2019-05-11 10:51:24 +02:00

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// This source code is property of the Computer Graphics and Visualization
// chair of the TU Dresden. Do not distribute in modified or unmodified form!
// Copyright (C) 2016 CGV TU Dresden - All Rights Reserved
Canvas Renderer.
This class is responsible for the graphical representation of a canvas
store. Among the "render" method that performs the actual rendering on
a grid a translation and zoom can be specified. Also this class provides
a method to convert screen coordinates to grid coordinates and to
snap screen coordinates to the next center of a pixel cell.
#pragma once
// declares the canvas_buffer
#include "canvas_buffer.h"
class canvas_renderer
// Initialize the renderer and store a reference of a canvas_buffer
canvas_renderer(canvas_buffer &canvas);
// Set the translation
void set_translation(double x, double y);
// Get the translation
void get_translation(double &x, double &y) const;
// Set the zoom factor
void set_zoom(double factor);
// Get the zoom factor
double get_zoom() const;
// Convert a screen position to a grid position
void screen_to_grid(int sx, int sy, int &gx, int &gy) const;
// Get the next cell center from the provided position
void snap_screen_coords(int sx, int sy, int &scx, int &scy) const;
// Render the contents of the canvas store
void render() const;
// Get the size of a cell in pixels
double get_cell_size() const;
// Reset translation and zoom factor
void reset_view();
// Translation
double trans_x, trans_y;
// Zoom factor
double zoom_factor;
// A reference on the canvas store
canvas_buffer &canvas;
// Helper method to render the grid
void render_grid() const;