{ "commands": { "parse": "(Default)Parse a csv file to json", "version": "Show version of current csvtojson" }, "options": { "--output":{ "desc": "The format to be converted to. \"json\" (default) -- convert csv to json. \"csv\" -- convert csv to csv row array. \"line\" -- convert csv to csv line string", "type": "string" }, "--delimiter": { "desc": "delimiter to separate columns. Possible to give an array or just use 'auto'. default comma (,). e.g. --delimiter=# --delimiter='[\",\",\";\"]' --delimiter=auto", "type": "~object" }, "--quote": { "desc": "quote surrounding a column content containing delimiters. To turn off quote, please use 'off' --quote=off. default double quote (\"). e.g. chage to hash: --quote=# ", "type": "string" }, "--trim": { "desc": "Indicate if parser trim off spaces surrounding column content. e.g. \" content \" will be trimmed to \"content\". Default: true", "type": "boolean" }, "--checkType": { "desc": "This parameter turns on and off whether check field type. default is false.", "type": "boolean" }, "--ignoreEmpty": { "desc": "This parameter turns on and off whether ignore empty column values while parsing. default is false", "type": "boolean" }, "--noheader": { "desc": "Indicating csv data has no header row and first row is data row. Default is false", "type": "boolean" }, "--headers": { "desc": "An array to specify the headers of CSV data. If --noheader is false, this value will override CSV header. Default: null. Example: --headers='[\"my field\",\"name\"]'", "type": "object" }, "--flatKeys": { "desc": "Don't interpret dots (.) and square brackets in header fields as nested object or array identifiers at all (treat them like regular characters for JSON field identifiers). Default: false.", "type": "boolean" }, "--maxRowLength": { "desc": "the max character a csv row could have. 0 means infinite. If max number exceeded, parser will emit \"error\" of \"row_exceed\". if a possibly corrupted csv data provided, give it a number like 65535 so the parser wont consume memory. default: 10240", "type": "number" }, "--checkColumn": { "desc": "whether check column number of a row is the same as headers. If column number mismatched headers number, an error of \"mismatched_column\" will be emitted.. default: false", "type": "boolean" }, "--eol": { "desc": "Explicitly specify the end of line character to use.", "type": "string" }, "--quiet": { "desc": "If any error happens, quit the process quietly rather than log out the error. Default is false.", "type": "boolean" }, "--escape":{ "desc":"escape character used in quoted column. Default is double quote (\") according to RFC4108. Change to back slash (\\) or other chars for your own case.", "type":"string" }, "--ignoreColumns": { "desc": "RegExp matched columns to ignore from input. e.g. --ignoreColumns=/(name|age)/ ", "type": "string" }, "--includeColumns": { "desc": "RegExp matched columns to include from input. e.g. --includeColumns=/(name|age)/ ", "type": "string" }, "--colParser": { "desc": "Specific parser for columns. e.g. --colParser='{\"col1\":\"number\",\"col2\":\"string\"}'", "type": "~object" }, "--alwaysSplitAtEOL":{ "desc": "Always interpret each line (as defined by eol) as a row. This will prevent eol characters from being used within a row (even inside a quoted field). This ensures that misplaced quotes only break on row, and not all ensuing rows.", "type": "boolean" } }, "examples": [ "csvtojson < csvfile", "csvtojson ", "cat | csvtojson", "csvtojson --checkType=false --trim=false --delimiter=#" ] }