Add more rotation matrix constructors

This commit is contained in:
Brendan Zabarauskas 2012-12-15 16:12:16 +10:00
parent 563aa9495e
commit 645981efbf
3 changed files with 105 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ pub trait Matrix2<T,V>: Matrix<T,V> {
pub trait Matrix3<T,V>: Matrix<T,V> {
* Construct a matrix from an axis and an
* Construct a matrix from an axis and an angular rotation
static pure fn from_axis_angle<A:Angle<T>>(axis: &V, theta: A) -> Mat3<T>;

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@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ use core::vec::raw::buf_as_slice;
use std::cmp::FuzzyEq;
use angle::Angle;
use funs::common::*;
use funs::exponential::*;
use funs::triganomic::{sin, cos};
use num::types::{Float, Number};
use vec::Vec2;
@ -96,6 +98,16 @@ pub impl<T:Copy Float> Mat2<T> {
_0, value)
// FIXME: An interim solution to the issues with static functions
static pure fn from_angle<A:Angle<T>>(theta: A) -> Mat2<T> {
let cos_theta = cos(&theta.to_radians());
let sin_theta = sin(&theta.to_radians());
Mat2::new(cos_theta, -sin_theta,
sin_theta, cos_theta)
// FIXME: An interim solution to the issues with static functions
static pure fn identity() -> Mat2<T> {

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@ -129,6 +129,98 @@ pub impl<T:Copy Float> Mat3<T> {
_0, _0, _0,
_0, _0, _0)
* Construct a matrix from an angular rotation around the `x` axis
static pure fn from_angle_x<A:Angle<T>>(theta: A) -> Mat3<T> {
let cos_theta = cos(&theta.to_radians());
let sin_theta = sin(&theta.to_radians());
let _0 = Number::from(0);
let _1 = Number::from(1);
Mat3::new(_1, _0, _0,
_0, cos_theta, sin_theta,
_0, -sin_theta, cos_theta)
* Construct a matrix from an angular rotation around the `y` axis
static pure fn from_angle_y<A:Angle<T>>(theta: A) -> Mat3<T> {
let cos_theta = cos(&theta.to_radians());
let sin_theta = sin(&theta.to_radians());
let _0 = Number::from(0);
let _1 = Number::from(1);
Mat3::new(cos_theta, _0, -sin_theta,
_0, _1, _0,
sin_theta, _0, cos_theta)
* Construct a matrix from an angular rotation around the `z` axis
static pure fn from_angle_z<A:Angle<T>>(theta: A) -> Mat3<T> {
let cos_theta = cos(&theta.to_radians());
let sin_theta = sin(&theta.to_radians());
let _0 = Number::from(0);
let _1 = Number::from(1);
Mat3::new( cos_theta, sin_theta, _0,
-sin_theta, cos_theta, _0,
_0, _0, _1)
* Construct a matrix from Euler angles
* # Arguments
* * `theta_x` - the angular rotation around the `x` axis (pitch)
* * `theta_y` - the angular rotation around the `y` axis (yaw)
* * `theta_z` - the angular rotation around the `z` axis (roll)
static pure fn from_angle_xyz<A:Angle<T>>(theta_x: A, theta_y: A, theta_z: A) -> Mat3<T> {
let cx = cos(&theta_x.to_radians());
let sx = sin(&theta_x.to_radians());
let cy = cos(&theta_y.to_radians());
let sy = sin(&theta_y.to_radians());
let cz = cos(&theta_z.to_radians());
let sz = sin(&theta_z.to_radians());
Mat3::new( cy*cz, cy*sz, -sy,
-cx*sz + sx*sy*cz, cx*cz + sx*sy*sz, sx*cy,
sx*sz + cx*sy*cz, -sx*cz + cx*sy*sz, cx*cy)
* Construct a matrix from an axis and an angular rotation
static pure fn from_axis_angle<A:Angle<T>>(axis: &Vec3<T>, theta: A) -> Mat3<T> {
let c: T = cos(&theta.to_radians());
let s: T = sin(&theta.to_radians());
let _0: T = Number::from(0);
let _1: T = Number::from(1);
let _1_c: T = _1 - c;
let x = axis.x;
let y = axis.y;
let z = axis.z;
Mat3::new(_1_c*x*x + c, _1_c*x*y + s*z, _1_c*x*z - s*y,
_1_c*x*y - s*z, _1_c*y*y + c, _1_c*y*z + s*x,
_1_c*x*z + s*y, _1_c*y*z - s*x, _1_c*z*z + c)
pub impl<T:Copy Float> Mat3<T>: Matrix<T, Vec3<T>> {