import asyncio import os import datetime import time import sqlite3 from meross_iot.controller.mixins.electricity import ElectricityMixin from meross_iot.http_api import MerossHttpClient from meross_iot.manager import MerossManager EMAIL = os.environ.get('MEROSS_EMAIL') or "" PASSWORD = os.environ.get('MEROSS_PASSWORD') or "hodasemi1" async def main(): # Setup the HTTP client API from user-password http_api_client = await MerossHttpClient.async_from_user_password( api_base_url='', email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD ) # Setup and start the device manager manager = MerossManager(http_client=http_api_client) await manager.async_init() # Retrieve all the devices that implement the electricity mixin await manager.async_device_discovery() devs = manager.find_devices(device_class=ElectricityMixin) if len(devs) < 1: print("No electricity-capable device found...") else: dev = devs[0] # Update device status: this is needed only the very first time we play with this device (or if the # connection goes down) await dev.async_update() con = connect_to_db() while True: # Read the electricity power/voltage/current instant_consumption = await dev.async_get_instant_metrics() insert_into_db(con, instant_consumption.power) time.sleep(3.0) # Close the manager and logout from http_api manager.close() await http_api_client.async_logout() def connect_to_db(): con = sqlite3.connect("data.db") cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, time INTEGER NOT NULL, watts REAL NOT NULL )""") con.commit() return con def insert_into_db(con, watts): now = unix_time = time.mktime(now.timetuple()) * 1000 date = (int(unix_time), watts) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(""" INSERT INTO data (time, watts) VALUES (?, ?) """, date) con.commit() if __name__ == '__main__': if == 'nt': asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main()) loop.stop()