// Copyright 2013 The Lmath Developers. For a full listing of the authors, // refer to the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. use std::cast::transmute; use std::cmp::ApproxEq; use std::num::{Zero, One}; use super::Dimensional; #[deriving(Eq)] pub struct Vec4 { x: T, y: T, z: T, w: T } impl Vec4 { #[inline] pub fn new(x: T, y: T, z: T, w: T ) -> Vec4 { Vec4 { x: x, y: y, z: z, w: w } } } impl Dimensional for Vec4 { #[inline] pub fn index<'a>(&'a self, i: uint) -> &'a T { &'a self.as_slice()[i] } #[inline] pub fn index_mut<'a>(&'a mut self, i: uint) -> &'a mut T { &'a mut self.as_mut_slice()[i] } #[inline] pub fn as_slice<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [T,..4] { unsafe { transmute(self) } } #[inline] pub fn as_mut_slice<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut [T,..4] { unsafe { transmute(self) } } #[inline(always)] pub fn map(&self, f: &fn(&T) -> T) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(f(self.index(0)), f(self.index(1)), f(self.index(2)), f(self.index(3))) } #[inline(always)] pub fn map_mut(&mut self, f: &fn(&mut T)) { f(self.index_mut(0)); f(self.index_mut(1)); f(self.index_mut(2)); f(self.index_mut(3)); } } impl Vec4 { #[inline] pub fn from_value(value: T) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(value, value, value, value) } #[inline] pub fn swap(&mut self, a: uint, b: uint) { let tmp = *self.index(a); *self.index_mut(a) = *self.index(b); *self.index_mut(b) = tmp; } } impl Vec4 { #[inline] pub fn identity() -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(One::one::(), One::one::(), One::one::(), One::one::()) } #[inline] pub fn zero() -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(Zero::zero::(), Zero::zero::(), Zero::zero::(), Zero::zero::()) } #[inline] pub fn unit_x() -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(One::one::(), Zero::zero::(), Zero::zero::(), Zero::zero::()) } #[inline] pub fn unit_y() -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(Zero::zero::(), One::one::(), Zero::zero::(), Zero::zero::()) } #[inline] pub fn unit_z() -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(Zero::zero::(), Zero::zero::(), One::one::(), Zero::zero::()) } #[inline] pub fn unit_w() -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(Zero::zero::(), Zero::zero::(), Zero::zero::(), One::one::()) } #[inline] pub fn is_zero(&self) -> bool { *self.index(0) == Zero::zero() && *self.index(1) == Zero::zero() && *self.index(2) == Zero::zero() && *self.index(3) == Zero::zero() } #[inline] pub fn add_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec4 { self.map(|&x| x + value) } #[inline] pub fn sub_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec4 { self.map(|&x| x - value) } #[inline] pub fn mul_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec4 { self.map(|&x| x * value) } #[inline] pub fn div_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec4 { self.map(|&x| x / value) } #[inline] pub fn rem_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec4 { self.map(|&x| x % value) } #[inline] pub fn add_v(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(*self.index(0) + *other.index(0), *self.index(1) + *other.index(1), *self.index(2) + *other.index(2), *self.index(3) + *other.index(3)) } #[inline] pub fn sub_v(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(*self.index(0) - *other.index(0), *self.index(1) - *other.index(1), *self.index(2) - *other.index(2), *self.index(3) - *other.index(3)) } #[inline] pub fn mul_v(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(*self.index(0) * *other.index(0), *self.index(1) * *other.index(1), *self.index(2) * *other.index(2), *self.index(3) * *other.index(3)) } #[inline] pub fn div_v(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(*self.index(0) / *other.index(0), *self.index(1) / *other.index(1), *self.index(2) / *other.index(2), *self.index(3) / *other.index(3)) } #[inline] pub fn rem_v(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(*self.index(0) % *other.index(0), *self.index(1) % *other.index(1), *self.index(2) % *other.index(2), *self.index(3) % *other.index(3)) } #[inline] pub fn neg_self(&mut self) { self.map_mut(|x| *x = -*x) } #[inline] pub fn add_self_t(&mut self, value: T) { self.map_mut(|x| *x += value) } #[inline] pub fn sub_self_t(&mut self, value: T) { self.map_mut(|x| *x -= value) } #[inline] pub fn mul_self_t(&mut self, value: T) { self.map_mut(|x| *x *= value) } #[inline] pub fn div_self_t(&mut self, value: T) { self.map_mut(|x| *x /= value) } #[inline] pub fn rem_self_t(&mut self, value: T) { self.map_mut(|x| *x %= value) } #[inline] pub fn add_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec4) { *self.index_mut(0) += *other.index(0); *self.index_mut(1) += *other.index(1); *self.index_mut(2) += *other.index(2); *self.index_mut(3) += *other.index(3); } #[inline] pub fn sub_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec4) { *self.index_mut(0) -= *other.index(0); *self.index_mut(1) -= *other.index(1); *self.index_mut(2) -= *other.index(2); *self.index_mut(3) -= *other.index(3); } #[inline] pub fn mul_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec4) { *self.index_mut(0) *= *other.index(0); *self.index_mut(1) *= *other.index(1); *self.index_mut(2) *= *other.index(2); *self.index_mut(3) *= *other.index(3); } #[inline] pub fn div_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec4) { *self.index_mut(0) /= *other.index(0); *self.index_mut(1) /= *other.index(1); *self.index_mut(2) /= *other.index(2); *self.index_mut(3) /= *other.index(3); } #[inline] pub fn rem_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec4) { *self.index_mut(0) /= *other.index(0); *self.index_mut(1) /= *other.index(1); *self.index_mut(2) /= *other.index(2); *self.index_mut(3) /= *other.index(3); } #[inline] pub fn dot(&self, other: &Vec4) -> T { *self.index(0) * *other.index(0) + *self.index(1) * *other.index(1) + *self.index(2) * *other.index(2) + *self.index(3) * *other.index(3) } } impl Neg> for Vec4 { #[inline] pub fn neg(&self) -> Vec4 { self.map(|&x| -x) } } impl Vec4 { #[inline] pub fn length2(&self) -> T { self.dot(self) } #[inline] pub fn length(&self) -> T { self.length2().sqrt() } #[inline] pub fn distance2(&self, other: &Vec4) -> T { other.sub_v(self).length2() } #[inline] pub fn distance(&self, other: &Vec4) -> T { other.distance2(self).sqrt() } #[inline] pub fn angle(&self, other: &Vec4) -> T { (self.dot(other) / (self.length() * other.length())).acos() } #[inline] pub fn normalize(&self) -> Vec4 { self.mul_t(One::one::()/self.length()) } #[inline] pub fn normalize_to(&self, length: T) -> Vec4 { self.mul_t(length / self.length()) } #[inline] pub fn lerp(&self, other: &Vec4, amount: T) -> Vec4 { self.add_v(&other.sub_v(self).mul_t(amount)) } #[inline] pub fn normalize_self(&mut self) { let n = One::one::() / self.length(); self.mul_self_t(n); } #[inline] pub fn normalize_self_to(&mut self, length: T) { let n = length / self.length(); self.mul_self_t(n); } pub fn lerp_self(&mut self, other: &Vec4, amount: T) { let v = other.sub_v(self).mul_t(amount); self.add_self_v(&v); } } impl> ApproxEq for Vec4 { #[inline] pub fn approx_epsilon() -> T { ApproxEq::approx_epsilon::() } #[inline] pub fn approx_eq(&self, other: &Vec4) -> bool { self.approx_eq_eps(other, &ApproxEq::approx_epsilon::()) } #[inline] pub fn approx_eq_eps(&self, other: &Vec4, epsilon: &T) -> bool { self.index(0).approx_eq_eps(other.index(0), epsilon) && self.index(1).approx_eq_eps(other.index(1), epsilon) && self.index(2).approx_eq_eps(other.index(2), epsilon) && self.index(3).approx_eq_eps(other.index(3), epsilon) } } impl Vec4 { #[inline] pub fn lt_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(*self.index(0) < value, *self.index(1) < value, *self.index(2) < value, *self.index(3) < value) } #[inline] pub fn le_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(*self.index(0) <= value, *self.index(1) <= value, *self.index(2) <= value, *self.index(3) <= value) } #[inline] pub fn ge_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(*self.index(0) >= value, *self.index(1) >= value, *self.index(2) >= value, *self.index(3) >= value) } #[inline] pub fn gt_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(*self.index(0) > value, *self.index(1) > value, *self.index(2) > value, *self.index(3) > value) } #[inline] pub fn lt_v(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(*self.index(0) < *other.index(0), *self.index(1) < *other.index(1), *self.index(2) < *other.index(2), *self.index(3) < *other.index(3)) } #[inline] pub fn le_v(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(*self.index(0) <= *other.index(0), *self.index(1) <= *other.index(1), *self.index(2) <= *other.index(2), *self.index(3) <= *other.index(3)) } #[inline] pub fn ge_v(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(*self.index(0) >= *other.index(0), *self.index(1) >= *other.index(1), *self.index(2) >= *other.index(2), *self.index(3) >= *other.index(3)) } #[inline] pub fn gt_v(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(*self.index(0) > *other.index(0), *self.index(1) > *other.index(1), *self.index(2) > *other.index(2), *self.index(3) > *other.index(3)) } } impl Vec4 { #[inline] pub fn eq_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(*self.index(0) == value, *self.index(1) == value, *self.index(2) == value, *self.index(3) == value) } #[inline] pub fn ne_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(*self.index(0) != value, *self.index(1) != value, *self.index(2) != value, *self.index(3) != value) } #[inline] pub fn eq_v(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(*self.index(0) == *other.index(0), *self.index(1) == *other.index(1), *self.index(2) == *other.index(2), *self.index(3) == *other.index(3)) } #[inline] pub fn ne_v(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(*self.index(0) != *other.index(0), *self.index(1) != *other.index(1), *self.index(2) != *other.index(2), *self.index(3) != *other.index(3)) } } impl Vec4 { #[inline] pub fn any(&self) -> bool { *self.index(0) || *self.index(1) || *self.index(2) || *self.index(3) } #[inline] pub fn all(&self) -> bool { *self.index(0) && *self.index(1) && *self.index(2) && *self.index(3) } #[inline] pub fn not(&self) -> Vec4 { self.map(|&x| !x) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use vec::*; #[test] fn test_vec4() { let a = Vec4 { x: 1.0, y: 2.0, z: 3.0, w: 4.0 }; let b = Vec4 { x: 5.0, y: 6.0, z: 7.0, w: 8.0 }; let f1 = 1.5; let f2 = 0.5; let mut mut_a = a; assert_eq!(Vec4::new::(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), a); assert_eq!(Vec4::from_value(1.0), Vec4::new::(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); *mut_a.index_mut(0) = 42.0; *mut_a.index_mut(1) = 43.0; *mut_a.index_mut(2) = 44.0; *mut_a.index_mut(3) = 45.0; assert_eq!(mut_a, Vec4::new::(42.0, 43.0, 44.0, 45.0)); mut_a = a; mut_a.swap(0, 3); assert_eq!(*mut_a.index(0), *a.index(3)); assert_eq!(*mut_a.index(3), *a.index(0)); mut_a = a; mut_a.swap(1, 2); assert_eq!(*mut_a.index(1), *a.index(2)); assert_eq!(*mut_a.index(2), *a.index(1)); mut_a = a; assert_eq!(Vec4::zero(), Vec4::new::(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); assert_eq!(Vec4::unit_x(), Vec4::new::(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); assert_eq!(Vec4::unit_y(), Vec4::new::(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)); assert_eq!(Vec4::unit_z(), Vec4::new::(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)); assert_eq!(Vec4::unit_w(), Vec4::new::(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); assert_eq!(Vec4::identity(), Vec4::new::(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); assert_eq!(a.x, 1.0); assert_eq!(a.y, 2.0); assert_eq!(a.z, 3.0); assert_eq!(a.w, 4.0); assert_eq!(*a.index(0), 1.0); assert_eq!(*a.index(1), 2.0); assert_eq!(*a.index(2), 3.0); assert_eq!(*a.index(3), 4.0); assert_eq!(-a, Vec4::new::(-1.0, -2.0, -3.0, -4.0)); assert_eq!(a.neg(), Vec4::new::(-1.0, -2.0, -3.0, -4.0)); assert!(Vec4::new::(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).is_zero()); assert!(!Vec4::new::(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0).is_zero()); assert_eq!(a.mul_t(f1), Vec4::new::( 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0)); assert_eq!(a.div_t(f2), Vec4::new::( 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0)); assert_eq!(a.add_v(&b), Vec4::new::( 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0)); assert_eq!(a.sub_v(&b), Vec4::new::( -4.0, -4.0, -4.0, -4.0)); assert_eq!(a.mul_v(&b), Vec4::new::( 5.0, 12.0, 21.0, 32.0)); assert_eq!(a.div_v(&b), Vec4::new::(1.0/5.0, 2.0/6.0, 3.0/7.0, 4.0/8.0)); assert_eq!(a.dot(&b), 70.0); mut_a.neg_self(); assert_eq!(mut_a, -a); mut_a = a; mut_a.mul_self_t(f1); assert_eq!(mut_a, a.mul_t(f1)); mut_a = a; mut_a.div_self_t(f2); assert_eq!(mut_a, a.div_t(f2)); mut_a = a; mut_a.add_self_v(&b); assert_eq!(mut_a, a.add_v(&b)); mut_a = a; mut_a.sub_self_v(&b); assert_eq!(mut_a, a.sub_v(&b)); mut_a = a; mut_a.mul_self_v(&b); assert_eq!(mut_a, a.mul_v(&b)); mut_a = a; mut_a.div_self_v(&b); assert_eq!(mut_a, a.div_v(&b)); } #[test] fn test_vec4_approx_eq() { assert!(!Vec4::new::(0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001).approx_eq(&Vec4::new::(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))); assert!(Vec4::new::(0.0000001, 0.0000001, 0.0000001, 0.0000001).approx_eq(&Vec4::new::(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))); } #[test] fn test_vec4_euclidean() { let a = Vec4::new::(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 10.0); // (1, 2, 4, 10, 11) Pythagorean quintuple let b0 = Vec4::new::(1.0, 2.0, 8.0, 10.0); // (1, 2, 8, 10, 13) Pythagorean quintuple let b = a.add_v(&b0); assert_eq!(a.length(), 11.0); assert_eq!(a.length2(), 11.0 * 11.0); assert_eq!(b0.length(), 13.0); assert_eq!(b0.length2(), 13.0 * 13.0); assert_eq!(a.distance(&b), 13.0); assert_eq!(a.distance2(&b), 13.0 * 13.0); assert!(Vec4::new::(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0).angle(&Vec4::new::(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)).approx_eq(&Real::frac_pi_2())); assert!(Vec4::new::(10.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0).angle(&Vec4::new::(0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 5.0)).approx_eq(&Real::frac_pi_2())); assert!(Vec4::new::(-1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0).angle(&Vec4::new::(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)).approx_eq(&Real::frac_pi_2())); assert!(Vec4::new::(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 10.0).normalize().approx_eq(&Vec4::new::(1.0/11.0, 2.0/11.0, 4.0/11.0, 10.0/11.0))); // TODO: test normalize_to, normalize_self, and normalize_self_to let c = Vec4::new::(-2.0, -1.0, 1.0, 2.0); let d = Vec4::new::( 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0); assert_eq!(c.lerp(&d, 0.75), Vec4::new::(0.250, -0.250, 0.625, 1.250)); let mut mut_c = c; mut_c.lerp_self(&d, 0.75); assert_eq!(mut_c, c.lerp(&d, 0.75)); } #[test] fn test_vec4_boolean() { let tftf = Vec4::new(true, false, true, false); let ffff = Vec4::new(false, false, false, false); let tttt = Vec4::new(true, true, true, true); assert_eq!(tftf.any(), true); assert_eq!(tftf.all(), false); assert_eq!(tftf.not(), Vec4::new(false, true, false, true)); assert_eq!(ffff.any(), false); assert_eq!(ffff.all(), false); assert_eq!(ffff.not(), Vec4::new(true, true, true, true)); assert_eq!(tttt.any(), true); assert_eq!(tttt.all(), true); assert_eq!(tttt.not(), Vec4::new(false, false, false, false)); } }