2018-05-17 15:50:03 +02:00

119 lines
4 KiB

#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <cgv/math/fvec.h>
namespace cgv {
namespace media {
namespace mesh {
/** pure abstract interface to handle callbacks of a streaming mesh */
struct streaming_mesh_callback_handler
/// called when a new vertex is generated
virtual void new_vertex(unsigned int vertex_index) = 0;
/// announces a new polygon defines by the vertex indices stored in the given vector
virtual void new_polygon(const std::vector<unsigned int>& vertex_indices) = 0;
/// drop the currently first vertex that has the given global vertex index
virtual void before_drop_vertex(unsigned int vertex_index) = 0;
/// class used to perform the marching cubes algorithm
template <typename T>
class streaming_mesh
/// type of vertex locations
typedef cgv::math::fvec<T,3> pnt_type;
/// type of vertex normals
typedef cgv::math::fvec<T,3> vec_type;
/// offset used to address vertices in deque
int idx_off;
/// count the number of faces
unsigned int nr_faces;
/// store currently used points in deque
std::deque<pnt_type> pnts;
/// store currently used normals in deque
std::deque<vec_type> nmls;
/// store a pointer to the callback handler
streaming_mesh_callback_handler* smcbh;
/// construct from callback handler
streaming_mesh(streaming_mesh_callback_handler* _smcbh = 0) : smcbh(_smcbh), nr_faces(0), idx_off(0) {
/// set a new callback handler
void set_callback_handler(streaming_mesh_callback_handler* _smcbh) {
smcbh = _smcbh;
/// return the number of vertices dropped from the front, what is used as index offset into a deque
unsigned int get_nr_dropped_vertices() const { return idx_off; }
/// return the number of vertices
unsigned int get_nr_vertices() const { return (unsigned int) pnts.size()+idx_off; }
/// return the number of faces
unsigned int get_nr_faces() const { return nr_faces; }
/// drop the front most vertex from the deque
void drop_vertex() {
if (pnts.empty())
if (smcbh)
/// drop n vertices from the front of the deque
void drop_vertices(unsigned int n) {
for (unsigned int i=0; i<n; ++i)
/// write access to vertex locations
pnt_type& vertex_location(unsigned int vi) { return pnts[vi-idx_off]; }
/// read access to vertex locations
const pnt_type& vertex_location(unsigned int vi) const { return pnts[vi-idx_off]; }
/// read access to vertex normals
const vec_type& vertex_normal(unsigned int vi) const { return nmls[vi-idx_off]; }
/// write access to vertex normals
vec_type& vertex_normal(unsigned int vi) { return nmls[vi-idx_off]; }
/// add a new vertex with the given location and call the callback of the callback handler
unsigned int new_vertex(const pnt_type& p) {
unsigned int vi = (int)pnts.size()+idx_off;
if (smcbh)
return vi;
/// construct a new triangle by calling the new polygon method of the callback handler
void new_triangle(unsigned int vi, unsigned int vj, unsigned int vk) {
static std::vector<unsigned int> vis(3);
vis[0] = vi;
vis[1] = vj;
vis[2] = vk;
if (smcbh)
/// construct a new quad by calling the new polygon method of the callback handler
void new_quad(unsigned int vi, unsigned int vj, unsigned int vk, unsigned int vl) {
static std::vector<unsigned int> vis(4);
vis[0] = vi;
vis[1] = vj;
vis[2] = vk;
vis[3] = vl;
if (smcbh)
/// construct a new polygon by calling the new polygon method of the callback handler
void new_polygon(const std::vector<unsigned int>& vertex_indices) {
if (smcbh)