// // This source code is property of the Computer Graphics and Visualization // chair of the TU Dresden. Do not distribute in modified or unmodified form! // Copyright (C) 2016 CGV TU Dresden - All Rights Reserved // /************************************************************************* Terrain. This class represents a textured and shaded terrain. Both, the texture and the height map is read from a bmp file (in the constructor). The height map is mapped to a regular grid consisting of triangle strips. During rendering the normals needed for lighting are calculated. There are some additional rendering modes: - solid: The terrain with texture and lighting - wireframe: The wireframe of the elevated triangle mesh - levels: Some height levels that were evaluated using the marching squares algorithm. The rendering is done in the "render" method which sets the projection and view via "setup_projection" and the light via "setup_light". Depending on the settings (that can be changed using "set_show_solid", "set_show_wireframe" and "set_show_levels") different passes are rendered using the appropriate rendering method ("render_solid_terrain", "render_wireframe_terrain", "render_level_lines"). They call the "render_terrain" method. *************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include "GL/glut.h" #include "abstract_scene.h" #include "qdbmp.h" #include "tiny_vec.h" #include class terrain: public abstract_scene { public: // Load images and initialize variables terrain(); // Unload images and textures ~terrain(); // Render the actual scene void render(); // Advance one frame void advance_frame(); // (De)activate solid rendering void set_show_solid(bool state); // (De)activate wireframe rendering void set_show_wireframe(bool state); // (De)activate height level line rendering void set_show_levels(bool state); // Set debug text void set_text(std::stringstream &stream); private: // The current rotation angle int angle; // The heightmap data BMP *heightmap; // Texture handle GLuint texture_handle; // Is everything loaded? bool initialized; // Setting states bool show_solid, show_wireframe, show_levels; // Display list handle GLuint dl_handle; // True if the display list is valid bool dl_valid; // List of line points std::vector level_lines; // Render the terrain void render_terrain(); // Calculate and set the normal for height map entry (x,y) void set_normal(int x, int y); // Render the terrain as solid void render_solid_terrain(); // Render the terrain as wireframe void render_wireframe_terrain(); // Render height level lines void render_level_lines(); // Create height lines for the level "level" void create_level_line(int level); // Load the height map from the file "filename" bool load_heightmap(const char *filename); // Return the width of the height map int get_heightmap_width() const; // Return the height of the height map int get_heightmap_height() const; // Return the height value at (x,y) int get_heightmap_value(int x, int y) const; // Set the light parameters void setup_light(); // Set the projection and the view void setup_projection(); // Load a texture and store its handle in "handle" bool load_texture(const char* filename, GLuint *handle); };