Bell_Shifter: A pitch shift program that sounds a bit like a Lo-Fi bell ringing
Better_Tremolo: Tremolo! This one is less noisy than the one included in the PedalSHIELD Uno (at least on my equipment)
Chorus: A basic Chorus effect
Flanger: Pitch oscillation with speed control
Flanger2: Pitch oscillation with speed control, in this one the input is mixed with the output for more depth
Fuzzy_Octave_Down: Octave down effect
UpDown: This program plays through a sample buffer, first forward at double rate, and then backwards at single rate. It changes direction at the buffer boundary. 

_Required Files_ : Contains essentials files from the StompShield Library (required for: Bell_Shifter, Better_Tremolo, Flanger and Flanger2)