use cast::transmute; use cmp::Eq; use num::from_int; use ptr::to_unsafe_ptr; use vec::raw::buf_as_slice; use std::cmp::FuzzyEq; use funs::exp::Exp; use math::*; use matrix::{Mat3, Mat4}; use ncast::*; use vector::Vec3; // These quaternion type aliases are not actually specified in the GLSL spec // but they follow the same nomenclature type quat4 = Quat; /// a single-precision floating-point quaternion type dquat4 = Quat; /// a double-precision floating-point quaternion // // Quaternion // pub trait Quaternion { pure fn dim() -> uint; pure fn mul_t(value: T) -> self; pure fn div_t(value: T) -> self; // pure fn mul_v(other: &Vec3) -> Vec3; pure fn add_q(other: &self) -> self; pure fn sub_q(other: &self) -> self; pure fn mul_q(other: &self) -> self; pure fn conjugate() -> self; pure fn inverse() -> self; pure fn length2() -> T; pure fn length() -> T; pure fn to_Mat3() -> Mat3; pure fn to_Mat4() -> Mat4; } pub trait ToQuat { pure fn to_Quat() -> Quat; } pub struct Quat { w: T, x: T, y: T, z: T } pub mod Quat { #[inline(always)] pub pure fn new(w: T, x: T, y: T, z: T) -> Quat { Quat { w: move w, x: move x, y: move y, z: move z } } #[inline(always)] pub pure fn from_sv(s: T, v: Vec3) -> Quat { Quat::new(s, v.x, v.y, v.z) } #[inline(always)] pub pure fn zero() -> Quat { let _0 = cast(0); Quat::new(_0, _0, _0, _0) } #[inline(always)] pub pure fn identity() -> Quat { let _0 = cast(0); Quat::new(cast(1), _0, _0, _0) } } pub impl Quat: Quaternion { #[inline(always)] pure fn dim() -> uint { 4 } #[inline(always)] pure fn mul_t(value: T) -> Quat { Quat::new(self[0] * value, self[1] * value, self[2] * value, self[3] * value) } #[inline(always)] pure fn div_t(value: T) -> Quat { Quat::new(self[0] / value, self[1] / value, self[2] / value, self[3] / value) } #[inline(always)] pure fn add_q(other: &Quat) -> Quat { Quat::new(self[0] + other[0], self[1] + other[1], self[2] + other[2], self[3] + other[3]) } #[inline(always)] pure fn sub_q(other: &Quat) -> Quat { Quat::new(self[0] - other[0], self[1] - other[1], self[2] - other[2], self[3] - other[3]) } #[inline(always)] pure fn mul_q(other: &Quat) -> Quat { Quat::new(self.w * other.w - self.x * other.x - self.y * other.y - self.z * other.z, self.w * other.x + self.x * other.w + self.y * other.z - self.z * other.y, self.w * other.y + self.y * other.w + self.z * other.x - self.x * other.z, self.w * other.z + self.z * other.w + self.x * other.y - self.y * other.x) } #[inline(always)] pure fn conjugate() -> Quat { Quat::new(self.w, -self.x, -self.y, -self.z) } #[inline(always)] pure fn inverse() -> Quat { let mut n: T = from_int(1); n /= self.length2(); self.conjugate().mul_t(n) } #[inline(always)] pure fn length2() -> T { self.w * self.w + self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y + self.z * self.z } #[inline(always)] pure fn length() -> T { self.length2().sqrt() } #[inline(always)] pure fn to_Mat3() -> Mat3 { let x2 = self.x + self.x; let y2 = self.y + self.y; let z2 = self.z + self.z; let xx2 = x2 * self.x; let xy2 = x2 * self.y; let xz2 = x2 * self.z; let yy2 = y2 * self.y; let yz2 = y2 * self.z; let zz2 = z2 * self.z; let wy2 = y2 * self.w; let wz2 = z2 * self.w; let wx2 = x2 * self.w; let _1: T = from_int(1); Mat3::new(_1 - yy2 - zz2, xy2 - wz2, xz2 + wy2, xy2 + wz2, _1 - xx2 - zz2, yz2 - wx2, xz2 - wy2, yz2 + wx2, _1 - xx2 - yy2) } #[inline(always)] pure fn to_Mat4() -> Mat4 { self.to_Mat3().to_Mat4() } } pub impl Quat: Index { #[inline(always)] pure fn index(i: uint) -> T { unsafe { do buf_as_slice( transmute::<*Quat, *T>( to_unsafe_ptr(&self)), 4) |slice| { slice[i] } } } } pub impl> Quat: Neg> { #[inline(always)] pure fn neg() -> Quat { Quat::new(-self[0], -self[1], -self[2], -self[3]) } } // TODO: make work for T:Integer pub impl Quat: Eq { #[inline(always)] pure fn eq(other: &Quat) -> bool { self.fuzzy_eq(other) } #[inline(always)] pure fn ne(other: &Quat) -> bool { !(self == *other) } } pub impl Quat: ExactEq { #[inline(always)] pure fn exact_eq(other: &Quat) -> bool { self[0] == other[0] && self[1] == other[1] && self[2] == other[2] && self[3] == other[3] } } pub impl Quat: FuzzyEq { #[inline(always)] pure fn fuzzy_eq(other: &Quat) -> bool { self[0].fuzzy_eq(&other[0]) && self[1].fuzzy_eq(&other[1]) && self[2].fuzzy_eq(&other[2]) && self[3].fuzzy_eq(&other[3]) } } pub impl Quat: ToPtr { #[inline(always)] pure fn to_ptr() -> *T { to_unsafe_ptr(&self[0]) } }