2012-11-08 13:30:00 +10:00

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use cast::transmute;
use cmp::Eq;
use num::from_int;
use ptr::to_unsafe_ptr;
use vec::raw::buf_as_slice;
use std::cmp::FuzzyEq;
use funs::exp::Exp;
use math::*;
use ncast::*;
use quaternion::{Quat, ToQuat};
use vector::{Vec2, Vec3, Vec4};
// GLSL equivalent type aliases
pub type mat2 = Mat2<f32>; /// a 2×2 single-precision floating-point matrix
pub type mat3 = Mat3<f32>; /// a 3×3 single-precision floating-point matrix
pub type mat4 = Mat4<f32>; /// a 4×4 single-precision floating-point matrix
pub type mat2x2 = Mat2<f32>; /// same as a `mat2`
// pub type mat2x3 = /// a single-precision floating-point matrix with 2 columns and 3 rows
// pub type mat2x4 = /// a single-precision floating-point matrix with 2 columns and 4 rows
// pub type mat3x2 = /// a single-precision floating-point matrix with 3 columns and 2 rows
pub type mat3x3 = Mat3<f32>; /// same as a `mat3`
// pub type mat3x4 = /// a single-precision floating-point matrix with 3 columns and 4 rows
// pub type mat4x2 = /// a single-precision floating-point matrix with 4 columns and 2 rows
// pub type mat4x3 = /// a single-precision floating-point matrix with 4 columns and 3 rows
pub type mat4x4 = Mat4<f32>; /// same as a `mat4`
pub type dmat2 = Mat2<f64>; /// a 2×2 double-precision floating-point matrix
pub type dmat3 = Mat3<f64>; /// a 3×3 double-precision floating-point matrix
pub type dmat4 = Mat4<f64>; /// a 4×4 double-precision floating-point matrix
pub type dmat2x2 = Mat2<f64>; /// same as a `dmat2`
// pub type dmat2x3 = /// a double-precision floating-point matrix with 2 columns and 3 rows
// pub type dmat2x4 = /// a double-precision floating-point matrix with 2 columns and 4 rows
// pub type dmat3x2 = /// a double-precision floating-point matrix with 3 columns and 2 rows
pub type dmat3x3 = Mat3<f64>; /// same as a `dmat3`
// pub type dmat3x4 = /// a double-precision floating-point matrix with 3 columns and 4 rows
// pub type dmat4x2 = /// a double-precision floating-point matrix with 4 columns and 2 rows
// pub type dmat4x3 = /// a double-precision floating-point matrix with 4 columns and 3 rows
pub type dmat4x4 = Mat4<f64>; /// same as a `dmat4`
pub trait Matrix<T, ColVec, RowVec> {
pure fn rows() -> uint;
pure fn cols() -> uint;
pure fn is_col_major() -> bool;
pure fn is_square() -> bool;
pure fn col(i: uint) -> ColVec;
pure fn row(i: uint) -> RowVec;
pub trait NumericMatrix<T, ColVec> {
pure fn mul_t(value: T) -> self;
pure fn mul_v(other: &ColVec) -> ColVec;
pub trait NumericMatrix_NxN<T> {
pure fn add_m(other: &self) -> self;
pure fn sub_m(other: &self) -> self;
pure fn mul_m(other: &self) -> self;
pure fn det() -> T;
pure fn invert() -> Option<self>;
pure fn transpose() -> self;
pure fn is_identity() -> bool;
pure fn is_symmetric() -> bool;
pure fn is_diagonal() -> bool;
pure fn is_rotated() -> bool;
pure fn is_invertible() -> bool;
pub trait Matrix2<T> {
pure fn to_Mat3() -> Mat3<T>;
pure fn to_Mat4() -> Mat4<T>;
pub trait Matrix3<T> {
pure fn to_Mat4() -> Mat4<T>;
pub trait Matrix4<T> {
// Mat2: A 2x2, column major matrix
pub struct Mat2<T> { x: Vec2<T>, y: Vec2<T> }
pub mod Mat2 {
pub pure fn new<T>(c0r0: T, c0r1: T,
c1r0: T, c1r1: T) -> Mat2<T> {
Mat2::from_cols(Vec2::new(move c0r0, move c0r1),
Vec2::new(move c1r0, move c1r1))
pub pure fn from_cols<T>(c0: Vec2<T>, c1: Vec2<T>) -> Mat2<T> {
Mat2 { x: move c0,
y: move c1 }
pub pure fn from_value<T:Copy NumCast>(value: T) -> Mat2<T> {
let _0 = cast(0);
Mat2::new(value, _0,
_0, value)
pub pure fn zero<T:Copy NumCast>() -> Mat2<T> {
let _0 = cast(0);
Mat2::new(_0, _0,
_0, _0)
pub pure fn identity<T:Copy NumCast>() -> Mat2<T> {
let _0 = cast(0);
let _1 = cast(1);
Mat2::new(_1, _0,
_0, _1)
pub impl<T:Copy> Mat2<T>: Matrix<T, Vec2<T>, Vec2<T>> {
pure fn rows() -> uint { 2 }
pure fn cols() -> uint { 2 }
pure fn is_col_major() -> bool { true }
pure fn is_square() -> bool { true }
pure fn col(i: uint) -> Vec2<T> { self[i] }
pure fn row(i: uint) -> Vec2<T> {
pub impl<T:Copy Num NumCast> Mat2<T>: NumericMatrix<T, Vec2<T>> {
pure fn mul_t(value: T) -> Mat2<T> {
pure fn mul_v(other: &Vec2<T>) -> Vec2<T> {
pub impl<T:Copy Num NumCast FuzzyEq> Mat2<T>: NumericMatrix_NxN<T> {
pure fn add_m(other: &Mat2<T>) -> Mat2<T> {
pure fn sub_m(other: &Mat2<T>) -> Mat2<T> {
pure fn mul_m(other: &Mat2<T>) -> Mat2<T> {
Mat2::new(self.row(0).dot(&other.col(0)), self.row(1).dot(&other.col(0)),
self.row(0).dot(&other.col(1)), self.row(1).dot(&other.col(1)))
pure fn det() -> T {
self[0][0]*self[1][1] - self[1][0]*self[0][1]
pure fn invert() -> Option<Mat2<T>> {
let _0 = cast(0);
let d = self.det();
if d.fuzzy_eq(&_0) {
} else {
Some(Mat2::new(self[1][1]/d, -self[0][1]/d,
-self[1][0]/d, self[0][0]/d))
pure fn transpose() -> Mat2<T> {
Mat2::new(self[0][0], self[1][0],
self[0][1], self[1][1])
pure fn is_identity() -> bool {
pure fn is_symmetric() -> bool {
self[0][1].fuzzy_eq(&self[1][0]) &&
pure fn is_diagonal() -> bool {
let _0 = cast(0);
self[0][1].fuzzy_eq(&_0) &&
pure fn is_rotated() -> bool {
pure fn is_invertible() -> bool {
let _0 = cast(0);
pub impl<T:Copy Num NumCast FuzzyEq> Mat2<T>: Matrix2<T> {
pure fn to_Mat3() -> Mat3<T> {
pure fn to_Mat4() -> Mat4<T> {
pub impl<T:Copy> Mat2<T>: Index<uint, Vec2<T>> {
pure fn index(i: uint) -> Vec2<T> {
unsafe { do buf_as_slice(
transmute::<*Mat2<T>, *Vec2<T>>(
to_unsafe_ptr(&self)), 2) |slice| { slice[i] }
pub impl<T:Copy Neg<T>> Mat2<T>: Neg<Mat2<T>> {
pure fn neg() -> Mat2<T> {
Mat2::from_cols(-self[0], -self[1])
// TODO: make work for T:Integer
pub impl<T:Copy FuzzyEq> Mat2<T>: Eq {
pure fn eq(other: &Mat2<T>) -> bool {
pure fn ne(other: &Mat2<T>) -> bool {
!(self == *other)
impl<T:Copy Eq> Mat2<T>: ExactEq {
pure fn exact_eq(other: &Mat2<T>) -> bool {
self[0].exact_eq(&other[0]) &&
pub impl<T:Copy FuzzyEq> Mat2<T>: FuzzyEq {
pure fn fuzzy_eq(other: &Mat2<T>) -> bool {
self[0].fuzzy_eq(&other[0]) &&
// Mat3: A 3x3, column major matrix
pub struct Mat3<T> { x: Vec3<T>, y: Vec3<T>, z: Vec3<T> }
pub mod Mat3 {
pub pure fn new<T>(c0r0:T, c0r1:T, c0r2:T,
c1r0:T, c1r1:T, c1r2:T,
c2r0:T, c2r1:T, c2r2:T) -> Mat3<T> {
Mat3::from_cols(Vec3::new(move c0r0, move c0r1, move c0r2),
Vec3::new(move c1r0, move c1r1, move c1r2),
Vec3::new(move c2r0, move c2r1, move c2r2))
pub pure fn from_cols<T>(c0: Vec3<T>, c1: Vec3<T>, c2: Vec3<T>) -> Mat3<T> {
Mat3 { x: move c0,
y: move c1,
z: move c2 }
pub pure fn from_value<T:Copy NumCast>(value: T) -> Mat3<T> {
let _0 = cast(0);
Mat3::new(value, _0, _0,
_0, value, _0,
_0, _0, value)
pub pure fn from_Mat2<T:Copy NumCast>(m: &Mat2<T>) -> Mat3<T> {
let _0 = cast(0);
let _1 = cast(1);
Mat3::new(m[0][0], m[0][1], _0,
m[1][0], m[1][1], _0,
_0, _0, _1)
pub pure fn zero<T:Copy NumCast>() -> Mat3<T> {
let _0 = cast(0);
Mat3::new(_0, _0, _0,
_0, _0, _0,
_0, _0, _0)
pub pure fn identity<T:Copy NumCast>() -> Mat3<T> {
let _0 = cast(0);
let _1 = cast(1);
Mat3::new(_1, _0, _0,
_0, _1, _0,
_0, _0, _1)
pub impl<T:Copy> Mat3<T>: Matrix<T, Vec3<T>, Vec3<T>> {
pure fn rows() -> uint { 3 }
pure fn cols() -> uint { 3 }
pure fn is_col_major() -> bool { true }
pure fn is_square() -> bool { true }
pure fn col(i: uint) -> Vec3<T> { self[i] }
pure fn row(i: uint) -> Vec3<T> {
pub impl<T:Copy Num NumCast> Mat3<T>: NumericMatrix<T, Vec3<T>> {
pure fn mul_t(value: T) -> Mat3<T> {
pure fn mul_v(other: &Vec3<T>) -> Vec3<T> {
pub impl<T:Copy Num NumCast FuzzyEq> Mat3<T>: NumericMatrix_NxN<T> {
pure fn add_m(other: &Mat3<T>) -> Mat3<T> {
pure fn sub_m(other: &Mat3<T>) -> Mat3<T> {
pure fn mul_m(other: &Mat3<T>) -> Mat3<T> {
Mat3::new(self.row(0).dot(&other.col(0)), self.row(1).dot(&other.col(0)), self.row(2).dot(&other.col(0)),
self.row(0).dot(&other.col(1)), self.row(1).dot(&other.col(1)), self.row(2).dot(&other.col(1)),
self.row(0).dot(&other.col(2)), self.row(1).dot(&other.col(2)), self.row(2).dot(&other.col(2)))
pure fn det() -> T {
// #[inline(always)]
pure fn invert() -> Option<Mat3<T>> {
let d = self.det();
let _0 = cast(0);
if d.fuzzy_eq(&_0) {
} else {
pure fn transpose() -> Mat3<T> {
Mat3::new(self[0][0], self[1][0], self[2][0],
self[0][1], self[1][1], self[2][1],
self[0][2], self[1][2], self[2][2])
pure fn is_identity() -> bool {
pure fn is_symmetric() -> bool {
self[0][1].fuzzy_eq(&self[1][0]) &&
self[0][2].fuzzy_eq(&self[2][0]) &&
self[1][0].fuzzy_eq(&self[0][1]) &&
self[1][2].fuzzy_eq(&self[2][1]) &&
self[2][0].fuzzy_eq(&self[0][2]) &&
pure fn is_diagonal() -> bool {
let _0 = cast(0);
self[0][1].fuzzy_eq(&_0) &&
self[0][2].fuzzy_eq(&_0) &&
self[1][0].fuzzy_eq(&_0) &&
self[1][2].fuzzy_eq(&_0) &&
self[2][0].fuzzy_eq(&_0) &&
pure fn is_rotated() -> bool {
pure fn is_invertible() -> bool {
let _0 = cast(0);
pub impl<T:Copy Num NumCast FuzzyEq> Mat3<T>: Matrix3<T> {
pure fn to_Mat4() -> Mat4<T> {
pub impl<T:Copy Num NumCast Ord> Mat3<T>: ToQuat<T> {
pure fn to_Quat() -> Quat<T> {
// Implemented using a mix of ideas from jMonkeyEngine and Ken Shoemake's
// paper on Quaternions:
let mut s: float;
let w: float, x: float, y: float, z: float;
let trace: float = cast(self[0][0] + self[1][1] + self[2][2]);
if trace >= from_int(0) {
s = (trace + 1f).sqrt();
w = 0.5 * s;
s = 0.5 / s;
x = (self[1][2] - self[2][1]).cast::<float>() * s;
y = (self[2][0] - self[0][2]).cast::<float>() * s;
z = (self[0][1] - self[1][0]).cast::<float>() * s;
} else if (self[0][0] > self[1][1]) && (self[0][0] > self[2][2]) {
s = (1f + (self[0][0] - self[1][1] - self[2][2]).cast::<float>()).sqrt();
w = 0.5 * s;
s = 0.5 / s;
x = (self[0][1] - self[1][0]).cast::<float>() * s;
y = (self[2][0] - self[0][2]).cast::<float>() * s;
z = (self[1][2] - self[2][1]).cast::<float>() * s;
} else if self[1][1] > self[2][2] {
s = (1f + (self[1][1] - self[0][0] - self[2][2]).cast::<float>()).sqrt();
w = 0.5 * s;
s = 0.5 / s;
x = (self[0][1] - self[1][0]).cast::<float>() * s;
y = (self[1][2] - self[2][1]).cast::<float>() * s;
z = (self[2][0] - self[0][2]).cast::<float>() * s;
} else {
s = (1f + (self[2][2] - self[0][0] - self[1][1]).cast::<float>()).sqrt();
w = 0.5 * s;
s = 0.5 / s;
x = (self[2][0] - self[0][2]).cast::<float>() * s;
y = (self[1][2] - self[2][1]).cast::<float>() * s;
z = (self[0][1] - self[1][0]).cast::<float>() * s;
Quat::new(cast(w), cast(x), cast(y), cast(z))
pub impl<T:Copy> Mat3<T>: Index<uint, Vec3<T>> {
pure fn index(i: uint) -> Vec3<T> {
unsafe { do buf_as_slice(
transmute::<*Mat3<T>, *Vec3<T>>(
to_unsafe_ptr(&self)), 3) |slice| { slice[i] }
pub impl<T:Copy Neg<T>> Mat3<T>: Neg<Mat3<T>> {
pure fn neg() -> Mat3<T> {
Mat3::from_cols(-self[0], -self[1], -self[2])
// TODO: make work for T:Integer
pub impl<T:Copy FuzzyEq> Mat3<T>: Eq {
pure fn eq(other: &Mat3<T>) -> bool {
pure fn ne(other: &Mat3<T>) -> bool {
!(self == *other)
pub impl<T:Copy Eq> Mat3<T>: ExactEq {
pure fn exact_eq(other: &Mat3<T>) -> bool {
self[0].exact_eq(&other[0]) &&
self[1].exact_eq(&other[1]) &&
pub impl<T:Copy FuzzyEq> Mat3<T>: FuzzyEq {
pure fn fuzzy_eq(other: &Mat3<T>) -> bool {
self[0].fuzzy_eq(&other[0]) &&
self[1].fuzzy_eq(&other[1]) &&
pub impl<T:Copy> Mat3<T>: ToPtr<T> {
pure fn to_ptr() -> *T {
// Mat4: A 4x4, column major matrix
pub struct Mat4<T> { x: Vec4<T>, y: Vec4<T>, z: Vec4<T>, w: Vec4<T> }
pub mod Mat4 {
pub pure fn new<T>(c0r0: T, c0r1: T, c0r2: T, c0r3: T,
c1r0: T, c1r1: T, c1r2: T, c1r3: T,
c2r0: T, c2r1: T, c2r2: T, c2r3: T,
c3r0: T, c3r1: T, c3r2: T, c3r3: T) -> Mat4<T> {
Mat4::from_cols(Vec4::new(move c0r0, move c0r1, move c0r2, move c0r3),
Vec4::new(move c1r0, move c1r1, move c1r2, move c1r3),
Vec4::new(move c2r0, move c2r1, move c2r2, move c2r3),
Vec4::new(move c3r0, move c3r1, move c3r2, move c3r3))
pub pure fn from_cols<T>(c0: Vec4<T>, c1: Vec4<T>, c2: Vec4<T>, c3: Vec4<T>) -> Mat4<T> {
Mat4 { x: move c0,
y: move c1,
z: move c2,
w: move c3 }
pub pure fn from_value<T:Copy NumCast>(value: T) -> Mat4<T> {
let _0 = cast(0);
Mat4::new(value, _0, _0, _0,
_0, value, _0, _0,
_0, _0, value, _0,
_0, _0, _0, value)
pub pure fn from_Mat2<T:Copy NumCast>(m: &Mat2<T>) -> Mat4<T> {
let _0 = cast(0);
let _1 = cast(1);
Mat4::new(m[0][0], m[0][1], _0, _0,
m[1][0], m[1][1], _0, _0,
_0, _0, _1, _0,
_0, _0, _0, _1)
pub pure fn from_Mat3<T:Copy NumCast>(m: &Mat3<T>) -> Mat4<T> {
let _0 = cast(0);
let _1 = cast(1);
Mat4::new(m[0][0], m[0][1], m[0][2], _0,
m[1][0], m[1][1], m[1][2], _0,
m[2][0], m[2][1], m[2][2], _0,
_0, _0, _0, _1)
pub pure fn zero<T:Copy NumCast>() -> Mat4<T> {
let _0 = cast(0);
Mat4::new(_0, _0, _0, _0,
_0, _0, _0, _0,
_0, _0, _0, _0,
_0, _0, _0, _0)
pub pure fn identity<T:Copy NumCast>() -> Mat4<T> {
let _0 = cast(0);
let _1 = cast(1);
Mat4::new(_1, _0, _0, _0,
_0, _1, _0, _0,
_0, _0, _1, _0,
_0, _0, _0, _1)
pub impl<T:Copy> Mat4<T>: Matrix<T, Vec4<T>, Vec4<T>> {
pure fn rows() -> uint { 4 }
pure fn cols() -> uint { 4 }
pure fn is_col_major() -> bool { true }
pure fn is_square() -> bool { true }
pure fn col(i: uint) -> Vec4<T> { self[i] }
pure fn row(i: uint) -> Vec4<T> {
pub impl<T:Copy Num NumCast FuzzyEq> Mat4<T>: NumericMatrix<T, Vec4<T>> {
pure fn mul_t(value: T) -> Mat4<T> {
pure fn mul_v(other: &Vec4<T>) -> Vec4<T> {
pub impl<T:Copy Num NumCast FuzzyEq Ord> Mat4<T>: NumericMatrix_NxN<T> {
pure fn add_m(other: &Mat4<T>) -> Mat4<T> {
pure fn sub_m(other: &Mat4<T>) -> Mat4<T> {
pure fn mul_m(other: &Mat4<T>) -> Mat4<T> {
// Surprisingly when building with optimisation turned on this is actually
// faster than writing out the matrix multiplication in expanded form.
// If you don't believe me, see ./test/performance/
Mat4::new(self.row(0).dot(&other.col(0)), self.row(1).dot(&other.col(0)), self.row(2).dot(&other.col(0)), self.row(3).dot(&other.col(0)),
self.row(0).dot(&other.col(1)), self.row(1).dot(&other.col(1)), self.row(2).dot(&other.col(1)), self.row(3).dot(&other.col(1)),
self.row(0).dot(&other.col(2)), self.row(1).dot(&other.col(2)), self.row(2).dot(&other.col(2)), self.row(3).dot(&other.col(2)),
self.row(0).dot(&other.col(3)), self.row(1).dot(&other.col(3)), self.row(2).dot(&other.col(3)), self.row(3).dot(&other.col(3)))
pure fn det() -> T {
self[0][0]*Mat3::new(self[1][1], self[2][1], self[3][1],
self[1][2], self[2][2], self[3][2],
self[1][3], self[2][3], self[3][3]).det() -
self[1][0]*Mat3::new(self[0][1], self[2][1], self[3][1],
self[0][2], self[2][2], self[3][2],
self[0][3], self[2][3], self[3][3]).det() +
self[2][0]*Mat3::new(self[0][1], self[1][1], self[3][1],
self[0][2], self[1][2], self[3][2],
self[0][3], self[1][3], self[3][3]).det() -
self[3][0]*Mat3::new(self[0][1], self[1][1], self[2][1],
self[0][2], self[1][2], self[2][2],
self[0][3], self[1][3], self[2][3]).det()
pure fn invert() -> Option<Mat4<T>> {
let d = self.det();
let _0 = cast(0);
if d.fuzzy_eq(&_0) {
} else {
// Gauss Jordan Elimination with partial pivoting
let mut a = self.transpose();
let mut inv = Mat4::identity::<T>();
// Find largest pivot column j among rows j..3
uint::range(0, 4, |j| {
let mut i1 = j;
uint::range(j + 1, 4, |i| {
// There should really be a generic abs function
let one = a[i][j];
let two = a[i1][j];
if one < _0 && two < _0 && -one > -two {
i1 = i;
} else if one > _0 && two > _0 && one > two {
i1 = i;
} else if one < _0 && two > _0 && -one > two {
i1 = i;
} else if one > _0 && two < _0 && one > -two {
i1 = i;
// Swap rows i1 and j in a and inv to
// put pivot on diagonal
let c = [mut a.x, a.y, a.z, a.w];
c[i1] <-> c[j];
a = Mat4::from_cols(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
let c = [mut inv.x, inv.y, inv.z, inv.w];
c[i1] <-> c[j];
inv = Mat4::from_cols(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
// Scale row j to have a unit diagonal
let c = [mut inv.x, inv.y, inv.z, inv.w];
c[j] = c[j].div_t(a[j][j]);
inv = Mat4::from_cols(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
let c = [mut a.x, a.y, a.z, a.w];
c[j] = c[j].div_t(a[j][j]);
a = Mat4::from_cols(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
// Eliminate off-diagonal elems in col j of a,
// doing identical ops to inv
uint::range(0, 4, |i| {
if i != j {
let c = [mut inv.x, inv.y, inv.z, inv.w];
c[i] = c[i].sub_v(&c[j].mul_t(a[i][j]));
inv = Mat4::from_cols(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
let c = [mut a.x, a.y, a.z, a.w];
c[i] = c[i].sub_v(&c[j].mul_t(a[i][j]));
a = Mat4::from_cols(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]);
pure fn transpose() -> Mat4<T> {
Mat4::new(self[0][0], self[1][0], self[2][0], self[3][0],
self[0][1], self[1][1], self[2][1], self[3][1],
self[0][2], self[1][2], self[2][2], self[3][2],
self[0][3], self[1][3], self[2][3], self[3][3])
pure fn is_identity() -> bool {
pure fn is_symmetric() -> bool {
self[0][1].fuzzy_eq(&self[1][0]) &&
self[0][2].fuzzy_eq(&self[2][0]) &&
self[0][3].fuzzy_eq(&self[3][0]) &&
self[1][0].fuzzy_eq(&self[0][1]) &&
self[1][2].fuzzy_eq(&self[2][1]) &&
self[1][3].fuzzy_eq(&self[3][1]) &&
self[2][0].fuzzy_eq(&self[0][2]) &&
self[2][1].fuzzy_eq(&self[1][2]) &&
self[2][3].fuzzy_eq(&self[3][2]) &&
self[3][0].fuzzy_eq(&self[0][3]) &&
self[3][1].fuzzy_eq(&self[1][3]) &&
pure fn is_diagonal() -> bool {
let _0 = cast(0);
self[0][1].fuzzy_eq(&_0) &&
self[0][2].fuzzy_eq(&_0) &&
self[0][3].fuzzy_eq(&_0) &&
self[1][0].fuzzy_eq(&_0) &&
self[1][2].fuzzy_eq(&_0) &&
self[1][3].fuzzy_eq(&_0) &&
self[2][0].fuzzy_eq(&_0) &&
self[2][1].fuzzy_eq(&_0) &&
self[2][3].fuzzy_eq(&_0) &&
self[3][0].fuzzy_eq(&_0) &&
self[3][1].fuzzy_eq(&_0) &&
pure fn is_rotated() -> bool {
pure fn is_invertible() -> bool {
let _0 = cast(0);
pub impl<T> Mat4<T>: Matrix4<T> {
pub impl<T:Copy> Mat4<T>: Index<uint, Vec4<T>> {
pure fn index(i: uint) -> Vec4<T> {
unsafe { do buf_as_slice(
transmute::<*Mat4<T>, *Vec4<T>>(
to_unsafe_ptr(&self)), 4) |slice| { slice[i] }
pub impl<T:Copy Neg<T>> Mat4<T>: Neg<Mat4<T>> {
pure fn neg() -> Mat4<T> {
Mat4::from_cols(-self[0], -self[1], -self[2], -self[3])
// TODO: make work for T:Integer
pub impl<T:Copy FuzzyEq> Mat4<T>: Eq {
pure fn eq(other: &Mat4<T>) -> bool {
pure fn ne(other: &Mat4<T>) -> bool {
!(self == *other)
pub impl<T:Copy Eq> Mat4<T>: ExactEq {
pure fn exact_eq(other: &Mat4<T>) -> bool {
self[0].exact_eq(&other[0]) &&
self[1].exact_eq(&other[1]) &&
self[2].exact_eq(&other[2]) &&
pub impl<T:Copy FuzzyEq> Mat4<T>: FuzzyEq {
pure fn fuzzy_eq(other: &Mat4<T>) -> bool {
self[0].fuzzy_eq(&other[0]) &&
self[1].fuzzy_eq(&other[1]) &&
self[2].fuzzy_eq(&other[2]) &&
pub impl<T:Copy> Mat4<T>: ToPtr<T> {
pure fn to_ptr() -> *T {