
206 lines
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2012-09-07 10:48:47 +00:00
import std::cmp::FuzzyEq;
import cmp::Ord;
import num::Num;
import to_str::ToStr;
import mat::*;
import vec::*;
// TODO: Unittests! I've probably made lots of mistakes...
// Quaternion
trait Quaternion<T:Num Ord FuzzyEq> {
pure fn dim() -> uint;
pure fn index(&&index:uint) -> T;
fn w() -> T;
fn x() -> T;
fn y() -> T;
fn z() -> T;
pure fn neg() -> self;
pure fn mul_f(&&value:T) -> self;
pure fn div_f(&&value:T) -> self;
// pure fn mul_v(&&vec3) -> vec3;
pure fn add_q(&&other:self) -> self;
pure fn sub_q(&&other:self) -> self;
pure fn mul_q(&&other:self) -> self;
pure fn exact_eq(&&other:self) -> bool;
pure fn fuzzy_eq(&&other:self) -> bool;
pure fn eq(&&other:self) -> bool;
pure fn conjugate() -> self;
pure fn inverse() -> self;
pure fn magnitude2() -> T;
pure fn magnitude() -> T;
pure fn to_mat3() -> mat3;
pure fn to_mat4() -> mat4;
// Quat struct definition
struct quat { data:[float * 4] }
// Quat Constructor
pure fn quat(w:float, x:float, y:float, z:float) -> quat {
quat { data: [ w, x, y, z ] }
// Quaternion Implementation
impl quat<float> {
pure fn dim() -> uint { 4 }
pure fn index(&&i: uint) -> float {[i]
pure fn neg() -> quat {
quat(-self[0], -self[1], -self[2], -self[3])
#[inline(always)] fn w() -> float {[0] }
#[inline(always)] fn x() -> float {[1] }
#[inline(always)] fn y() -> float {[2] }
#[inline(always)] fn z() -> float {[3] }
pure fn mul_f(&&value:float) -> quat {
quat(self[0] * value,
self[1] * value,
self[2] * value,
self[3] * value)
pure fn div_f(&&value:float) -> quat {
quat(self[0] / value,
self[1] / value,
self[2] / value,
self[3] / value)
pure fn add_q(&&other:quat) -> quat{
quat(self[0] + other[0],
self[1] + other[1],
self[2] + other[2],
self[3] + other[3])
pure fn sub_q(&&other:quat) -> quat{
quat(self[0] - other[0],
self[1] - other[1],
self[2] - other[2],
self[3] - other[3])
pure fn mul_q(&&other:quat) -> quat {
quat(self.w()*other.w() - self.x()*other.x() - self.y()*other.y() - self.z()*other.z(),
self.w()*other.x() + self.x()*other.w() + self.y()*other.z() - self.z()*other.y(),
self.w()*other.y() + self.y()*other.w() + self.z()*other.x() - self.x()*other.z(),
self.w()*other.z() + self.z()*other.w() + self.x()*other.y() - self.y()*other.x())
pure fn exact_eq(&&other:quat) -> bool {
self[0] == other[0] &&
self[1] == other[1] &&
self[2] == other[2] &&
self[3] == other[3]
pure fn fuzzy_eq(&&other: quat) -> bool {
self[0].fuzzy_eq(&other[0]) &&
self[1].fuzzy_eq(&other[1]) &&
self[2].fuzzy_eq(&other[2]) &&
pure fn eq(&&other:quat) -> bool {
pure fn conjugate() -> quat {
quat(self.w(), -self.x(), -self.y(), -self.z());
pure fn inverse() -> quat {
pure fn magnitude2() -> float {
self.w() * self.w() +
self.x() * self.x() +
self.y() * self.y() +
self.z() * self.z()
pure fn magnitude() -> float {
pure fn to_mat3() -> mat3 {
let x2 = self.x() + self.x();
let y2 = self.y() + self.y();
let z2 = self.z() + self.z();
let xx2 = x2 * self.x();
let xy2 = x2 * self.y();
let xz2 = x2 * self.z();
let yy2 = y2 * self.y();
let yz2 = y2 * self.z();
let zz2 = z2 * self.z();
let wy2 = y2 * self.w();
let wz2 = z2 * self.w();
let wx2 = x2 * self.w();
return mat3(1 - yy2 - zz2, xy2 - wz2, xz2 + wy2,
xy2 + wz2, 1 - xx2 - zz2, yz2 - wx2,
xz2 - wy2, yz2 + wx2, 1 - xx2 - yy2);
pure fn to_mat4() -> mat4 {
// Convert To String
impl quat: ToStr {
fn to_str() -> ~str {
fmt!("quat[ %f, %f, %f, %f ]", self.w(), self.x(), self.y(), self.z())