2019-06-07 08:18:22 +02:00

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// This source code is property of the Computer Graphics and Visualization
// chair of the TU Dresden. Do not distribute in modified or unmodified form!
// Copyright (C) 2016 CGV TU Dresden - All Rights Reserved
The curve renderer.
This class is responsible for rendering curves using OpenGL. The curve
to render must implement the interface "abstract_curve" and is provided
via the "set_curve" method. The method "render_curve" performs the
rendering. Whenever the curve changes the method "sample_curve" is called
which samples the curve at equidistant intervals of the domain parameter "t".
The number of samples can be specified using the parameter "sample_count".
For rendering the basis functions the method "render_basis_functions" is
provided which also invokes the method "render_basis_axes" for rendering
the coordinate system.
#pragma once
// provides the abstract curve interface
#include "abstract_curve.h"
class curve_renderer
// Initialize the curve renderer
// Sample the curve using "sample_count" samples and store the
// result in the list "samples".
void sample_curve(int sample_count);
// Set the active curve to render
void set_curve(abstract_curve *curve);
// Render the curve
void render_curve();
// Render the basis functions
void render_basis_functions();
// The curve to render
abstract_curve *curve;
// A list of samples of the curve
std::vector<point2d> samples;
// The width and height of the coordinate system of the basis functions
int basis_width, basis_height;
// Render the basis functions coordinate system
void render_basis_axes();
// Set an OpenGL color for a basis function "i"
void set_basis_color(int i);