use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst; // use std::thread::JoinHandle; use gtk::{prelude::*, TextView}; use gtk::{Application, ApplicationWindow}; use gtk::{Button, Entry, Orientation}; mod port; use port::*; static CONNECTED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); // static mut THREAD: Option> = None; fn main() { let app = Application::builder() .application_id("org.example.HelloWorld") .build(); app.connect_activate(|app| { // We create the main window. let window = ApplicationWindow::builder() .application(app) .default_width(320) .default_height(200) .title("Hello, World!") .build(); let master_box = gtk::Box::new(Orientation::Vertical, 5); let top_bar_box = gtk::Box::new(Orientation::Horizontal, 5); let pid = Entry::builder().text("0x27dd").editable(true).build(); let vid = Entry::builder().text("0x16c0").editable(true).build(); let connect_button = Button::with_label("Connect"); top_bar_box.pack_end(&connect_button, true, true, 3); top_bar_box.pack_end(&vid, true, true, 3); top_bar_box.pack_end(&pid, true, true, 3); let serial_info = TextView::new(); master_box.pack_end(&serial_info, true, true, 3); master_box.pack_end(&top_bar_box, false, true, 3); window.add(&master_box); connect_button.connect_clicked(move |_| { if !CONNECTED.load(SeqCst) { let usb_id = UsbId { vendor_id: u16::from_str_radix( vid.buffer().text().trim_start_matches("0x"), 16, ) .unwrap(), product_id: u16::from_str_radix( pid.buffer().text().trim_start_matches("0x"), 16, ) .unwrap(), }; let serialport_settings = SerialPortSettings { baud_rate: 57600, data_bits: DataBits::Eight, parity: Parity::None, stop_bits: StopBits::One, flow_control: FlowControl::None, timeout: Duration::from_millis(2500), }; if let Ok(mut port) = Port::open(usb_id, serialport_settings) {, SeqCst); // unsafe { // THREAD = Some(std::thread::spawn(move || { // loop forever loop { // handle incoming message match { SerialReadResult::Message(msg) => { let buffer = serial_info.buffer().unwrap(); buffer.insert(&mut buffer.end_iter(), &msg); } SerialReadResult::UtfConversion(err) => println!("{:?}", err), SerialReadResult::Timeout => (), } } // })); // } } } }); // Don't forget to make all widgets visible. window.show_all(); });; }