2018-05-17 15:50:03 +02:00

84 lines
3.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include "reflection_handler.h"
#include <cgv/utils/token.h>
#include "lib_begin.h"
namespace cgv {
namespace reflect {
/** The cgv::reflect::find_reflection_hander steers traversal to a specific member and calls the virtual function
process_member() that can be overloaded by derived classes such as cgv::reflect::get_reflection_handler.
The target member is specified in the constructor by a string. This can be either directly the name of the member
or recursively use the dot and array operators to access members of members or elements of array members. A typical
example could be \c complex_pnt_arr[4] Here the real part of the x coordinate of the 5th (indices start with 0)
point is addressed.
class CGV_API find_reflection_handler : public reflection_handler
std::vector<cgv::utils::token> tokens;
unsigned token_idx;
bool at_end() const;
bool step_if_matches(const std::string& name);
const std::string* target;
const void* target_ptr;
struct group_info {
std::string group_name;
void* group_ptr;
abst_reflection_traits* rt;
GroupKind group_kind;
unsigned group_size;
bool traverse_matched_groups;
std::vector<group_info> traversed_groups;
void push_group(const std::string& _group_name, void* _group_ptr, abst_reflection_traits* _rt, GroupKind _group_kind, unsigned _group_size = -1);
void check_for_index_increment();
std::vector<std::string> target_tokens;
bool found;
bool valid;
std::string member_name;
abst_reflection_traits* rt;
void* member_ptr;
GroupKind group_kind;
unsigned grp_size;
/// construct from textual target description
find_reflection_handler(const std::string& _target);
/// construct from member pointer and boolean flag that tells whether groups should be traversed in case that group pointer matches target
find_reflection_handler(const void* _target_ptr, bool _traverse_matched_groups);
/// return whether target has been found
bool found_target() const;
/// return whether a valid target has been found. The semantic of being valid is defined in derived classes.
bool found_valid_target() const;
/// in case a valid target has been found, return a pointer to the member
void* get_member_ptr() const;
/// in case a valid target has been found, return the name of the member
const std::string& get_member_name() const;
/// in case a valid target has been found, return a point to the reflection traits describing the type of the member
abst_reflection_traits* get_reflection_traits() const;
/// virtual method that is overloaded by derived classes to handle the target member
virtual void process_member_void(const std::string& member_name, void* member_ptr,
abst_reflection_traits* rt, GroupKind group_kind = GK_NO_GROUP, unsigned grp_size = -1);
/// overload to navigate grouped reflection information
int reflect_group_begin(GroupKind group_kind, const std::string& group_name, void* group_ptr,
abst_reflection_traits* rt, unsigned grp_size);
/// ensure that matched group pointers are found also in case that groups are traversed further and no group member corresponds to target pointer
void reflect_group_end(GroupKind group_kind);
/// check for target during member reflection
bool reflect_member_void(const std::string& member_name, void* member_ptr, abst_reflection_traits* rt);
/// ignore methods
bool reflect_method_void(const std::string& method_name, method_interface* mi_ptr,
abst_reflection_traits* return_traits, const std::vector<abst_reflection_traits*>& param_value_traits);
#include <cgv/config/lib_end.h>