use core::num::Zero::zero; use core::num::One::one; use std::cmp::{FuzzyEq, FUZZY_EPSILON}; use numeric::*; /** * The base generic vector trait. * * # Type parameters * * * `T` - The type of the components. This is intended to support boolean, * integer, unsigned integer, and floating point types. */ pub trait BaseVec: Index + Eq { /** * Construct the vector from a single value, copying it to each component */ fn from_value(value: T) -> Self; /** * # Return value * * A pointer to the first component of the vector */ fn to_ptr(&self) -> *T; /** * Get a mutable reference to the component at `i` */ fn index_mut<'a>(&'a mut self, i: uint) -> &'a mut T; /** * Swap two components of the vector in place */ fn swap(&mut self, a: uint, b: uint); } /** * A generic 2-dimensional vector */ pub trait BaseVec2: BaseVec { fn new(x: T, y: T) -> Self; } /** * A generic 3-dimensional vector */ pub trait BaseVec3: BaseVec { fn new(x: T, y: T, z: T) -> Self; } /** * A generic 4-dimensional vector */ pub trait BaseVec4: BaseVec { fn new(x: T, y: T, z: T, w: T) -> Self; } /** * A vector with numeric components */ pub trait NumVec: BaseVec + Neg { /** * The standard basis vector * * # Return value * * A vector with each component set to one */ fn identity() -> Self; /** * The null vector * * # Return value * * A vector with each component set to zero */ fn zero() -> Self; /** * # Return value * * True if the vector is equal to zero */ fn is_zero(&self) -> bool; /** * # Return value * * The scalar multiplication of the vector and `value` */ fn mul_t(&self, value: T) -> Self; /** * # Return value * * The scalar division of the vector and `value` */ fn div_t(&self, value: T) -> Self; /** * Component-wise vector addition */ fn add_v(&self, other: &Self) -> Self; /** * Component-wise vector subtraction */ fn sub_v(&self, other: &Self) -> Self; /** * Component-wise vector multiplication */ fn mul_v(&self, other: &Self) -> Self; /** * Component-wise vector division */ fn div_v(&self, other: &Self) -> Self; /** * # Return value * * The dot product of the vector and `other` */ fn dot(&self, other: &Self) -> T; /** * Negate the vector */ fn neg_self(&mut self); /** * Multiply the vector by a scalar */ fn mul_self_t(&mut self, value: T); /** * Divide the vector by a scalar */ fn div_self_t(&mut self, value: T); /** * Set the vector to the component-wise vector sum */ fn add_self_v(&mut self, other: &Self); /** * Set the vector to the component-wise vector difference */ fn sub_self_v(&mut self, other: &Self); /** * Set the vector to the component-wise vector product */ fn mul_self_v(&mut self, other: &Self); /** * Set the vector to the component-wise vector quotient */ fn div_self_v(&mut self, other: &Self); } /** * A 2-dimensional vector with numeric components */ pub trait NumVec2: NumVec { fn unit_x() -> Self; fn unit_y() -> Self; /** * # Return value * * The perp dot product of the vector and `other` */ fn perp_dot(&self, other: &Self) -> T; } /** * A 3-dimensional vector with numeric components */ pub trait NumVec3: NumVec { fn unit_x() -> Self; fn unit_y() -> Self; fn unit_z() -> Self; /** * # Return value * * The cross product of the vector and `other` */ fn cross(&self, other: &Self) -> Self; /** * Set to the cross product of the vector and `other` */ fn cross_self(&mut self, other: &Self); } /** * A 4-dimensional vector with numeric components */ pub trait NumVec4: NumVec { fn unit_x() -> Self; fn unit_y() -> Self; fn unit_z() -> Self; fn unit_w() -> Self; } pub trait ToHomogeneous { /** * Convert to a homogenous coordinate */ fn to_homogeneous(&self) -> H; } /** * A Euclidean (or Affine) vector * * # Type parameters * * * `T` - The type of the components. This should be a floating point type. */ pub trait AffineVec: NumVec { /** * # Return value * * The squared length of the vector. This is useful for comparisons where * the exact length does not need to be calculated. */ fn length2(&self) -> T; /** * # Return value * * The length of the vector * * # Performance notes * * For instances where the exact length of the vector does not need to be * known, for example for quaternion-quaternion length comparisons, * it is advisable to use the `length2` method instead. */ fn length(&self) -> T; /** * # Return value * * The squared distance between the vector and `other`. */ fn distance2(&self, other: &Self) -> T; /** * # Return value * * The distance between the vector and `other` */ fn distance(&self, other: &Self) -> T; /** * # Return value * * The angle between the vector and `other` in radians */ fn angle(&self, other: &Self) -> T; /** * # Return value * * The normalized vector */ fn normalize(&self) -> Self; /** * Set the length of the vector whilst preserving the direction */ fn normalize_to(&self, length: T) -> Self; /** * Linearly intoperlate between the vector and `other` * * # Return value * * The intoperlated vector */ fn lerp(&self, other: &Self, amount: T) -> Self; /** * Normalize the vector */ fn normalize_self(&mut self); /** * Set the vector to a specified length whilst preserving the direction */ fn normalize_self_to(&mut self, length: T); /** * Linearly intoperlate the vector towards `other` */ fn lerp_self(&mut self, other: &Self, amount: T); } /** * Component-wise vector comparison methods * * The methods contained in this trait correspond to the relational functions * mentioned in Section 8.7 of the [GLSL 4.30.6 specification] * ( */ pub trait OrdVec: BaseVec { /** * Component-wise compare of `self < other` */ fn less_than(&self, other: &Self) -> BoolVec; /** * Component-wise compare of `self <= other` */ fn less_than_equal(&self, other: &Self) -> BoolVec; /** * Component-wise compare of `self > other` */ fn greater_than(&self, other: &Self) -> BoolVec; /** * Component-wise compare of `self >= other` */ fn greater_than_equal(&self, other: &Self) -> BoolVec; } /** * Component-wise equality comparison methods * * The methods contained in this trait correspond to the relational functions * mentioned in Section 8.7 of the [GLSL 4.30.6 specification] * ( */ pub trait EqVec: BaseVec { /** * Component-wise compare of `self == other` */ fn equal(&self, other: &Self) -> BoolVec; /** * Component-wise compare of `self != other` */ fn not_equal(&self, other: &Self) -> BoolVec; } /** * A vector with boolean components * * The methods contained in this trait correspond to the relational functions * mentioned in Section 8.7 of the [GLSL 4.30.6 specification] * ( */ pub trait BoolVec: BaseVec { /** * # Return value * * `true` if of any component is `true` */ fn any(&self) -> bool; /** * # Return value * * `true` only if all components are `true` */ fn all(&self) -> bool; /** * # Return value * * the component-wise logical complement */ fn not(&self) -> Self; } pub trait TrigVec: BaseVec { fn radians(&self) -> Self; fn degrees(&self) -> Self; // Triganometric functions fn sin(&self) -> Self; fn cos(&self) -> Self; fn tan(&self) -> Self; // Inverse triganometric functions fn asin(&self) -> Self; fn acos(&self) -> Self; fn atan(&self) -> Self; fn atan2(&self, other: Self) -> Self; // Hyperbolic triganometric functions fn sinh(&self) -> Self; fn cosh(&self) -> Self; fn tanh(&self) -> Self; // fn asinh() -> Self; // fn acosh() -> Self; // fn atanh() -> Self; } pub trait ExpVec: BaseVec { // Exponential functions fn pow_t(&self, n: Self) -> Self; fn pow_v(&self, n: T) -> Self; fn exp(&self) -> Self; fn exp2(&self) -> Self; fn ln(&self) -> Self; fn ln2(&self) -> Self; fn sqrt(&self) -> Self; fn inv_sqrt(&self) -> Self; } pub trait ApproxVec: BaseVec { // Whole-number approximation functions fn floor(&self) -> Self; fn trunc(&self) -> Self; fn round(&self) -> Self; // fn round_even(&self) -> Self; fn ceil(&self) -> Self; fn fract(&self) -> Self; } pub trait SignedVec: BaseVec { fn is_positive(&self) -> BV; fn is_negative(&self) -> BV; fn is_nonpositive(&self) -> BV; fn is_nonnegative(&self) -> BV; fn abs(&self) -> Self; fn sign(&self) -> Self; fn copysign(&self, other: Self) -> Self; } pub trait ExtentVec: BaseVec { fn min_v(&self, other: &Self) -> Self; fn max_v(&self, other: &Self) -> Self; fn clamp_v(&self, mn: &Self, mx: &Self) -> Self; fn min_t(&self, other: T) -> Self; fn max_t(&self, other: T) -> Self; fn clamp_t(&self, mn: T, mx: T) -> Self; } pub trait MixVec: BaseVec { // Functions for blending numbers together fn mix(&self, other: Self, value: Self) -> Self; fn smooth_step(&self, edge0: Self, edge1: Self) -> Self; fn step(&self, edge: Self) -> Self; } // Utility macros macro_rules! zip_vec2( ($a:ident[] $method:ident $b:ident[]) => ( BaseVec2::new($a[0].$method(&($b[0])), $a[1].$method(&($b[1]))) ); ($a:ident[] $method:ident $b:ident) => ( BaseVec2::new($a[0].$method(&($b)), $a[1].$method(&($b))) ); ) macro_rules! zip_vec3( ($a:ident[] $method:ident $b:ident[]) => ( BaseVec3::new($a[0].$method(&($b[0])), $a[1].$method(&($b[1])), $a[2].$method(&($b[2]))) ); ($a:ident[] $method:ident $b:ident) => ( BaseVec3::new($a[0].$method(&($b)), $a[1].$method(&($b)), $a[2].$method(&($b))) ); ) macro_rules! zip_vec4( ($a:ident[] $method:ident $b:ident[]) => ( BaseVec4::new($a[0].$method(&($b[0])), $a[1].$method(&($b[1])), $a[2].$method(&($b[2])), $a[3].$method(&($b[3]))) ); ($a:ident[] $method:ident $b:ident) => ( BaseVec4::new($a[0].$method(&($b)), $a[1].$method(&($b)), $a[2].$method(&($b)), $a[3].$method(&($b))) ); ) macro_rules! zip_assign( ($a:ident[] $method:ident $b:ident[] ..2) => ({ $a.index_mut(0).$method($b[0]); $a.index_mut(1).$method($b[1]); }); ($a:ident[] $method:ident $b:ident[] ..3) => ({ zip_assign!($a[] $method $b[] ..2); $a.index_mut(2).$method($b[2]); }); ($a:ident[] $method:ident $b:ident[] ..4) => ({ zip_assign!($a[] $method $b[] ..3); $a.index_mut(3).$method($b[3]); }); ($a:ident[] $method:ident $b:ident ..2) => ({ $a.index_mut(0).$method($b); $a.index_mut(1).$method($b); }); ($a:ident[] $method:ident $b:ident ..3) => ({ zip_assign!($a[] $method $b ..2); $a.index_mut(2).$method($b); }); ($a:ident[] $method:ident $b:ident ..4) => ({ zip_assign!($a[] $method $b ..3); $a.index_mut(3).$method($b); }); ) /** * A 2-dimensional vector * * # Type parameters * * * `T` - The type of the components. This is intended to support boolean, * integer, unsigned integer, and floating point types. * * # Fields * * * `x` - the first component of the vector * * `y` - the second component of the vector */ #[deriving(Eq)] pub struct Vec2 { x: T, y: T } impl BaseVec for Vec2 { #[inline(always)] fn from_value(value: T) -> Vec2 { BaseVec2::new(value, value) } #[inline(always)] fn to_ptr(&self) -> *T { unsafe { cast::transmute(self) } } #[inline(always)] fn index_mut<'a>(&'a mut self, i: uint) -> &'a mut T { match i { 0 => &mut self.x, 1 => &mut self.y, _ => fail!(fmt!("index out of bounds: expected an index from 0 to 1, but found %u", i)) } } #[inline(always)] fn swap(&mut self, a: uint, b: uint) { *self.index_mut(a) <-> *self.index_mut(b); } } impl BaseVec2 for Vec2 { #[inline(always)] fn new(x: T, y: T ) -> Vec2 { Vec2 { x: x, y: y } } } impl Index for Vec2 { #[inline(always)] fn index(&self, i: &uint) -> T { unsafe { do vec::raw::buf_as_slice(self.to_ptr(), 2) |slice| { slice[*i] } } } } impl NumVec for Vec2 { #[inline(always)] fn identity() -> Vec2 { BaseVec2::new(one::(), one::()) } #[inline(always)] fn zero() -> Vec2 { BaseVec2::new(zero::(), zero::()) } #[inline(always)] fn is_zero(&self) -> bool { self[0] == zero() && self[1] == zero() } #[inline(always)] fn mul_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec2 { zip_vec2!(self[] mul value) } #[inline(always)] fn div_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec2 { zip_vec2!(self[] div value) } #[inline(always)] fn add_v(&self, other: &Vec2) -> Vec2 { zip_vec2!(self[] add other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn sub_v(&self, other: &Vec2) -> Vec2 { zip_vec2!(self[] sub other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn mul_v(&self, other: &Vec2) -> Vec2 { zip_vec2!(self[] mul other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn div_v(&self, other: &Vec2) -> Vec2 { zip_vec2!(self[] div other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn dot(&self, other: &Vec2) -> T { self[0] * other[0] + self[1] * other[1] } #[inline(always)] fn neg_self(&mut self) { *self.index_mut(0) = -self[0]; *self.index_mut(1) = -self[1]; } #[inline(always)] fn mul_self_t(&mut self, value: T) { zip_assign!(self[] mul_assign value ..2); } #[inline(always)] fn div_self_t(&mut self, value: T) { zip_assign!(self[] div_assign value ..2); } #[inline(always)] fn add_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec2) { zip_assign!(self[] add_assign other[] ..2); } #[inline(always)] fn sub_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec2) { zip_assign!(self[] sub_assign other[] ..2); } #[inline(always)] fn mul_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec2) { zip_assign!(self[] mul_assign other[] ..2); } #[inline(always)] fn div_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec2) { zip_assign!(self[] div_assign other[] ..2); } } impl Neg> for Vec2 { #[inline(always)] fn neg(&self) -> Vec2 { BaseVec2::new(-self[0], -self[1]) } } impl NumVec2 for Vec2 { #[inline(always)] fn unit_x() -> Vec2 { BaseVec2::new(one::(), zero::()) } #[inline(always)] fn unit_y() -> Vec2 { BaseVec2::new(zero::(), one::()) } #[inline(always)] fn perp_dot(&self, other: &Vec2) ->T { (self[0] * other[1]) - (self[1] * other[0]) } } impl ToHomogeneous> for Vec2 { #[inline(always)] fn to_homogeneous(&self) -> Vec3 { BaseVec3::new(self.x, self.y, zero()) } } impl AffineVec for Vec2 { #[inline(always)] fn length2(&self) -> T { } #[inline(always)] fn length(&self) -> T { self.length2().sqrt() } #[inline(always)] fn distance2(&self, other: &Vec2) -> T { other.sub_v(self).length2() } #[inline(always)] fn distance(&self, other: &Vec2) -> T { other.distance2(self).sqrt() } #[inline(always)] fn angle(&self, other: &Vec2) -> T { atan2(self.perp_dot(other), } #[inline(always)] fn normalize(&self) -> Vec2 { self.mul_t(one::()/self.length()) } #[inline(always)] fn normalize_to(&self, length: T) -> Vec2 { self.mul_t(length / self.length()) } #[inline(always)] fn lerp(&self, other: &Vec2, amount: T) -> Vec2 { self.add_v(&other.sub_v(self).mul_t(amount)) } #[inline(always)] fn normalize_self(&mut self) { let n = one::() / self.length(); self.mul_self_t(n); } #[inline(always)] fn normalize_self_to(&mut self, length: T) { let n = length / self.length(); self.mul_self_t(n); } fn lerp_self(&mut self, other: &Vec2, amount: T) { let v = other.sub_v(self).mul_t(amount); self.add_self_v(&v); } } impl> FuzzyEq for Vec2 { #[inline(always)] fn fuzzy_eq(&self, other: &Vec2) -> bool { self.fuzzy_eq_eps(other, &num::cast(FUZZY_EPSILON)) } #[inline(always)] fn fuzzy_eq_eps(&self, other: &Vec2, epsilon: &T) -> bool { self[0].fuzzy_eq_eps(&other[0], epsilon) && self[1].fuzzy_eq_eps(&other[1], epsilon) } } impl OrdVec> for Vec2 { #[inline(always)] fn less_than(&self, other: &Vec2) -> Vec2 { zip_vec2!(self[] lt other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn less_than_equal(&self, other: &Vec2) -> Vec2 { zip_vec2!(self[] le other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn greater_than(&self, other: &Vec2) -> Vec2 { zip_vec2!(self[] gt other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn greater_than_equal(&self, other: &Vec2) -> Vec2 { zip_vec2!(self[] ge other[]) } } impl EqVec> for Vec2 { #[inline(always)] fn equal(&self, other: &Vec2) -> Vec2 { zip_vec2!(self[] eq other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn not_equal(&self, other: &Vec2) -> Vec2 { zip_vec2!(self[] ne other[]) } } impl BoolVec for Vec2 { #[inline(always)] fn any(&self) -> bool { self[0] || self[1] } #[inline(always)] fn all(&self) -> bool { self[0] && self[1] } #[inline(always)] fn not(&self) -> Vec2 { BaseVec2::new(!self[0], !self[1]) } } macro_rules! vec2_type( ($name:ident ) => ( pub impl $name { #[inline(always)] fn new(x: bool, y: bool) -> $name { BaseVec2::new(x, y) } #[inline(always)] fn from_value(v: bool) -> $name { BaseVec::from_value(v) } #[inline(always)] fn dim() -> uint { 2 } #[inline(always)] fn size_of() -> uint { sys::size_of::<$name>() } } ); ($name:ident <$T:ty>) => ( pub impl $name { #[inline(always)] fn new(x: $T, y: $T) -> $name { BaseVec2::new(x, y) } #[inline(always)] fn from_value(v: $T) -> $name { BaseVec::from_value(v) } #[inline(always)] fn identity() -> $name { NumVec::identity() } #[inline(always)] fn zero() -> $name { NumVec::zero() } #[inline(always)] fn unit_x() -> $name { NumVec2::unit_x() } #[inline(always)] fn unit_y() -> $name { NumVec2::unit_y() } #[inline(always)] fn dim() -> uint { 2 } #[inline(always)] fn size_of() -> uint { sys::size_of::<$name>() } } ); ) // GLSL-style type aliases, corresponding to Section 4.1.5 of the [GLSL 4.30.6 specification] // ( // a two-component single-precision floating-point vector pub type vec2 = Vec2; // a two-component double-precision floating-point vector pub type dvec2 = Vec2; // a two-component Boolean vector pub type bvec2 = Vec2; // a two-component signed integer vector pub type ivec2 = Vec2; // a two-component unsigned integer vector pub type uvec2 = Vec2; vec2_type!(vec2) vec2_type!(dvec2) vec2_type!(bvec2) vec2_type!(ivec2) vec2_type!(uvec2) // Rust-style type aliases pub type Vec2f = Vec2; pub type Vec2f32 = Vec2; pub type Vec2f64 = Vec2; pub type Vec2i = Vec2; pub type Vec2i8 = Vec2; pub type Vec2i16 = Vec2; pub type Vec2i32 = Vec2; pub type Vec2i64 = Vec2; pub type Vec2u = Vec2; pub type Vec2u8 = Vec2; pub type Vec2u16 = Vec2; pub type Vec2u32 = Vec2; pub type Vec2u64 = Vec2; pub type Vec2b = Vec2; vec2_type!(Vec2f) vec2_type!(Vec2f32) vec2_type!(Vec2f64) vec2_type!(Vec2i) vec2_type!(Vec2i8) vec2_type!(Vec2i16) vec2_type!(Vec2i32) vec2_type!(Vec2i64) vec2_type!(Vec2u) vec2_type!(Vec2u8) vec2_type!(Vec2u16) vec2_type!(Vec2u32) vec2_type!(Vec2u64) vec2_type!(Vec2b) /** * A 3-dimensional vector * * # Type parameters * * * `T` - The type of the components. This is intended to support boolean, * integer, unsigned integer, and floating point types. * * # Fields * * * `x` - the first component of the vector * * `y` - the second component of the vector * * `z` - the third component of the vector */ #[deriving(Eq)] pub struct Vec3 { x: T, y: T, z: T } impl BaseVec for Vec3 { #[inline(always)] fn from_value(value: T) -> Vec3 { BaseVec3::new(value, value, value) } #[inline(always)] fn to_ptr(&self) -> *T { unsafe { cast::transmute(self) } } #[inline(always)] fn index_mut<'a>(&'a mut self, i: uint) -> &'a mut T { match i { 0 => &mut self.x, 1 => &mut self.y, 2 => &mut self.z, _ => fail!(fmt!("index out of bounds: expected an index from 0 to 2, but found %u", i)) } } #[inline(always)] fn swap(&mut self, a: uint, b: uint) { *self.index_mut(a) <-> *self.index_mut(b); } } impl BaseVec3 for Vec3 { #[inline(always)] fn new(x: T, y: T, z: T) -> Vec3 { Vec3 { x: x, y: y, z: z } } } impl Index for Vec3 { #[inline(always)] fn index(&self, i: &uint) -> T { unsafe { do vec::raw::buf_as_slice(self.to_ptr(), 3) |slice| { slice[*i] } } } } impl NumVec for Vec3 { #[inline(always)] fn identity() -> Vec3 { BaseVec3::new(one::(), one::(), one::()) } #[inline(always)] fn zero() -> Vec3 { BaseVec3::new(zero::(), zero::(), zero::()) } #[inline(always)] fn is_zero(&self) -> bool { self[0] == zero() && self[1] == zero() && self[2] == zero() } #[inline(always)] fn mul_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec3 { zip_vec3!(self[] mul value) } #[inline(always)] fn div_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec3 { zip_vec3!(self[] div value) } #[inline(always)] fn add_v(&self, other: &Vec3) -> Vec3 { zip_vec3!(self[] add other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn sub_v(&self, other: &Vec3) -> Vec3 { zip_vec3!(self[] sub other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn mul_v(&self, other: &Vec3) -> Vec3 { zip_vec3!(self[] mul other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn div_v(&self, other: &Vec3) -> Vec3 { zip_vec3!(self[] div other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn dot(&self, other: &Vec3) -> T { self[0] * other[0] + self[1] * other[1] + self[2] * other[2] } #[inline(always)] fn neg_self(&mut self) { *self.index_mut(0) = -self[0]; *self.index_mut(1) = -self[1]; *self.index_mut(2) = -self[2]; } #[inline(always)] fn mul_self_t(&mut self, value: T) { zip_assign!(self[] mul_assign value ..3); } #[inline(always)] fn div_self_t(&mut self, value: T) { zip_assign!(self[] div_assign value ..3); } #[inline(always)] fn add_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec3) { zip_assign!(self[] add_assign other[] ..3); } #[inline(always)] fn sub_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec3) { zip_assign!(self[] sub_assign other[] ..3); } #[inline(always)] fn mul_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec3) { zip_assign!(self[] mul_assign other[] ..3); } #[inline(always)] fn div_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec3) { zip_assign!(self[] div_assign other[] ..3); } } impl Neg> for Vec3 { #[inline(always)] fn neg(&self) -> Vec3 { BaseVec3::new(-self[0], -self[1], -self[2]) } } impl NumVec3 for Vec3 { #[inline(always)] fn unit_x() -> Vec3 { BaseVec3::new(one::(), zero::(), zero::()) } #[inline(always)] fn unit_y() -> Vec3 { BaseVec3::new(zero::(), one::(), zero::()) } #[inline(always)] fn unit_z() -> Vec3 { BaseVec3::new(zero::(), zero::(), one::()) } #[inline(always)] fn cross(&self, other: &Vec3) -> Vec3 { BaseVec3::new((self[1] * other[2]) - (self[2] * other[1]), (self[2] * other[0]) - (self[0] * other[2]), (self[0] * other[1]) - (self[1] * other[0])) } #[inline(always)] fn cross_self(&mut self, other: &Vec3) { *self = self.cross(other); } } impl ToHomogeneous> for Vec3 { #[inline(always)] fn to_homogeneous(&self) -> Vec4 { BaseVec4::new(self.x, self.y, self.z, zero()) } } impl AffineVec for Vec3 { #[inline(always)] fn length2(&self) -> T { } #[inline(always)] fn length(&self) -> T { self.length2().sqrt() } #[inline(always)] fn distance2(&self, other: &Vec3) -> T { other.sub_v(self).length2() } #[inline(always)] fn distance(&self, other: &Vec3) -> T { other.distance2(self).sqrt() } #[inline(always)] fn angle(&self, other: &Vec3) -> T { atan2(self.cross(other).length(), } #[inline(always)] fn normalize(&self) -> Vec3 { self.mul_t(one::()/self.length()) } #[inline(always)] fn normalize_to(&self, length: T) -> Vec3 { self.mul_t(length / self.length()) } #[inline(always)] fn lerp(&self, other: &Vec3, amount: T) -> Vec3 { self.add_v(&other.sub_v(self).mul_t(amount)) } #[inline(always)] fn normalize_self(&mut self) { let n = one::() / self.length(); self.mul_self_t(n); } #[inline(always)] fn normalize_self_to(&mut self, length: T) { let n = length / self.length(); self.mul_self_t(n); } fn lerp_self(&mut self, other: &Vec3, amount: T) { let v = other.sub_v(self).mul_t(amount); self.add_self_v(&v); } } impl> FuzzyEq for Vec3 { #[inline(always)] fn fuzzy_eq(&self, other: &Vec3) -> bool { self.fuzzy_eq_eps(other, &num::cast(FUZZY_EPSILON)) } #[inline(always)] fn fuzzy_eq_eps(&self, other: &Vec3, epsilon: &T) -> bool { self[0].fuzzy_eq_eps(&other[0], epsilon) && self[1].fuzzy_eq_eps(&other[1], epsilon) && self[2].fuzzy_eq_eps(&other[2], epsilon) } } impl OrdVec> for Vec3 { #[inline(always)] fn less_than(&self, other: &Vec3) -> Vec3 { zip_vec3!(self[] lt other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn less_than_equal(&self, other: &Vec3) -> Vec3 { zip_vec3!(self[] le other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn greater_than(&self, other: &Vec3) -> Vec3 { zip_vec3!(self[] gt other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn greater_than_equal(&self, other: &Vec3) -> Vec3 { zip_vec3!(self[] ge other[]) } } impl EqVec> for Vec3 { #[inline(always)] fn equal(&self, other: &Vec3) -> Vec3 { zip_vec3!(self[] eq other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn not_equal(&self, other: &Vec3) -> Vec3 { zip_vec3!(self[] ne other[]) } } impl BoolVec for Vec3 { #[inline(always)] fn any(&self) -> bool { self[0] || self[1] || self[2] } #[inline(always)] fn all(&self) -> bool { self[0] && self[1] && self[2] } #[inline(always)] fn not(&self) -> Vec3 { BaseVec3::new(!self[0], !self[1], !self[2]) } } macro_rules! vec3_type( ($name:ident ) => ( pub impl $name { #[inline(always)] fn new(x: bool, y: bool, z: bool) -> $name { BaseVec3::new(x, y, z) } #[inline(always)] fn from_value(v: bool) -> $name { BaseVec::from_value(v) } #[inline(always)] fn dim() -> uint { 3 } #[inline(always)] fn size_of() -> uint { sys::size_of::<$name>() } } ); ($name:ident <$T:ty>) => ( pub impl $name { #[inline(always)] fn new(x: $T, y: $T, z: $T) -> $name { BaseVec3::new(x, y, z) } #[inline(always)] fn from_value(v: $T) -> $name { BaseVec::from_value(v) } #[inline(always)] fn identity() -> $name { NumVec::identity() } #[inline(always)] fn zero() -> $name { NumVec::zero() } #[inline(always)] fn unit_x() -> $name { NumVec3::unit_x() } #[inline(always)] fn unit_y() -> $name { NumVec3::unit_y() } #[inline(always)] fn unit_z() -> $name { NumVec3::unit_z() } #[inline(always)] fn dim() -> uint { 3 } #[inline(always)] fn size_of() -> uint { sys::size_of::<$name>() } } ); ) // GLSL-style type aliases, corresponding to Section 4.1.5 of the [GLSL 4.30.6 specification] // ( // a three-component single-precision floating-point vector pub type vec3 = Vec3; // a three-component double-precision floating-point vector pub type dvec3 = Vec3; // a three-component Boolean vector pub type bvec3 = Vec3; // a three-component signed integer vector pub type ivec3 = Vec3; // a three-component unsigned integer vector pub type uvec3 = Vec3; vec3_type!(vec3) vec3_type!(dvec3) vec3_type!(bvec3) vec3_type!(ivec3) vec3_type!(uvec3) // Rust-style type aliases pub type Vec3f = Vec3; pub type Vec3f32 = Vec3; pub type Vec3f64 = Vec3; pub type Vec3i = Vec3; pub type Vec3i8 = Vec3; pub type Vec3i16 = Vec3; pub type Vec3i32 = Vec3; pub type Vec3i64 = Vec3; pub type Vec3u = Vec3; pub type Vec3u8 = Vec3; pub type Vec3u16 = Vec3; pub type Vec3u32 = Vec3; pub type Vec3u64 = Vec3; pub type Vec3b = Vec3; vec3_type!(Vec3f) vec3_type!(Vec3f32) vec3_type!(Vec3f64) vec3_type!(Vec3i) vec3_type!(Vec3i8) vec3_type!(Vec3i16) vec3_type!(Vec3i32) vec3_type!(Vec3i64) vec3_type!(Vec3u) vec3_type!(Vec3u8) vec3_type!(Vec3u16) vec3_type!(Vec3u32) vec3_type!(Vec3u64) vec3_type!(Vec3b) /** * A 4-dimensional vector * * # Type parameters * * * `T` - The type of the components. This is intended to support boolean, * integer, unsigned integer, and floating point types. * * # Fields * * * `x` - the first component of the vector * * `y` - the second component of the vector * * `z` - the third component of the vector * * `w` - the fourth component of the vector */ #[deriving(Eq)] pub struct Vec4 { x: T, y: T, z: T, w: T } impl BaseVec for Vec4 { #[inline(always)] fn from_value(value: T) -> Vec4 { BaseVec4::new(value, value, value, value) } #[inline(always)] fn to_ptr(&self) -> *T { unsafe { cast::transmute(self) } } #[inline(always)] fn index_mut<'a>(&'a mut self, i: uint) -> &'a mut T { match i { 0 => &mut self.x, 1 => &mut self.y, 2 => &mut self.z, 3 => &mut self.w, _ => fail!(fmt!("index out of bounds: expected an index from 0 to 3, but found %u", i)) } } #[inline(always)] fn swap(&mut self, a: uint, b: uint) { *self.index_mut(a) <-> *self.index_mut(b); } } impl BaseVec4 for Vec4 { #[inline(always)] fn new(x: T, y: T, z: T, w: T) -> Vec4 { Vec4 { x: x, y: y, z: z, w: w } } } impl Index for Vec4 { #[inline(always)] fn index(&self, i: &uint) -> T { unsafe { do vec::raw::buf_as_slice(self.to_ptr(), 4) |slice| { slice[*i] } } } } impl NumVec for Vec4 { #[inline(always)] fn identity() -> Vec4 { BaseVec4::new(one::(), one::(), one::(), one::()) } #[inline(always)] fn zero() -> Vec4 { BaseVec4::new(zero::(), zero::(), zero::(), zero::()) } #[inline(always)] fn is_zero(&self) -> bool { self[0] == zero() && self[1] == zero() && self[2] == zero() && self[3] == zero() } #[inline(always)] fn mul_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec4 { zip_vec4!(self[] mul value) } #[inline(always)] fn div_t(&self, value: T) -> Vec4 { zip_vec4!(self[] div value) } #[inline(always)] fn add_v(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { zip_vec4!(self[] add other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn sub_v(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { zip_vec4!(self[] sub other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn mul_v(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { zip_vec4!(self[] mul other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn div_v(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { zip_vec4!(self[] div other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn dot(&self, other: &Vec4) -> T { self[0] * other[0] + self[1] * other[1] + self[2] * other[2] + self[3] * other[3] } #[inline(always)] fn neg_self(&mut self) { *self.index_mut(0) = -self[0]; *self.index_mut(1) = -self[1]; *self.index_mut(2) = -self[2]; *self.index_mut(3) = -self[3]; } #[inline(always)] fn mul_self_t(&mut self, value: T) { zip_assign!(self[] mul_assign value ..4); } #[inline(always)] fn div_self_t(&mut self, value: T) { zip_assign!(self[] div_assign value ..4); } #[inline(always)] fn add_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec4) { zip_assign!(self[] add_assign other[] ..4); } #[inline(always)] fn sub_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec4) { zip_assign!(self[] sub_assign other[] ..4); } #[inline(always)] fn mul_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec4) { zip_assign!(self[] mul_assign other[] ..4); } #[inline(always)] fn div_self_v(&mut self, other: &Vec4) { zip_assign!(self[] div_assign other[] ..4); } } impl Neg> for Vec4 { #[inline(always)] fn neg(&self) -> Vec4 { BaseVec4::new(-self[0], -self[1], -self[2], -self[3]) } } impl NumVec4 for Vec4 { #[inline(always)] fn unit_x() -> Vec4 { BaseVec4::new(one::(), zero::(), zero::(), zero::()) } #[inline(always)] fn unit_y() -> Vec4 { BaseVec4::new(zero::(), one::(), zero::(), zero::()) } #[inline(always)] fn unit_z() -> Vec4 { BaseVec4::new(zero::(), zero::(), one::(), zero::()) } #[inline(always)] fn unit_w() -> Vec4 { BaseVec4::new(zero::(), zero::(), zero::(), one::()) } } impl AffineVec for Vec4 { #[inline(always)] fn length2(&self) -> T { } #[inline(always)] fn length(&self) -> T { self.length2().sqrt() } #[inline(always)] fn distance2(&self, other: &Vec4) -> T { other.sub_v(self).length2() } #[inline(always)] fn distance(&self, other: &Vec4) -> T { other.distance2(self).sqrt() } #[inline(always)] fn angle(&self, other: &Vec4) -> T { acos( / (self.length() * other.length())) } #[inline(always)] fn normalize(&self) -> Vec4 { self.mul_t(one::()/self.length()) } #[inline(always)] fn normalize_to(&self, length: T) -> Vec4 { self.mul_t(length / self.length()) } #[inline(always)] fn lerp(&self, other: &Vec4, amount: T) -> Vec4 { self.add_v(&other.sub_v(self).mul_t(amount)) } #[inline(always)] fn normalize_self(&mut self) { let n = one::() / self.length(); self.mul_self_t(n); } #[inline(always)] fn normalize_self_to(&mut self, length: T) { let n = length / self.length(); self.mul_self_t(n); } fn lerp_self(&mut self, other: &Vec4, amount: T) { let v = other.sub_v(self).mul_t(amount); self.add_self_v(&v); } } impl> FuzzyEq for Vec4 { #[inline(always)] fn fuzzy_eq(&self, other: &Vec4) -> bool { self.fuzzy_eq_eps(other, &num::cast(FUZZY_EPSILON)) } #[inline(always)] fn fuzzy_eq_eps(&self, other: &Vec4, epsilon: &T) -> bool { self[0].fuzzy_eq_eps(&other[0], epsilon) && self[1].fuzzy_eq_eps(&other[1], epsilon) && self[2].fuzzy_eq_eps(&other[2], epsilon) && self[3].fuzzy_eq_eps(&other[3], epsilon) } } impl OrdVec> for Vec4 { #[inline(always)] fn less_than(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { zip_vec4!(self[] lt other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn less_than_equal(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { zip_vec4!(self[] le other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn greater_than(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { zip_vec4!(self[] gt other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn greater_than_equal(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { zip_vec4!(self[] ge other[]) } } impl EqVec> for Vec4 { #[inline(always)] fn equal(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { zip_vec4!(self[] eq other[]) } #[inline(always)] fn not_equal(&self, other: &Vec4) -> Vec4 { zip_vec4!(self[] ne other[]) } } impl BoolVec for Vec4 { #[inline(always)] fn any(&self) -> bool { self[0] || self[1] || self[2] || self[3] } #[inline(always)] fn all(&self) -> bool { self[0] && self[1] && self[2] && self[3] } #[inline(always)] fn not(&self) -> Vec4 { BaseVec4::new(!self[0], !self[1], !self[2], !self[3]) } } macro_rules! vec4_type( ($name:ident ) => ( pub impl $name { #[inline(always)] fn new(x: bool, y: bool, z: bool, w: bool) -> $name { BaseVec4::new(x, y, z, w) } #[inline(always)] fn from_value(v: bool) -> $name { BaseVec::from_value(v) } #[inline(always)] fn dim() -> uint { 4 } #[inline(always)] fn size_of() -> uint { sys::size_of::<$name>() } } ); ($name:ident <$T:ty>) => ( pub impl $name { #[inline(always)] fn new(x: $T, y: $T, z: $T, w: $T) -> $name { BaseVec4::new(x, y, z, w) } #[inline(always)] fn from_value(v: $T) -> $name { BaseVec::from_value(v) } #[inline(always)] fn identity() -> $name { NumVec::identity() } #[inline(always)] fn zero() -> $name { NumVec::zero() } #[inline(always)] fn unit_x() -> $name { NumVec4::unit_x() } #[inline(always)] fn unit_y() -> $name { NumVec4::unit_y() } #[inline(always)] fn unit_z() -> $name { NumVec4::unit_z() } #[inline(always)] fn unit_w() -> $name { NumVec4::unit_w() } #[inline(always)] fn dim() -> uint { 4 } #[inline(always)] fn size_of() -> uint { sys::size_of::<$name>() } } ); ) // GLSL-style type aliases, corresponding to Section 4.1.5 of the [GLSL 4.30.6 specification] // ( // a four-component single-precision floating-point vector pub type vec4 = Vec4; // a four-component double-precision floating-point vector pub type dvec4 = Vec4; // a four-component Boolean vector pub type bvec4 = Vec4; // a four-component signed integer vector pub type ivec4 = Vec4; // a four-component unsigned integer vector pub type uvec4 = Vec4; vec4_type!(vec4) vec4_type!(dvec4) vec4_type!(bvec4) vec4_type!(ivec4) vec4_type!(uvec4) // Rust-style type aliases pub type Vec4f = Vec4; pub type Vec4f32 = Vec4; pub type Vec4f64 = Vec4; pub type Vec4i = Vec4; pub type Vec4i8 = Vec4; pub type Vec4i16 = Vec4; pub type Vec4i32 = Vec4; pub type Vec4i64 = Vec4; pub type Vec4u = Vec4; pub type Vec4u8 = Vec4; pub type Vec4u16 = Vec4; pub type Vec4u32 = Vec4; pub type Vec4u64 = Vec4; pub type Vec4b = Vec4; vec4_type!(Vec4f) vec4_type!(Vec4f32) vec4_type!(Vec4f64) vec4_type!(Vec4i) vec4_type!(Vec4i8) vec4_type!(Vec4i16) vec4_type!(Vec4i32) vec4_type!(Vec4i64) vec4_type!(Vec4u) vec4_type!(Vec4u8) vec4_type!(Vec4u16) vec4_type!(Vec4u32) vec4_type!(Vec4u64) vec4_type!(Vec4b)