 0; undoSwapStep--)
if (swapedRows(undoSwapStep,PIVOT_ROW) != swapedRows(undoSwapStep,REDUCED_COLUMN))
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < N; k++)
std::swap( a(k,swapedRows(undoSwapStep,PIVOT_ROW)), a(k,swapedRows(undoSwapStep,REDUCED_COLUMN)) );
delete [] isPivotCol;
return true;
/// inverts a matrix a using gauss jordan elimination
/// returns false if a is singular
/// a is replaced with its inverse
template <typename T>
bool gaussj(mat<T>& a)
assert(a.nrows() == a.ncols());
const unsigned N = a.nrows();
// Some important hints for understanding this implementation
// - The input matrix is gradually replaced by the inverse matrix.
// Whenever a column reaches the identity form it is instantly
// replaced by the emerging inverse matrix.
// the position of the chosen pivot element
unsigned int pivotPos[2];
const int COL = 0;
const int ROW = 1;
// these integer arrays are used for bookkeeping which swaps were done for the pivoting
mat<unsigned int> swapedRows(N,2);
//unsigned int swapedRows[N][2];
const int REDUCED_COLUMN = 0;
const int PIVOT_ROW = 1;
bool *isPivotCol = new bool[N];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++) isPivotCol[i] = false;
// main loop over all columns to be reduced to identity form
for (unsigned int columnCnt = 0; columnCnt < N; columnCnt++)
// for maximum numerical stability we try to find the largest absolute value
// in the matrix (excluding the columns which contained previous pivot elements
// and now already contain parts of the inverse matrix!) as current pivot element
T largestAbsVal = T(0);
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < N; j++)
if (!isPivotCol[j])
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < N; k++)
if (!isPivotCol[k])
if (std::abs(a(j,k)) > largestAbsVal)
largestAbsVal = std::abs(a(j,k));
pivotPos[ROW] = j;
pivotPos[COL] = k;
isPivotCol[pivotPos[COL]] = true;
// if the pivot element is not on the diagonal, we have to interchange rows
if (pivotPos[ROW] != pivotPos[COL])
for (unsigned int l = 0; l < N; l++) std::swap(a(pivotPos[ROW],l),a(pivotPos[COL],l));
swapedRows(columnCnt,PIVOT_ROW) = pivotPos[ROW];
swapedRows(columnCnt,REDUCED_COLUMN) = pivotPos[COL];
// return false if no pivot element > 0 could be found and thus the matrix is singular
if (a(pivotPos[COL],pivotPos[COL]) == T(0))
delete [] isPivotCol;
return false;
// divide the pivot row by the pivot element
T pivotInv = T(1) / a(pivotPos[COL],pivotPos[COL]);
// set this pivot element to one now to get the corresponding element of inverse matrix
// instead of one AFTER the multiplication with the inverse of the pivot element
a(pivotPos[COL],pivotPos[COL]) = T(1);
for (unsigned int l = 0; l < N; l++) a(pivotPos[COL],l) *= pivotInv;
// for all rows
for (unsigned int ll = 0; ll < N; ll++)
// excluding the row containing the current pivot element
if (ll != pivotPos[COL])
// set the factor to get a zero in the pivot colum when subtracting the pivot row
T factor = a(ll,pivotPos[COL]);
// set this element in the pivot column to zero to get the corresponding element of inverse matrix
// instead of a zero AFTER the subtraction
a(ll,pivotPos[COL]) = T(0);
// substract the pivot row multiplied with the factor
for (unsigned int l = 0; l < N; l++) a(ll,l) -= a(pivotPos[COL],l) * factor;
for (int undoSwapStep = N-1; undoSwapStep >= 0; undoSwapStep--)
if (swapedRows(undoSwapStep,PIVOT_ROW) != swapedRows(undoSwapStep,REDUCED_COLUMN))
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < N; k++)
std::swap( a(k,swapedRows(undoSwapStep,PIVOT_ROW)), a(k,swapedRows(undoSwapStep,REDUCED_COLUMN)) );
delete [] isPivotCol;
return true;