use std::path::Path; use anyhow::Result; use rusqlite::{Connection, ToSql}; use crate::devices::{Devices, DevicesWithName}; pub struct DataBase { sql: Connection, } impl DataBase { const VERSION_0_1_0: &'static str = "0.1.0"; pub async fn new(path: impl AsRef) -> Result { let me = Self { sql: Connection::open(path)?, }; me.generate_tables()?; me.init()?; Ok(me) } fn generate_tables(&self) -> Result<()> { self.sql.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS meta ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, version INTEGER NOT NULL )", [], )?; self.sql.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS devices( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, device VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL, type VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, control INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(80) )", [], )?; self.sql.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, time BIGINT NOT NULL, watts REAL NOT NULL, device_id INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(device_id) REFERENCES devices(id) )", [], )?; Ok(()) } pub fn version(&self) -> Result { Ok(self .sql .query_row("SELECT version FROM meta WHERE id=1", [], |row| row.get(0))?) } fn init(&self) -> Result<()> { if self.version().is_err() { self.sql.execute( "INSERT INTO meta (version) VALUES (?1)", &[Self::VERSION_0_1_0], )?; } Ok(()) } pub fn register_devices(&self, devices: &Devices) -> Result<()> { for (device, control) in devices.plugs.iter() { self.sql.execute( &format!( "INSERT INTO devices (device, type) SELECT \"{device}\", \"plug\" WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT device FROM devices WHERE device=\"{device}\" ) " ), [], )?; let ctl = if *control { 1 } else { 0 }; self.sql.execute( &format!( " UPDATE devices SET control=\"{ctl}\" WHERE device=\"{device}\" " ), [], )?; } Ok(()) } pub fn write(&self, device_name: &str, time: u64, watts: f32) -> Result<()> { let params: &[&dyn ToSql] = &[&time, &watts]; self.sql.execute( &format!( "INSERT INTO data (time, watts, device_id) VALUES (?1, ?2, (SELECT id FROM devices WHERE device=\"{device_name}\") )" ), params, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn devices(&self) -> Result { let mut devices = DevicesWithName::default(); for row in self .sql .prepare(&format!( " SELECT device, type, name, control FROM devices " ))? .query_map([], |row| { Ok((row.get(0)?, row.get(1)?, row.get(2)?, row.get(3)?)) })? { let (device, dev_type, name, control): (String, String, Option, i32) = row?; match dev_type.as_str() { "plug" => devices.plugs.push((device, name, control != 0)), _ => panic!(), } } Ok(devices) } pub fn change_device_name(&self, device: &str, description: &str) -> Result<()> { self.sql.execute( &format!( " UPDATE devices SET name=\"{description}\" WHERE device=\"{device}\" " ), [], )?; Ok(()) } pub fn read(&self, device: &str) -> Result> { self._read(&format!( " SELECT data.time, data.watts FROM data INNER JOIN devices ON WHERE devices.device=\"{device}\" " )) } pub fn read_range(&self, device: &str, start: u64, end: u64) -> Result> { self._read(&format!( " SELECT data.time, data.watts FROM data INNER JOIN devices ON WHERE devices.device=\"{device}\" AND data.time>={start} AND data.time<{end} " )) } fn _read(&self, query: &str) -> Result> { self.sql .prepare(query)? .query_map([], |row| Ok((row.get(0)?, row.get(1)?)))? .map(|row| { let (time, watts) = row?; Ok((time, watts)) }) .collect() } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use std::fs; use anyhow::Result; use crate::devices::Devices; use super::DataBase; #[tokio::test] async fn test_connection() -> Result<()> { let db = DataBase::new("connection_test.db").await?; assert_eq!(DataBase::VERSION_0_1_0, db.version()?); fs::remove_file("connection_test.db")?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_startup() -> Result<()> { let db = DataBase::new("startup_test.db").await?; db.register_devices(&Devices { plugs: vec![("test".to_string(), true)], })?; fs::remove_file("startup_test.db")?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_write() -> Result<()> { let db = DataBase::new("write_test.db").await?; let device_name = "test"; db.register_devices(&Devices { plugs: vec![(device_name.to_string(), true)], })?; db.write(device_name, 0, 5.5)?; let device_descriptor = "udo"; db.change_device_name(device_name, device_descriptor)?; let devices = db.devices()?; assert_eq!(devices.plugs[0].1.as_ref().unwrap(), device_descriptor); assert_eq!(devices.plugs[0].0, device_name); fs::remove_file("write_test.db")?; Ok(()) } }