# Rust-Empty: An Makefile to get started with Rust # https://github.com/bvssvni/rust-empty # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2014 Sven Nilsen # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of # this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in # the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to # use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of # the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR # COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. SHELL := /bin/bash # The default make command. # Change this to 'lib' if you are building a library. DEFAULT = lib # The entry file of library source. # Change this to support multi-crate source structure. # For advanced usage, you can rename the file 'rust-empty.mk' # and call it with 'make -f rust-empty.mk ' from your Makefile. LIB_ENTRY_FILE = src/cgmath.rs # The entry file of executable source. EXE_ENTRY_FILE = src/main.rs EXAMPLE_FILES = examples/*.rs SOURCE_FILES = $(shell test -e src/ && find src -type f) COMPILER = rustc # For release: COMPILER_FLAGS = -O # For debugging: # COMPILER_FLAGS = -g RUSTDOC = rustdoc # Extracts target from rustc. TARGET = $(shell rustc --version verbose 2> /dev/null | awk "/host:/ { print \$$2 }") # TARGET = x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu # TARGET = x86_64-apple-darwin TARGET_LIB_DIR = target/deps/ # Ask 'rustc' the file name of the library and use a dummy name if the source has not been created yet. # The dummy file name is used to trigger the creation of the source first time. # Next time 'rustc' will return the right file name. RLIB_FILE = $(shell (rustc --crate-type=rlib --crate-file-name "$(LIB_ENTRY_FILE)" 2> /dev/null) || (echo "dummy.rlib")) # You can't have quotes around paths because 'make' doesn't see it exists. RLIB = target/$(RLIB_FILE) DYLIB_FILE = $(shell (rustc --crate-type=dylib --crate-file-name "$(LIB_ENTRY_FILE)" 2> /dev/null) || (echo "dummy.dylib")) DYLIB = target/$(DYLIB_FILE) # Use 'VERBOSE=1' to echo all commands, for example 'make help VERBOSE=1'. ifdef VERBOSE Q := else Q := @ endif all: $(DEFAULT) help: $(Q)echo "--- rust-empty (0.6 003)" $(Q)echo "make run - Runs executable" $(Q)echo "make exe - Builds main executable" $(Q)echo "make lib - Both static and dynamic library" $(Q)echo "make rlib - Static library" $(Q)echo "make dylib - Dynamic library" $(Q)echo "make test - Tests library internally and externally" $(Q)echo "make test-internal - Tests library internally" $(Q)echo "make test-external - Tests library externally" $(Q)echo "make bench - Benchmarks library internally and externally" $(Q)echo "make bench-internal - Benchmarks library internally" $(Q)echo "make bench-external - Benchmarks library externally" $(Q)echo "make doc - Builds documentation for library" $(Q)echo "make git-ignore - Setup files to be ignored by Git" $(Q)echo "make examples - Builds examples" $(Q)echo "make cargo-lite-exe - Setup executable package" $(Q)echo "make cargo-lite-lib - Setup library package" $(Q)echo "make cargo-exe - Setup executable package" $(Q)echo "make cargo-lib - Setup library package" $(Q)echo "make rust-ci-lib - Setup Travis CI Rust library" $(Q)echo "make rust-ci-exe - Setup Travis CI Rust executable" $(Q)echo "make rusti - Setup 'rusti.sh' for interactive Rust" $(Q)echo "make watch - Setup 'watch.sh' for compilation on save" $(Q)echo "make loc - Count lines of code in src folder" $(Q)echo "make nightly-install - Installs Rust nightly build" $(Q)echo "make nightly-uninstall - Uninstalls Rust nightly build" $(Q)echo "make clean - Deletes binaries and documentation." $(Q)echo "make clear-project - WARNING: Deletes project files except 'Makefile'" $(Q)echo "make clear-git - WARNING: Deletes Git setup" $(Q)echo "make symlink-build - Creates a script for building dependencies" $(Q)echo "make symlink-info - Symlinked libraries dependency info" $(Q)echo "make target-dir - Creates directory for current target" .PHONY: \ bench \ bench-internal \ bench-external \ cargo-lib \ cargo-exe \ cargo-lite-lib \ cargo-lite-exe \ clean \ clear-git \ clear-project \ loc \ nightly-install \ nightly-uninstall \ run \ rusti \ rust-ci-lib \ rust-ci-exe \ symlink-build \ symlink-info \ target-dir \ test \ test-internal \ test-external \ watch nightly-install: $(Q)cd ~ \ && curl -s http://www.rust-lang.org/rustup.sh > rustup.sh \ && ( \ echo "Rust install-script stored as '~/rustup.sh'" ; \ read -p "Do you want to install? [y/n]:" -n 1 -r ; \ echo "" ; \ if [[ $$REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$$ ]] ; \ then \ cat rustup.sh | sudo sh ; \ fi \ ) nightly-uninstall: $(Q)cd ~ \ && curl -s http://www.rust-lang.org/rustup.sh > rustup.sh \ && ( \ echo "Rust install-script stored as '~/rustup.sh'" ; \ read -p "Do you want to uninstall? [y/n]:" -n 1 -r ; \ echo "" ; \ if [[ $$REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$$ ]] ; \ then \ cat rustup.sh | sudo sh -s -- --uninstall ; \ fi \ ) cargo-lite-exe: $(EXE_ENTRY_FILE) $(Q)( \ test -e cargo-lite.conf \ && echo "--- The file 'cargo-lite.conf' already exists" \ ) \ || \ ( \ echo -e "deps = [\n]\n\n[build]\ncrate_root = \"$(EXE_ENTRY_FILE)\"\nrustc_args = []\n" > cargo-lite.conf \ && echo "--- Created 'cargo-lite.conf' for executable" \ && cat cargo-lite.conf \ ) cargo-lite-lib: $(LIB_ENTRY_FILE) $(Q)( \ test -e cargo-lite.conf \ && echo "--- The file 'cargo-lite.conf' already exists" \ ) \ || \ ( \ echo -e "deps = [\n]\n\n[build]\ncrate_root = \"$(LIB_ENTRY_FILE)\"\ncrate_type = \"library\"\nrustc_args = []\n" > cargo-lite.conf \ && echo "--- Created 'cargo-lite.conf' for library" \ && cat cargo-lite.conf \ ) cargo-exe: $(EXE_ENTRY_FILE) $(Q)( \ test -e Cargo.toml \ && echo "--- The file 'Cargo.toml' already exists" \ ) \ || \ ( \ name=$${PWD##/*/} ; \ readme=$$((test -e README.md && echo -e "readme = \"README.md\"") || ("")) ; \ echo -e "[package]\n\nname = \"$$name\"\nversion = \"0.0.0\"\n$$readme\nauthors = [\"Your Name \"]\ntags = []\n\n[[bin]]\n\nname = \"$$name\"\npath = \"$(EXE_ENTRY_FILE)\"\n" > Cargo.toml \ && echo "--- Created 'Cargo.toml' for executable" \ && cat Cargo.toml \ ) cargo-lib: $(LIB_ENTRY_FILE) $(Q)( \ test -e Cargo.toml \ && echo "--- The file 'Cargo.toml' already exists" \ ) \ || \ ( \ name=$${PWD##/*/} ; \ readme=$$((test -e README.md && echo -e "readme = \"README.md\"") || ("")) ; \ echo -e "[package]\n\nname = \"$$name\"\nversion = \"0.0.0\"\n$$readme\nauthors = [\"Your Name \"]\ntags = []\n\n[[lib]]\n\nname = \"$$name\"\npath = \"$(LIB_ENTRY_FILE)\"\n" > Cargo.toml \ && echo "--- Created 'Cargo.toml' for executable" \ && cat Cargo.toml \ ) rust-ci-lib: $(LIB_ENTRY_FILE) $(Q)( \ test -e .travis.yml \ && echo "--- The file '.travis.yml' already exists" \ ) \ || \ ( \ echo -e "install:\n - wget http://static.rust-lang.org/dist/rust-nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz -O - | sudo tar zxf - --strip-components 1 -C /usr/local\nscript:\n - make lib\n" > .travis.yml \ && echo "--- Created '.travis.yml' for library" \ && cat .travis.yml \ ) rust-ci-exe: $(EXE_ENTRY_FILE) $(Q)( \ test -e .travis.yml \ && echo "--- The file '.travis.yml' already exists" \ ) \ || \ ( \ echo -e "install:\n - wget http://static.rust-lang.org/dist/rust-nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz -O - | sudo tar zxf - --strip-components 1 -C /usr/local\nscript:\n - make exe\n" > .travis.yml \ && echo "--- Created '.travis.yml' for executable" \ && cat .travis.yml \ ) doc: $(SOURCE_FILES) | src/ $(Q)$(RUSTDOC) $(LIB_ENTRY_FILE) -L "$(TARGET_LIB_DIR)" \ && echo "--- Built documentation" run: exe $(Q)cd bin/ \ && ./main target-dir: $(TARGET_LIB_DIR) exe: bin/main | $(TARGET_LIB_DIR) bin/main: $(SOURCE_FILES) | bin/ $(EXE_ENTRY_FILE) $(Q)$(COMPILER) --target "$(TARGET)" $(COMPILER_FLAGS) $(EXE_ENTRY_FILE) -o bin/main -L "$(TARGET_LIB_DIR)" -L "target" \ && echo "--- Built executable" \ && echo "--- Type 'make run' to run executable" test: test-internal test-external $(Q)echo "--- Internal tests succeeded" \ && echo "--- External tests succeeded" test-external: bin/test-external $(Q)cd "bin/" \ && ./test-external bin/test-external: $(SOURCE_FILES) | rlib bin/ src/test.rs $(Q)$(COMPILER) --target "$(TARGET)" $(COMPILER_FLAGS) --test src/test.rs -o bin/test-external -L "$(TARGET_LIB_DIR)" -L "target" \ && echo "--- Built external test runner" test-internal: bin/test-internal $(Q)cd "bin/" \ && ./test-internal bin/test-internal: $(SOURCE_FILES) | rlib src/ bin/ $(Q)$(COMPILER) --target "$(TARGET)" $(COMPILER_FLAGS) --test $(LIB_ENTRY_FILE) -o bin/test-internal -L "$(TARGET_LIB_DIR)" -L "target" \ && echo "--- Built internal test runner" bench: bench-internal bench-external bench-external: test-external $(Q)bin/test-external --bench bench-internal: test-internal $(Q)bin/test-internal --bench lib: rlib dylib $(Q)echo "--- Type 'make test' to test library" rlib: $(RLIB) $(RLIB): $(SOURCE_FILES) | $(LIB_ENTRY_FILE) $(TARGET_LIB_DIR) $(Q)$(COMPILER) --target "$(TARGET)" $(COMPILER_FLAGS) --crate-type=rlib $(LIB_ENTRY_FILE) -L "$(TARGET_LIB_DIR)" --out-dir "target" \ && echo "--- Built rlib" dylib: $(DYLIB) $(DYLIB): $(SOURCE_FILES) | $(LIB_ENTRY_FILE) $(TARGET_LIB_DIR) $(Q)$(COMPILER) --target "$(TARGET)" $(COMPILER_FLAGS) --crate-type=dylib $(LIB_ENTRY_FILE) -L "$(TARGET_LIB_DIR)" --out-dir "target/" \ && echo "--- Built dylib" bin/: $(Q)mkdir -p bin $(TARGET_LIB_DIR): $(Q)mkdir -p $(TARGET_LIB_DIR) src/: $(Q)mkdir -p src examples-dir: $(Q)test -e examples \ || \ ( \ mkdir examples \ && echo -e "fn main() {\n\tprintln!(\"Hello!\");\n}\n" > examples/hello.rs \ && echo "--- Created examples folder" \ ) rust-dir: $(Q)mkdir -p .rust git-ignore: $(Q)( \ test -e .gitignore \ && echo "--- The file '.gitignore' already exists" \ ) \ || \ ( \ echo -e ".DS_Store\n*~\n*#\n*.o\n*.so\n*.swp\n*.dylib\n*.dSYM\n*.dll\n*.rlib\n*.dummy\n*.exe\n*-test\n/bin/main\n/bin/test-internal\n/bin/test-external\n/doc/\n/target/\n/build/\n/.rust/\nrusti.sh\nwatch.sh\n/examples/**\n!/examples/*.rs\n!/examples/assets/" > .gitignore \ && echo "--- Created '.gitignore' for git" \ && cat .gitignore \ ) examples: $(EXAMPLE_FILES) $(EXAMPLE_FILES): lib examples-dir $(Q)$(COMPILER) --target "$(TARGET)" $(COMPILER_FLAGS) $@ -L "$(TARGET_LIB_DIR)" -L "target" --out-dir examples/ \ && echo "--- Built '$@' (make $@)" $(EXE_ENTRY_FILE): | src/ $(Q)test -e $(EXE_ENTRY_FILE) \ || \ ( \ echo -e "fn main() {\n\tprintln!(\"Hello world!\");\n}" > $(EXE_ENTRY_FILE) \ ) src/test.rs: | src/ $(Q)test -e src/test.rs \ || \ ( \ touch src/test.rs \ ) $(LIB_ENTRY_FILE): | src/ $(Q)test -e $(LIB_ENTRY_FILE) \ || \ ( \ echo -e "#![crate_id = \"\"]\n#![deny(missing_doc)]\n\n//! Documentation goes here.\n" > $(LIB_ENTRY_FILE) \ ) clean: $(Q)rm -f "$(RLIB)" $(Q)rm -f "$(DYLIB)" $(Q)rm -rf "doc/" $(Q)rm -f "bin/main" $(Q)rm -f "bin/test-internal" $(Q)rm -f "bin/test-external" $(Q)echo "--- Deleted binaries and documentation" clear-project: $(Q)rm -f ".symlink-info" $(Q)rm -f "cargo-lite.conf" $(Q)rm -f "Cargo.toml" $(Q)rm -f ".travis.yml" $(Q)rm -f "rusti.sh" $(Q)rm -f "watch.sh" $(Q)rm -rf "target/" $(Q)rm -rf "src/" $(Q)rm -rf "bin/" $(Q)rm -rf "examples/" $(Q)rm -rf "doc/" $(Q)echo "--- Removed all source files, binaries and documentation" \ && echo "--- Content in project folder" \ && ls -a clear-git: $(Q)rm -f ".gitignore" $(Q)rm -rf ".git" $(Q)echo "--- Removed Git" \ && echo "--- Content in project folder" \ && ls -a # borrowed from http://stackoverflow.com/q/649246/1256624 define RUSTI_SCRIPT #!/bin/bash #written by mcpherrin while true; do echo -n "> " read line TMP="`mktemp r.XXXXXX`" $(COMPILER) - -o $$TMP -L "$(TARGET_LIB_DIR)" < rusti.sh \ && chmod +x rusti.sh \ && echo "--- Created 'rusti.sh'" \ && echo "--- Type './rusti.sh' to start interactive Rust" \ ) # borrowed from http://stackoverflow.com/q/649246/1256624 define WATCH_SCRIPT #!/bin/bash #written by zzmp # This script will recompile a rust project using `make` # every time something in the specified directory changes. # Watch files in infinite loop watch () { UNAME=$$(uname) if [ -e "$$2" ]; then echo "Watching files in $$2.." CTIME=$$(date "+%s") while :; do sleep 1 for f in `find $$2 -type f -name "*.rs"`; do if [[ $$UNAME == "Darwin" ]]; then st_mtime=$$(stat -f "%m" "$$f") elif [[ $$UNAME == "FreeBSD" ]]; then st_mtime=$$(stat -f "%m" "$$f") else st_mtime=$$(stat -c "%Y" "$$f") fi if [ $$st_mtime -gt $$CTIME ]; then CTIME=$$(date "+%s") echo "~~~ Rebuilding" $$1 if [ ! $$? -eq 0 ]; then echo "" fi fi done done else echo "$$2 is not a valid directory" fi } # Capture user input with defaults CMD=$${1:-make} DIR=$${2:-src} if [ $${CMD:0:2} = '-h' ]; then echo ' This script will recompile a rust project using `make` every time something in the specified directory changes. Use: ./watch.sh [CMD] [DIR] Example: ./watch.sh "make run" src CMD: Command to execute Complex commands may be passed as strings `make` by default DIR: Directory to watch src by default If DIR is supplied, CMD must be as well.\n' else watch "$$CMD" "$$DIR" fi endef export WATCH_SCRIPT watch: $(TARGET_LIB_DIR) $(Q)( \ test -e watch.sh \ && echo "--- The file 'watch.sh' already exists" \ ) \ || \ ( \ echo -e "$$WATCH_SCRIPT" > watch.sh \ && chmod +x watch.sh \ && echo "--- Created 'watch.sh'" \ && echo "--- Type './watch.sh' to start compilation on save" \ && echo "--- Type './watch.sh -h' for more options" \ ) # borrowed from http://stackoverflow.com/q/649246/1256624 define SYMLINK_BUILD_SCRIPT #!/bin/bash # written by bvssvni # Modify the setting to do conditional compilation. # For example "--cfg my_feature" SETTINGS="" # ================================================ MAKE=make if [ "$$OS" == "Windows_NT" ]; then MAKE=mingw32-make fi # Checks if an item exists in an array. # Copied from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3685970/check-if-an-array-contains-a-value function contains() { local n=$$# local value=$${!n} for ((i=1;i < $$#;i++)) { if [ "$${!i}" == "$${value}" ]; then echo "y" return 0 fi } echo "n" return 1 } # This is a counter used to insert dependencies. # It is global because we need an array of all the # visited dependencies. i=0 function build_deps { local current=$$(pwd) for symlib in $$(find $(TARGET_LIB_DIR) -type l) ; do cd $$current echo $$symlib local original_file=$$(readlink $$symlib) local original_dir=$$(dirname $$original_file) cd $$original_dir # Go to the git root directory. local current_git_dir=$$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) echo "--- Parent $$current" echo "--- Child $$current_git_dir" cd $$current_git_dir # Skip building if it is already built. if [ $$(contains "$${git_dir[@]}" $$current_git_dir) == "y" ]; then echo "--- Visited $$current_git_dir" continue fi # Remember git directory to not build it twice git_dir[i]=$$current_git_dir let i+=1 # Visit the symlinks and build the dependencies build_deps # First check for a 'build.sh' script with default settings. # Check for additional 'rust-empty.mk' file. \ # Compile with the settings flags. \ # If no other options, build with make. ( \ test -e build.sh \ && ./build.sh \ ) \ || \ ( \ test -e rust-empty.mk \ && $$MAKE -f rust-empty.mk clean \ && $$MAKE -f rust-empty.mk \ ) \ || \ ( \ echo "--- Building $$current_git_dir" \ && $$MAKE clean \ && $$MAKE \ ) done cd $$current } # Mark main project as visited to avoid infinite loop. git_dir[i]=$$(pwd) let i+=1 if [ "$$1" == "deps" ]; then build_deps fi echo "--- Building $$(pwd)" ( \ test -e rust-empty.mk \ && $$MAKE -f rust-empty.mk clean \ && $$MAKE -f rust-empty.mk COMPILER_FLAGS+="$$SETTINGS" \ ) \ || \ ( \ $$MAKE clean $$MAKE COMPILER_FLAGS+="$$SETTINGS" ) endef export SYMLINK_BUILD_SCRIPT symlink-build: $(Q)( \ test -e build.sh \ && echo "--- The file 'build.sh' already exists" \ ) \ || \ ( \ echo -e "$$SYMLINK_BUILD_SCRIPT" > build.sh \ && chmod +x build.sh \ && echo "--- Created 'build.sh'" \ && echo "--- Type './build.sh deps' to build everything" \ ) loc: $(Q)echo "--- Counting lines of .rs files in 'src' (LOC):" \ && find src/ -type f -name "*.rs" -exec cat {} \; | wc -l # Finds the original locations of symlinked libraries and # prints the commit hash with remote branches containing that commit. symlink-info: $(Q) current=$$(pwd) ; \ for symlib in $$(find $(TARGET_LIB_DIR) -type l) ; do \ cd $$current ; \ echo $$symlib ; \ original_file=$$(readlink $$symlib) ; \ original_dir=$$(dirname $$original_file) ; \ cd $$original_dir ; \ commit=$$(git rev-parse HEAD) ; \ echo $$commit ; \ echo "origin:" ; \ git config --get remote.origin.url ; \ echo "upstream:" ; \ git config --get remote.upstream.url ; \ echo "available in remote branches:" ; \ git branch -r --contains $$commit ; \ echo "" ; \ done \ > .symlink-info \ && cd $$current \ && echo "--- Created '.symlink-info'" \ && cat .symlink-info