use core::cast::transmute; use core::cmp::Eq; use core::ptr::to_unsafe_ptr; use core::vec::raw::buf_as_slice; use std::cmp::FuzzyEq; use angle::Radians; use funs::exponential::Exp; use funs::triganomic::{InvTrig, acos}; use num::types::Number; /** * A 4-dimensional vector * * # Type parameters * * * `T` - The type of the components. This is intended to support boolean, * integer, unsigned integer, and floating point types. * * # Fields * * * `x` - the first component of the vector * * `y` - the second component of the vector * * `z` - the third component of the vector * * `w` - the fourth component of the vector */ pub struct Vec4 { x: T, y: T, z: T, w: T } pub impl Vec4/*: Vector4*/ { #[inline(always)] static pure fn new(x: T, y: T, z: T, w: T) -> Vec4 { Vec4 { x: move x, y: move y, z: move z, w: move w } } } pub impl Vec4: Vector { #[inline(always)] static pure fn from_value(value: T) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(value, value, value, value) } #[inline(always)] pure fn to_ptr(&self) -> *T { unsafe { transmute::<*Vec4, *T>( to_unsafe_ptr(self) ) } } } pub impl Vec4: Index { #[inline(always)] pure fn index(&self, i: uint) -> T { unsafe { do buf_as_slice(self.to_ptr(), 4) |slice| { slice[i] } } } } pub impl Vec4: MutableVector { #[inline(always)] fn index_mut(&mut self, i: uint) -> &self/mut T { match i { 0 => &mut self.x, 1 => &mut self.y, 2 => &mut self.z, 3 => &mut self.w, _ => fail(fmt!("index out of bounds: expected an index from 0 to 3, but found %u", i)) } } #[inline(always)] fn swap(&mut self, a: uint, b: uint) { util::swap(self.index_mut(a), self.index_mut(b)); } } pub impl Vec4: NumericVector { #[inline(always)] static pure fn identity() -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(Number::one(), Number::one(), Number::one(), Number::one()) } #[inline(always)] static pure fn zero() -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(Number::zero(), Number::zero(), Number::zero(), Number::zero()) } #[inline(always)] pure fn mul_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(self[0] * value, self[1] * value, self[2] * value, self[3] * value) } #[inline(always)] pure fn div_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(self[0] / value, self[1] / value, self[2] / value, self[3] / value) } #[inline(always)] pure fn add_v(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(self[0] + other[0], self[1] + other[1], self[2] + other[2], self[3] + other[3]) } #[inline(always)] pure fn sub_v(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(self[0] - other[0], self[1] - other[1], self[2] - other[2], self[3] - other[3]) } #[inline(always)] pure fn dot(&self, other: &Vec4) -> T { self[0] * other[0] + self[1] * other[1] + self[2] * other[2] + self[3] * other[3] } } pub impl Vec4: Neg> { #[inline(always)] pure fn neg(&self) -> Vec4 { Vec4::new(-self[0], -self[1], -self[2], -self[3]) } } pub impl Vec4: MutableNumericVector<&self/T> { #[inline(always)] fn neg_self(&mut self) { *self.index_mut(0) = -*self.index_mut(0); *self.index_mut(1) = -*self.index_mut(1); *self.index_mut(2) = -*self.index_mut(2); *self.index_mut(3) = -*self.index_mut(3); } #[inline(always)] fn mul_self_t(&mut self, value: &T) { *self.index_mut(0) *= (*value); *self.index_mut(1) *= (*value); *self.index_mut(2) *= (*value); *self.index_mut(3) *= (*value); } #[inline(always)] fn div_self_t(&mut self, value: &T) { *self.index_mut(0) /= (*value); *self.index_mut(1) /= (*value); *self.index_mut(2) /= (*value); *self.index_mut(3) /= (*value); } #[inline(always)] fn add_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec4) { *self.index_mut(0) += other[0]; *self.index_mut(1) += other[1]; *self.index_mut(2) += other[2]; *self.index_mut(3) += other[3]; } #[inline(always)] fn sub_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec4) { *self.index_mut(0) -= other[0]; *self.index_mut(1) -= other[1]; *self.index_mut(2) -= other[2]; *self.index_mut(3) -= other[3]; } } pub impl Vec4: EuclideanVector { #[inline(always)] pure fn length2(&self) -> T { } #[inline(always)] pure fn length(&self) -> T { self.length2().sqrt() } #[inline(always)] pure fn distance2(&self, other: &Vec4) -> T { other.sub_v(self).length2() } #[inline(always)] pure fn distance(&self, other: &Vec4) -> T { other.distance2(self).sqrt() } #[inline(always)] pure fn angle(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Radians { acos(&( / (self.length() * other.length()))) } #[inline(always)] pure fn normalize(&self) -> Vec4 { let mut n: T = Number::from(1); n /= self.length(); return self.mul_t(n); } #[inline(always)] pure fn normalize_to(&self, length: T) -> Vec4 { let mut n: T = length / self.length(); return self.mul_t(n); } #[inline(always)] pure fn lerp(&self, other: &Vec4, amount: T) -> Vec4 { self.add_v(&other.sub_v(self).mul_t(amount)) } } pub impl Vec4: MutableEuclideanVector<&self/T> { #[inline(always)] fn normalize_self(&mut self) { let mut n: T = Number::from(1); n /= self.length(); self.mul_self_t(&n); } #[inline(always)] fn normalize_self_to(&mut self, length: &T) { let mut n: T = length / self.length(); self.mul_self_t(&n); } fn lerp_self(&mut self, other: &Vec4, amount: &T) { self.add_self_v(&other.sub_v(&*self).mul_t(*amount)); } } pub impl Vec4: Eq { #[inline(always)] pure fn eq(&self, other: &Vec4) -> bool { self[0] == other[0] && self[1] == other[1] && self[2] == other[2] && self[3] == other[3] } #[inline(always)] pure fn ne(&self, other: &Vec4) -> bool { !(self == other) } } pub impl Vec4: FuzzyEq { #[inline(always)] pure fn fuzzy_eq(other: &Vec4) -> bool { self[0].fuzzy_eq(&other[0]) && self[1].fuzzy_eq(&other[1]) && self[2].fuzzy_eq(&other[2]) && self[3].fuzzy_eq(&other[3]) } }